NPK Biofertilizers

32 products

  • Sale -38% Multiplex Trishul (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) - Liquid Crops Multiplex Trishul (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Trishul (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) - Liquid

    Mode of Application: Seed Treatment, Seedling Dip, Sett Treatment, Soil Application. Product Description: Multiplex Trishul contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), which in symbiotic association with root system helps in better absorption of phosphorous, water and other essential plant nutrients in easily usable organic form. Trishul produces wide range of plant growth promoting substances like IAA, IBA, GA. which helps in healthy growth of plants. Dosage:  Seed treatment : Mix 5 to 10 ml of Multiplex Trishul with sufficient quantity of water and treat One kg of seeds. Seedling Dipping: Mix 50 to 100 ml of Multiplex Trishul in 10 to 20 ltrs. of water and dip the seedling roots for 30 minutes before transplanting. Sett treatment: Mix 250 to 500 ml of Multiplex Trishul in 100 ltrs. of water and dip the setts for 30 minutes before planting in the field. Soil application: Mix 750 to 1000 ml or 4.0 kg of Multiplex Trishul with 30 to 40 kg of Farm Yard Manure (FYM). For horticultural crops: Apply 750 ml to 1.5 ltrs. of Multiplex Trishul at the active root zone directly in the early season for field trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees through drip irrigation per acre or 100 gm of Multiplex Trishul per tree. For vines, mix 750 ml to 1.5 ltrs. of Multiplex Trishul in 100 to 150 ltrs. of water per acre.

    Rs. 105.00 - Rs. 350.00

  • Sale -49% Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Nalpak can be used in Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Nalpak Liquid is a blend of various beneficial bacteria like nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), phosphate solubilizers and potash mobilizers. It helps in fixing of nitrogen, solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and potassium respectively and increases crop yield. It helps in better utilization of applied major plant nutrients. Dosage: Use Multiplex Nalpak @ 500 ml liquid or 5 kg of powder to be mixed with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast.

    Rs. 46.00 - Rs. 2,640.00

  • Multiplex Trishul (Bio Fertilizer) - Powder Crops Multiplex Trishul (Bio Fertilizer) - Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Trishul (Bio Fertilizer) - Powder 1KG x 2

    Technical Content: Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) Mode of Application: Seed Treatment, Seedling Dip, Sett Treatment, Soil Application. Product Description: Multiplex Trishul contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), which in symbiotic association with root system helps in better absorption of phosphorous, water and other essential plant nutrients in easily usable organic form. It produces wide range of plant growth promoting substances like IAA, IBA, GA. which helps in healthy growth of plants. Dosage:  For liquid based:  • For Carrier based (Granular – Powder): 8 kg / acre • Seeds Treatment:1 to 2 kg of TRISHUL with Rice Ganji (1:1) to make a thick slurry. The seeds required for an acre of land should be coated with the slurry and shade dry the seeds for 30 mins before sowing. • Soil Application for Nursery:  1 to 2 kg Multiplex TRISHUL with 50 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery of one acre. • Soil Application Main Field: 4 to 5kg Multiplex TRISHUL with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast to one acre.

    Rs. 200.00

  • Sale -44% Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid Crops Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Rhizobium Mode of Application: Seed treatment, Root dip, Soil application and Drip irrgation. Product Description: In crops like Ground nut, Bengal gram, Cow pea, Green gram and Soya bean it leaves behind 20 to 30 kg nitrogen per hectare for succeeding crop , It increases the yield by about 15 to 20 %. /Targeted crops: Leguminous crop like Beans, Soybean, Cluster Beans, Cow Pea, Red Gram, Green Gram, Black Gram, Ground nut and many more legume crops. Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre | For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre, Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 g Multiplex Sunrise in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing, Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Multiplex Sunrise in 50 liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml Multiplex Sunrise with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. Main Field/ Soil Application: Mix 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of Multiplex Sunrise mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres Multiplex Sunrise in 200 liter water and irrigate through drip or for 1 acre.

    Rs. 31.00 - Rs. 1,783.00

  • Sale -31% Multiplex Organic Magik (Liquid) Crops Multiplex Organic Magik  (Liquid)

    Multiplex Multiplex Organic Magik (Liquid)

    Phosphate solubilizing fungal Bio-Fertilizer along with PGPR bacterial consortium Mode of Application: Soil application and drip irrigation Product Description: Natural way of suppressing soil-borne pathogens, Enhances natural decomposition process in soil, Helps in solubilizing/mobilizing the fixed nutrients form soil rhizosphere, thereby increasing uptake of nutrients by plants,Produces plant growth promoting hormones there by improve plant health,Improves crop yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres / acre,  Aqueous suspension - Drip irrigation at the rate of 1 to 2 litres per acre by diluting in 400 liters of water. For long duration crops, application can be repeated at 60 days interval.  Foliar Application - Apply at the rate of 2 to 5 ml per Lt of water, 2 to 3 sprays at 15 days intervals.

