Multiplex Multiplex Sparsha (Pseudomonas Fluorescens) - Powder
Product Description: Multiplex Sparsha effectively controls soil-borne pathogens causing Bacterial and fungal wilts. Suppresses the plant-parasitic nematodes specifically Root-knot nematodes infecting Tomato and Okra. Pseudomonas fluorescens is also called as PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria)as it enhances plant growth and yields significantly. Multiplex Sparsha Triggers the natural immunity in the plants. Technical Content - Multiplex Sparsha Pseudomonas fluorescens (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 1 x 108 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode of Action: The mechanism of suppression is done by competition of nutrients or chemical antibiosis where the total ecosystem gets modified in favor of beneficial microbes by producing certain secondary metabolites and resulting into depletion of the pathogenic fungal and bacterial population. Besides, Pseudomonas fluorescens in Multiplex Sparsha also helps to enhance the availability of chelated iron in the rhizosphere which builds up plant innate immunity to fight against pathogens, known as ISR (Induced systemic resistance) Dosage: For Liquid-Based: Use Multiplex Sparsha 1 liter per acre For Carrier-Based:Use Multiplex Sparsha 5 kg per acre Target Crop - Cereals, Vegetables, Pulses, Oilseeds, spice crops, plantations crops, horticulture crops etc. Target Disease - Ralstonia solanacearum, Erwinia caratavora, Root knot nematodes, Cyst nematodes, Bacterial Wilt
Rs. 67.00 - Rs. 144.00
Multiplex Multiplex Plant Aid (Root Enhancer) PGI
Technical Content: Multi Micronutrients Multiplex Plant Aid contains mixture of, Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), Indole Butyricacid (IBA), Gibberlic acid (GA3) and Alpha Napthyl Acetic acid which are rootgrowth hormones and hence stimulates profuse root growth. It increases the rootlength, branching and density of root hairs. Dosage: • For Root Dipping: Dissolve 1 gram of Multiplex Plant Aid in one liter of waterand dip the cuttings for 30 minutes before planting.• For Nursery Beds: Dissolve 1 gram of Multiplex Plant Aid in one liter of waterand drench the solution on the nursery bed.• Drip Irrigation: Dissolve 100 to 200 grams in 200 liters of water and feed theplot through drip for one acre.
Rs. 166.00 - Rs. 310.00
Multiplex Multiplex Bactinash-200 (Bactericide)
Product description: Multiplex Bactinash-200 is An immunomodulator of plants. Contact bactericide and bacteriostatic. Bactinash can be used to control bacterial disease like Black Arm, Angular leaf Spot, Bacterial wilt, Bacterial wort, Bacterial leaf blight, Fire blight, Seedling blight, Twig blight, Crown Gall, Sheath Rot, StemRot and Tuber Soft Rot, Stem and Fruit Canker in crops like cotton, citrus, paddy, beetlevine, vegetables. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 2 BROMO 2 NITRO-PROPANE- 1,3 DIOL; 95 % w/w Dosage: Use Multiplex Bactinash 0.3 -0.5 g/liter of water for spray or drenching
Rs. 49.00 - Rs. 639.00
Multiplex Multiplex Ginger Special (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 8 KG
Technical Content: Multi Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Soil Application. Product Description: Multiplex Ginger Special is a multi–micronutrient mixture in powder form containing essential nutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees. It provides better fruiting and yield of ginger crop Dosage: Soil application - Use Multiplex Ginger Special 5 kg per acre at 30 and 90 days after sowing.
Rs. 822.15
Multiplex Multiplex Kranti Micronutrient Fertilizer - (Complete Plant Food)
Product Description Multiplex Kranti is a complete plant food that contains all essential Major nutrients like N,P,K, Secondary Nutrient Ca, Mg, S and multi-micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced quantity. Benefits Multiplex Kranti increases the initial vigor of plants and induces resistance to disease & pests. It helps plants to resist environmental stress in a better way, improves significantly the growth, yield and quality of the produce. Remarkable visual impact can be seen within 6.7 days after the spray. Multiplex kranti is compatible with most of the pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers that are commonly used. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray / or Drip Irrigation Target Crop - All Crops Dosage: Multiplex Kranti can be used for both Foliar and Drip Irrigation For Foliar spray - use Multiplex Kranti , 2 ml per liter of water NOTE - For better result it is advisable to use suitable wetting and dispersing agent like Multiplex Maxiwet 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution of Multiplex Kranti
Rs. 144.00 - Rs. 4,449.00
Multiplex Multiplex Flower Booster (Liquid)
Product Description: Multiplex Flower Booster is multi nutrient liquid fertilizer which contains essential nutrients like Mg, Ca, B, Zn etc. required for better flowering. Flower Booster increases the size and number of flowers. It maintains the original color, aroma and keeping quality of cut flowers after harvest, which includes other flowers in general. Dosage: Use Multiplex Flower Booster 4 gm or 4 ml per liter of water.
Rs. 105.00 - Rs. 319.00
Multiplex Multiplex Nisarga (Trichoderma Viride) - Powder
Product Description: Multiplex Nisarga Contains Trichoderma Viride and Acts as a Bio Fungicide. It Controls seeds and soil-borne diseases like root rot, damping-off, fungal wilts, etc occurring in vegetables, fruit crops, field crops, pulses and plantation crops. Multiplex Nisarga also effectively controls Ganoderma wilts in Arecanuts and Coconuts. Technical Content : Multiplex Nisarga Liquid contains Trichoderma viride 1.5% w.p / Trichoderma viride 5% L.F (Min. 2x106 CFU/ml for Liquid Based & min. 2x106 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode of Action: Multiplex Nisarga is a Bio Fungicide, which contains Trichoderma Viride in powder form. Nisarga is a potential fungal bioagent can also suppress other pathogenic fungi by means of antibiosis (Suppression by means of secondary metabolites) and competition for nutrients. Multiplex Nisarga secretes Cellulase and Chitinase enzymes which destroy the cell wall of the disease-causing pathogenic fungi or bacteria resulting in suppression of pathogenic load. Target Disease - root/collar/ stem rot, damping off, wilt & blight diseases Target crop - Vegetable crops, fruit crops, field crops, pulses and plantation crops. Dosage - Foliar application: Dissolve @ 1ML or 3G of Multiplex Nisarga in one litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf during evening hours.Soil application: Mix @ 100 ml or 1 – 2KG of Multiplex Nisarga in 100KG of FYM or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast on one acre.
Rs. 98.00 - Rs. 204.00
Multiplex Multiplex Molybdenum (Micro Nutrient Fertilizer)
Mode of Application: Multiplex Molybdenum Can be used for Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Molybdenum Contains , Molybdenum 52% in form of Ammonium Molybdate. Molybdenum increases Nitrogen fixation, enhances absorption of other nutrients from the soil for Plants .Seed treatment with molybdenum is beneficial for all types of leguminous plants / vegetables. Early applications of Molybdenum to cucumber, water melon etc., increases yield. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve Multiplex Molybdenum 0.5 g in one liter of water and spray on leaves liberally 30 days after germination / transplantation. Seed Treatment: Apply Multiplex Molybdenum 10 g per kg of seed. Use Multiplex Maxiwet/ Multiplex Nagastha - 180 as sticking/ spreading agent for better absorption
Rs. 202.00 - Rs. 966.00
Multiplex Multiplex Maxiwet (Wetting Agent)
Product Description: Multiplex Maxiwet helps in Better and immediate absorption of Insecticides or fungicides or micronutrients or other fertilizers when sprayed with Multiplex Maxiwet as Maxiwet works as a spreading, penetrating and sticking agent. This will help to avoid drain off. It can also be used with herbicides for maximum coverage and can effectively control the weeds. Maxiwet can also be used as the cleaning agent, for sprayers and farm machinery at a lower cost. It is non-toxic to plants and free from sodium. Dosage: Use Multiplex Maxiwet 1 ml per liter of spray solution
Rs. 46.00 - Rs. 1,540.00
Multiplex Multiplex Chlorocal (Calcium Chloride)
Product Description: Multiplex CHLOROCAL contains Calcium Chloride which controls bitter pit disease in apple, reduces spongy tissues in mango and fruit cracking in lemon. In general increases the keeping quality of fruits.Chlorocal is available in powder form & is completely soluble in water. Dosage: Use Multiplex Chlorocal 4-5 g per liter of water for foliar spray
Rs. 88.00 - Rs. 164.00
Multiplex Multiplex Coconut Multi Micronutrient Powder - 1 KG
This is a multi–micronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees This is a powder formulation and ideally suited for coconut palms It improves inflorescence setting, enhances nut size, decreases nut dropping and increases yield Dosage:Apply @ 200 -250 g for bearing palm and @ 100-150 g for non-bearing palm in two split doses.