    Rs. 256.00 - Rs. 5,170.00

  • Sale -48% Multiplex Durga (PSB) Liquid All crops Multiplex Durga (PSB) Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Durga (PSB) Liquid

    Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Durga contains several soil borne bacteria, particularly those belonging to the genera Bacillus megaterium. This bacterium can solubilize inorganic phosphate in the soil by releasing organic acids and make it available to plants.It also suppresses the growth of plant disease causing fungus.It produces plant growth promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml or 2 kg of Multiplex Durga with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast

    Rs. 42.00 - Rs. 1,783.00

  • Sale -13% Multiplex Organic Magik Bio Fertilizer Decomposer & Plant Growth Promoter Granular Crops Multiplex Organic Magik Bio Fertilizer Decomposer & Plant Growth Promoter Granular

    Multiplex Multiplex Organic Magik Bio Fertilizer Decomposer & Plant Growth Promoter Granular

    Phosphate solubilizing fungal Bio-Fertilizer along with PGPR bacterial consortium Mode of Application: Soil application  Product Description: Natural way of suppressing soil-borne pathogens, Enhances natural decomposition process in soil, Helps in solubilizing/mobilizing the fixed nutrients form soil rhizosphere, thereby increasing uptake of nutrients by plants, Produces plant growth promoting hormones there by improve plant health, Improves crop yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: Granules - Apply 5 kg Organic Magik directly to soil by broadcasting method/spot application. For long duration crops apply once in three months.  For long duration crops, application can be repeated at 60 days interval. 

    Rs. 286.00 - Rs. 1,370.25

  • Sale -42% Multiplex Zinc-B (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria)-Liquid - Agriplex Multiplex Zinc-B Bio Fertilizer

    Multiplex Multiplex Zinc-B (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria)-Liquid

    1 review

    Product Description Multiplex Zinc-B contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria.These bacteria improve the plant growth and development by colonizing the rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into simpler ones, thus making zinc available to the plants. Zinc solubilizing microorganisms solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification Active Ingredients: Multiplex Zinc-B contains Pseudomonas straiata (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 5x107 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode Of Action: Multiplex Zinc-B contains Zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) that are capable of solubilizing insoluble zinc containing compounds/ minerals in soil and makes it available for the plants. This bacterial based product that solubilises Zinc has shown promising result in various crops in improving yield and plant vigour. Crop: Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugarcane, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal plants, Aromatic plants, Orchards and Ornamentals. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: • For liquid based: 1 litre/ acre • For Carrier based (Granular – Powder): 4 kg / acre • Root Dipping: Mix 250 ml of Multiplex ZINC-B in 50 litres of water and dip the roots of seedlings for 20 to 30 minutes before transplanting. • Drip Irrigation: Use Multiplex ZINC-B at 1 litre per acre either individually or by mixing with other ingredients during drip irrigation of both field and protected cultivation. • Soil Application: Multiplex ZINC-B should be used as soil application. Mix 4 Kg or 1 litre of Multiplex ZINC-B with 30 kg of Multiplex Annapurna / Farmyard Manure and apply over one acre of land. Benefits: Multiplex ZINC-B effectively solubilizes insoluble zinc containing compounds/ minerals of the soil and makes it available for the plants and makes it assimilable in plants. Improves both plant and soil health and aids in soil remediation. Eliminates Zinc deficiency in plants. Improves yield both by quality and quantity. Use Multiplex ZINC-B along with other NPK fixing/ solubilizing bacteria so that there will be an added effect on growth and yield. Precautions: Do not mix with fungicides, bactericides and chemicals.

    Rs. 49.00 - Rs. 2,067.00

  • Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Powder Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Azospirilium brasilensis Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Aadhar is a Bio-fertilizer that contains Azospirillum spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Aadhar with 100 kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplant/sowing.

    Rs. 200.00

  • Multiplex Shakti Bio Fertilizer - Agriplex Multiplex Shakti Bio Fertilizer

    Multiplex Multiplex Shakti Bio Fertilizer - 1 KG

    Active Ingredients: Frateuria aurentia (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 5x107 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode Of Action: Multiplex SHAKTI utilizes carbon source from the soil or from root exudates and mobilizes the fixed and unused potash content in the soil into its simpler & ionic form which gets readily available for the better growth of plants. Crop: All types of crops. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: • For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre • For Carrier based (Granular – Powder): 4 to 5 kg / acre • Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 gm SHAKTI in 500 ml rice starch (Ganji)/ 500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing. • Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml SHAKTI in 50liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. • Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml SHAKTI with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. • Main Field/ Soil Application: 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of SHAKTI mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. • Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres SHAKTI in 200-liter water and irrigate through drip for 1 acre Benefits: • Helps to mobilize the potassium from soil to Plants, there by promoting photosynthesis and transpiration. • Improves tolerance of plants of various stress/drought. • Reported to enhance the yield of 10 to 20%. • Application of 25% of chemical potassium fertilizer can be reduce • This bacteria survives in the pH range of 5 to 11 and temperature range of 35 to 420C. • Multiplex Shakti is recommended for all types of soils (highly acidic as well as alkaline) and all types of crops. Precautions: SHAKTI should not be mixed with insecticide, fungicide or weedicide.