Rs. 145.00Rs. 122.00
Multiplex Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer
COMPOSITION: Contains Sulphur 20% Product Description: Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer keeps the plant healthy and vigorous and thus increases the yield and quality of produce. It induces frost resistance in winter crops and also disease and pest tolerance. Dosage: Mix 2.5 ml Of Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer in a litre of water and spray on plants either in the morning or in the evening. NOTE: In sulphur deficient plants, younger leaves turn yellowish-green or chlorotic. Shoot growth is restricted and the diameter of the stem is reduced.
Rs. 78.00 - Rs. 5,288.00
Multiplex Multiplex Orthosil (Ortho Silicic Acid 2%) Silicon Fertilizer
Multiplex Orthosil contains beneficial element Silicon, which Improves resistance to water stress and helps plants to fight o temperature stress up to 41 C. It also increases reproductive rate in plants. Silicon in plants helps to increase the tolerance to zinc deficiency. Can be used for all crops. Mode Of Application - Multiplex Orthosil can be used in Foliar Spray Product Description - Multiplex Orthosil is a novel product and contains 2% Ortho Silicic Acid in liquid form. Dosage Dissolve 1 to 2 ml of Multiplex Orthosil in one liter of water and spray on both surface of leaves.First spray - 30 days after sowing or transplantation. We recommend 2-3 sprays at an interval of 20 days between the sprays. BENEFITS OF MULTIPLEX ORTHOSIL Orthosil Provides resistance to nutrient and climatic stress. Spray of Orthosil Reduces fungus infestation by preventing fungus from penetrating leaf surface. It helps plants to resist toxicity from high levels of Phosphorus, Manganese,Aluminum, and Sodium. Application of It prevents insects damage by sucking insects like thrips, aphids by creating a protective layer over leaf Available Packing - 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 Liter What is the role of orthosilicic acid in plants? Multiplelx Orthosil is a good source of Silicon, Silicon (Si) fortifies cell walls and the leaf's outer layer (epidermis). Furthermore, Si enhances the even distribution of calcium (Ca) and manganese (Mn) within the plant, aiding in the alleviation of drought stress.
Rs. 244.00 - Rs. 1,077.00
Multiplex Multiplex Nisarga (Trichoderma Viride) - Liquid
Multiplex Nisarga contains Trichoderma viride 1.5% w.p / Trichoderma viride 5% L.F (Min. 2x106 CFU/ml for Liquid Based & min. 2x106 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) in powder form Mode of Action: Multiplex Nisarga is a Bio Fungicide, which contains Trichoderma Viride in liquid form. Nisarga is a potential fungal bioagent can also suppress other pathogenic fungi by means of antibiosis (Suppression by means of secondary metabolites) and competition for nutrients. Multiplex Nisarga secretes Cellulase and Chitinase enzymes which destroy the cell wall of the disease-causing pathogenic fungi or bacteria resulting in suppression of pathogenic load. Product Description: Multiplex Nisarga also helps in Controlling seeds and soil-borne fungal diseases like root rot, damping-off, fungal wilts, etc., occurring in vegetables, fruit crops, field crops, pulses and plantation crops. Multiplex Nisarga Effectively controls Ganoderma wilts in Arecanuts and Coconuts. Dosage: For liquid based: use Multiplex Nisarga Liquid 1 liter / acre. For Carrier based: use Multiplex Nisarga Powder 4 kg/ acre
Rs. 180.00 - Rs. 2,690.00
Multiplex Multiplex Baba Bio Insecticide Beauveria bassiana- Liquid
Multiplex Baba Beauveria Bassiana is a bio-insecticide that is effective against a variety of insect pests, including whitefly, aphids, thrips, mealybugs, shoot borerss, semi-loopers, and other caterpillars. It is a non-toxic, organic product that is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. How does it work? Multiplex Baba is a fungus that infects insects and causes them to die. The fungus produces spores that attach to the insect's body. The spores then germinate and release toxins that kill the insect. How to use? Multiplex Baba can be applied to plants as a foliar spray or a drench. It is best to apply the product when the insects are actively feeding. Benefits of Beauveria Bassiana Non-toxic and organic Safe for humans, animals, and the environment Effective against a variety of insect pests Easy to use The dosages of Multiplex Baba will vary depending on the type of insect pest you are treating, the size of your plants, and the severity of the infestation. It is always best to follow the directions on the product label. Here are some general dosage guidelines for Multiplex Baba Beauveria Bassiana : For foliar spray, mix 2-3 ml of Multiplex Baba per liter of water. For drench, mix 5 gm of Multiplex Baba per liter of water. Apply the product to the affected plants thoroughly, making sure to get all of the foliage and stems. Repeat the application as needed, or as directed on the product label. It is important to note that Multiplex Baba is a bio-insecticide, which means that it takes time to work. You may not see results immediately. However, with regular applications, Multiplex Baba should be effective in controlling insect pests. If you have any questions about the dosages of Multiplex Baba, please consult with a qualified pest control professional. Dosage of Multiplex Baba Beauveria Bassiana Foliar spray: 2-3 ml per liter of water Drench: 5 gm per liter of water Precautions Do not apply Multiplex Baba to plants that are in bloom. Do not apply the product when the weather is hot and dry. Store the product in a cool, dry place. Storage Store Multiplex Baba in a cool, dry place. The product has a shelf life of 2 years. Warnings Keep out of reach of children and pets. If ingested, contact a doctor immediately. In conclusion, Multiplex Baba is a bio-insecticide that is effective against a variety of insect pests. It is a non-toxic, organic product that is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. The dosages of Multiplex Baba will vary depending on the type of insect pest you are treating, the size of your plants, and the severity of the infestation. It is always best to follow the directions on the product label.
Rs. 137.00 - Rs. 2,717.00
Multiplex Multiplex Coconut Special Multi Micronutrient Liquid
Composition: Liquid fertilizer containing all essential micronutrients. Crop: Coconut DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: Foliar Spray: Mix 2.5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and spray on the fronds of the coconut trees thoroughly. Soil Drenching: Mix 3 to 5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and pour the prepared solution at the rate of 5 to 8 litres for non-yielding coconut trees and 10 litres for yielding trees. For one acre mix 2 litres of Coconut Special Fertigation: liquid in 200 litres of water and fertigate. Root Feeding: For better growth and development of coconut trees mix 25 ml of Coconut Special liquid in 30 ml of water and take this solution in a polythene bag (7x10 cms). Select a healthy root of coconut tree and cut the tip of root and insert this root in to the polythene bag so that root comes in contact with the solution of the bag and tie the mouth of the polythene bag around the root with thread so that solution will not comeout from the bag. Benefits: Controls button shedding (Premature nuts), Induces resistance against mites damage. Helps in faster assimilation of nutrients and thus increases metabolic rate of the plants. Corrects nutrient deficiency, disorders, crown choke and pencil point disorders thereby increases the yield. Compatible with most of the commonly used pesticides
Rs. 323.64 - Rs. 1,616.46
Multiplex Multiplex Chamak (Calcium Fertilizer)
Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Chamak is available in powder form and contains mixture of Calcium & Boron nutrients. It induces better structural & physiological stability to crops and helps for better flowering and fruit setting. It is suitable for all crops and improves the shelf life of end products. Multiplex Chamak Also controls Bitter Pit in Tomato and Apple Dosage : Use Multiplex Chamak 3 gm/ltr for Foliar Spray
Rs. 54.00 - Rs. 363.00
Multiplex Multiplex Iron Micro Nutrient - 1 KG
Transportation: Shipping charges are to be paid by the customer Technical content: Ferrous Iron 19% Multiplex Iron is a micronutrient fertilizer containing Ferrous Sulphate 19% in powder form. Iron is important in photosynthesis and is also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Application of Multiplex Ferrous Sulphate gives normal growth and high quality yields. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Multiplex Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves. Soil Application: Apply 10 kg of Multiplex Ferrous Sulphate per acre for all crops.