    Rs. 105.00

  • Sale -48% Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) Liquid Crops Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) Liquid

    Technical Content: Multiplex Sagar Contains: Trichoderma viride, Phanorochyte chrysosporium, Aspergillus awamori. Nutrient enhancer: Azotobacter choococcum and Bacillus megaterium (Min. 1x 108 CFU /ml in Liquid Based & min. 5 x 107 CFU /gm in Carrier Based). Mode of Action: Sagar Polyculture, Fungal spore when mixed with organic waste material gets activated and multiply many folds. During their growth, they utilize carbon source and secrete certain enzymes which helps to degrade the lignin and cellulose content of organic content by decomposition. Product Description: Multiplex Sagar helps in Faster decomposition of organic matter ,The beneficial bacterial population helps to enrich the decomposed material with nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus to make it a complete food for the plant. Dosage: First spread the press mud/agriculture waste in one corner of main agricultural field, up to 1.5 to 2 ft height. Apply water just to moisten the press mud/ paddy/ wheat straw. Mix 1 kg or 200 to 500 ml of SAGAR compost polyculture in 10 litre of water and spray on one ton of compost material. Above this heap add press mud/ agriculture wastes to a height of another 2 ft and repeat the application of water and culture. Make another layer apply water and culture. After 30 days give one turn and if necessary, add some quantity of water. After 45 days the compost is ready for application to field.

    Rs. 42.00 - Rs. 1,683.00

  • Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder All crops Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Durga (PSB) Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Bacillus megaterium Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Durga contains several soil borne bacteria, particularly those belonging to the genera Bacillus megaterium. This bacterium can solubilize inorganic phosphate in the soil by releasing organic acids and make it available to plants. It also suppresses the growth of plant disease causing fungus. It produces plant growth promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml or 2 kg of Multiplex Durga Liquid with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast

    Rs. 200.00

  • Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) - Powder Crops Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) - Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Sagar (Polyculture) Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Multiplex Sagar is Decomposer and contains: Trichoderma viride, Phanorochyte chrysosporium, Aspergillus awamori. Nutrient enhancer: Azotobacter choococcum and Bacillus megaterium (Min. 1x 108 CFU /ml in Liquid Based & min. 5 x 107 CFU /gm in Carrier Based). Mode of Action: Fungal spore present in Sagar (polyculture) when mixed with organic waste material gets activated and multiply many folds. During their growth, they utilize carbon source and secrete certain enzymes which helps to degrade the lignin and cellulose content of organic content by decomposition. Product Description: Sagar Helps in Faster decomposition of organic matter ,The beneficial bacterial population helps to enrich the decomposed material with nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus to make it a complete food for the plant. Dosage: First spread the press mud/agriculture waste in one corner of main agricultural field, up to 1.5 to 2 ft height. Apply water just to moisten the press mud/ paddy/ wheat straw. Mix 1 kg or 200 to 500 ml of SAGAR compost polyculture in 10 litre of water and spray on one ton of compost material. Above this heap add press mud/ agriculture wastes to a height of another 2 ft and repeat the application of water and culture. Make another layer apply water and culture. After 30 days give one turn and if necessary, add some quantity of water. After 45 days the compost is ready for application to field.

    Rs. 200.00

  • Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Powder Crops Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Powder

    Multiplex Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Azotobacter sp Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Azab is a Bio-fertilizer Powder that contains Azotobacter spp. a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in powder form. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce more beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml of Multiplex Azab with 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplanting / sowing.

    Rs. 200.00

  • Sale -48% Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid Crops Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Azotobacter sp Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Azab is a Bio-fertilizer Liquid that contains Azotobacter spp. a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in liquid form. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce more beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml of Multiplex Azab with 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplanting / sowing.

    Rs. 42.00 - Rs. 1,783.00

  • Multiplex Sunrise (Bio Fertilizer) Multiplex Sunrise (Bio Fertilizer)

    Multiplex Multiplex Sunrise (Bio Fertilizer) Powder - 1 KG x 2

    Technical Content: Rhizobium Mode of Application: Seed treatment, Root dip, Soil application and Drip irrgation. Product Description: In crops like Ground nut, Bengal gram, Cow pea, Green gram and Soya bean it leaves behind 20 to 30 kg nitrogen per hectare for succeeding crop , It increases the yield by about 15 to 20 %. /Targeted crops: Leguminous crop like Beans, Soybean, Cluster Beans, Cow Pea, Red Gram, Green Gram, Black Gram, Ground nut and many more legume crops. Dosage:  For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre, Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 g Multiplex Sunrise in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing, Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Multiplex Sunrise in 50 liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml Multiplex Sunrise with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. Main Field/ Soil Application: Mix 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of Multiplex Sunrise mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres Multiplex Sunrise in 200 liter water and irrigate through drip or for 1 acre.