Rs. 101.00 - Rs. 500.00
Multiplex Multiplex Soldier (EPN ) Insecticide
Product description : Multiplex Soldier contains Entomopathogenic Nematode. These nematodes comes in contact with the insect, enters into the body through openings along with associated bacteria which causes septecimia (blood posioning), so that nematodes feed, thereby killing the insect. The product is available in powder form. Multiplex Soldier is widely used to control White Grub and Mites in crops like sugarcane, Turmeric, Arecanut etc Mode of Action: After application, the nematodes (EPN) immediately attacks immature stages of insects. They enter insect through various body openings or directly through the body wall. Once it invades, it releases toxic bacteria in to insect blood and kills the target insect within 24 to 48 hours by causing blood poisoning. They multiply in lakhs inside the insect body and finally come out and begin searching for new insects. The nematodes survives and parasitize new insects for several days to months BENEFITS OF MULTIPLEX SOLDIER It contains living Nematodes which actively search for insects hiding deeper in the soil and kill them. It remains in the soil after application and survives without food for several months and once again become active on finding insects. It is a eco-friendly, broad-spectrum bio-pesticide which is safe to plants & earth worms. It does not allow insects to develop resistance or resurgence. Dosage: Quantity required for different crops are as follows, Main Field/ Soil Application: Tea-5 kg/ acre, Sugarcane-2 to 5 kg/ acre. Field Crops: 2 to 5 kg/ acre Plantation & Fruit Crops: 5 to 25 g/ plant For Arecanut & Coconut 25g/ tree Mix Multiplex Soldier with moist soil/ well decomposed FYM/ Annapurna & broad cast over one acre.
Rs. 71.00 - Rs. 677.00
Multiplex Multiplex Multineem (AZADIRACHTIN 0.03% W/W min)
Mode of Action: It is a contact, systemic, insect growth regulator. Product Description: Multiplex Multineem is neem oil based pesticide which contains AZADIRACHTIN 0.03%. Multineem acts as a Antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly, Bio-Pesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: Use Multiplex Multineem 3 - 5 ml /liter of Water for foliar spray.
Rs. 64.00 - Rs. 9,228.00
Multiplex Multiplex Bio Jodi - Powder
Product description: MULTIPLEX BIO-JODI is the combination of two most widely used bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescence & Bacillus subtilis). The organisms in MULTIPLEX BIO-JODI produce antibiotics during sporulation and these antibiotics help to compete with other diseases causing microorganisms by either killing them or reducing their growth rate and also have direct fungicidal activity on fungal pathogens. MULTIPLEX BIO-JODI also support plant growth by producing phytotonic substances which help in the growth and development of plants. Technical Composition: Bacillus spp. & Pseudomonas spp. (Min. 2x109 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 5x108 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode Of Action: Anti biotic Dosage & Methods Of Application For liquid based: 2 liters per acre | For Carrier based: 2 to 5 kg per acre Seeds Treatment: Mix 10 g of Multiplex Bio- Jodi in 10 ml of water and mix this solution to coat 1 kg of seed to form a uniform coating Nursery: Mix 10 g of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in one litre of water and drench the nursery bed. Seedling Dipping: Mix 20 g of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in one litre of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes in this solution and then transplant. Foliar Spray: Mix 5 g or 3 ml of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in 1 litre of water and spray. We recommend 2 to 3 sprays at 15 days interval. Do not use any chemical fungicide / bactericide at least 7 to 10 days before or after use of Multiplex Bio-Jodi. Soil Application: Mix 2 to 5 kgs / 2 litres of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in 120 to 150 kg of Multiplex Annapurna / Farmyard Manure and broadcast over one acre. Maintain adequate moisture at the time of application and thereafter up to 15 days.