    Rs. 200.00

  • Sale -48% Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid  All crops Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Azospirilium brasilensis Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Aadhar is a Bio-fertilizer that contains Azospirillum spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Aadhar with 100 kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplant/sowing.

    Rs. 42.00 - Rs. 1,783.00

  • Anand Dr Bacto's Fast D (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 500.00

  • Anand Agro Dr Bacto's Psb (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 536.00

  • Anand Agro Dr Bacto's Vam (Bio Fertlizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 536.00

  • Dr Bacto's Bio Zinc (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 585.00

  • Anand Agro Instafert Combi - Fertilizers - Agriplex

    Rs. 535.00 - Rs. 1,050.00

  • Anand Agro Insta Bor 20% - Fertilizers - Agriplex

    Rs. 265.00 - Rs. 485.00

  • Anand Dr Bacto's Combo (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 535.00 - Rs. 5,350.00

  • Anand Agro Dr Bacto's Glucon (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 485.00

  • Anand Agro Dr. Bacto's 5g Kmb (Bio Fertilizers) - Agriplex

    Rs. 784.00

  • Anand Dr Bacto's Azo (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 457.00

  • Anand Agro Dr Bacto's Nitrous (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 486.00

  • Anand Agro Dr Bacto's Rhizon (Bio Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Rs. 486.00

  • Anand Agro Care Dr Bacto's Kmb Bio Fertilizer - Agriplex

    Rs. 536.00

  • Revital F 98% Organic Fertilizer - Agriplex

    Rs. 1,353.00

  • Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk - Agriplex Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk - Agriplex

    Samruddi Samruddi Bio Rich Organic Npk

    Chemical Composition : Sea Weed Extract 7-11% Moringa Extract 7-11% Pine Oil 1-2% Highly bio available nutrients Increases yields at all the stages of plant life, increases resistance to diseases and climate stress improves crop quality, gives longer shelf life of produce. 1.After Mixing the solution should be used same day. 2. Spraying should cover the complete plant area 3. Effective on all types of Crops Dosage : Use Samruddi Bio Rich 1.5-2 ml per litre of Water or 300ml to 400ml per acre- once in 10 - 20 days.

    Rs. 55.75 - Rs. 270.00

NPK biofertilizers are a type of organic fertilizer that contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), along with beneficial microbes. The microbes in NPK biofertilizers help to improve the soil health and make the nutrients in the fertilizer more available to plants. 

Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and development. It is used to make proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll. Phosphorus is important for cell division and energy production. Potassium is involved in water transport, photosynthesis, and resistance to stress. 

The microbes in NPK biofertilizers can fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus, and mobilize potassium. Nitrogen fixation is the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Phosphorus solubilization is the process of making insoluble phosphorus in the soil available to plants. Potassium mobilization is the process of making potassium that is bound to soil particles available to plants. 

In addition to providing nutrients to plants, NPK biofertilizers can also improve soil health. They can help to reduce soil acidity, increase soil organic matter, and improve water infiltration. NPK biofertilizers can also help to suppress plant diseases and pests. 

NPK biofertilizers are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to fertilize crops. They can help to improve crop yields, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and improve soil health. 

Here are some of the benefits of using NPK biofertilizers: 

  • Improve crop yields 
  • Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers 
  • Improve soil health 
  • Suppress plant diseases and pests 
  • Increase drought tolerance 
  • Improve the quality of fruits and vegetables 

If you are looking for a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to fertilize your crops, then NPK biofertilizers are a good option. They can help you to improve crop yields, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and improve soil health. 

Here are some places where you can buy NPK biofertilizers in Bengaluru, Karnataka: 

  • KS Bio Sciences 
  • Karnataka Agro Chemicals Multiplex Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd. 
  • Sowparnika Agro Private Limited 

When choosing an NPK biofertilizer, it is important to select one that is appropriate for the type of crop you are growing and the soil conditions in your area. You should also read the label carefully to make sure that the product is free of harmful chemicals. 

If you are looking for a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to fertilize your crops, then NPK biofertilizers are a good option. They can help you to improve crop yields, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and improve soil health. 

When choosing an NPK biofertilizer, it is important to select one that is appropriate for the type of crop you are growing and the soil conditions in your area. You should also read the label carefully to make sure that the product is free of harmful chemicals. 



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