Rs. 208.80 - Rs. 387.15
Multiplex Multiplex Trishul (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) - Liquid
Mode of Application: Seed Treatment, Seedling Dip, Sett Treatment, Soil Application. Product Description: Multiplex Trishul contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), which in symbiotic association with root system helps in better absorption of phosphorous, water and other essential plant nutrients in easily usable organic form. Trishul produces wide range of plant growth promoting substances like IAA, IBA, GA. which helps in healthy growth of plants. Dosage: Seed treatment : Mix 5 to 10 ml of Multiplex Trishul with sufficient quantity of water and treat One kg of seeds. Seedling Dipping: Mix 50 to 100 ml of Multiplex Trishul in 10 to 20 ltrs. of water and dip the seedling roots for 30 minutes before transplanting. Sett treatment: Mix 250 to 500 ml of Multiplex Trishul in 100 ltrs. of water and dip the setts for 30 minutes before planting in the field. Soil application: Mix 750 to 1000 ml or 4.0 kg of Multiplex Trishul with 30 to 40 kg of Farm Yard Manure (FYM). For horticultural crops: Apply 750 ml to 1.5 ltrs. of Multiplex Trishul at the active root zone directly in the early season for field trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees through drip irrigation per acre or 100 gm of Multiplex Trishul per tree. For vines, mix 750 ml to 1.5 ltrs. of Multiplex Trishul in 100 to 150 ltrs. of water per acre.
Rs. 105.00 - Rs. 350.00
Multiplex Multiplex Metarhizium Insecticide (Liquid)
Technical Content: Multipelx METARHIZIUM Liquid Contains Metarhizium anisopliae Mode of Action: Contact Product description: Multiplex Metarhizium, produces several secondary metabolites acting as mycotoxins (Insecticidal toxins) .One such Mycotoxin such a destruxin E, which is considered as next generation insecticide against many pests like Aphids, Moths and Larve. Dosage: Soil Application: 5 kg or 2 liters of Multiplex Metarhizium should be mixed thoroughly with 250 kg FYM in shaded area in the field and incubated for 15 days with intermittent sprinkling of water. After 15 days, the fungus enriched Farmyard manure should be used as soil application. Foliar Spray: Mix 2 to 3 ml or 5 gm of Multiplex Metarhizium in one liter of water and spray the suspension over the pant for 2 to 3 times at 15 days intervals.
Rs. 135.00 - Rs. 2,486.00
Multiplex Multiplex Samras (Amino Acids)
Product Description: Multiplex Samras contains 18 Types of plant Derived Amino Acids, which enhances the uptake of major, secondary and micronutrients By acting as a natural chelating agent, thus, improving flower and fruit setting and enhancing drought resistance in plants. Samras promotes enzymatic activities, protein synthesis & also increases the photosynthetic activity in plants. It also acts as Plant Bio Activator Benefits Enhances the uptake of major, secondary and micro nutrients by acting as natural chelating agent Promotes enzymatic activity in the plant system Increases the photosynthesis and enhances the protein synthesis Improves flower & fruit setting Controls flower & fruit dropping Improves size, colour and keeping quality of the produce · Enhances the drought resistance in plants Improves the yield both by quality and quantity DIRECTION FOR USE : Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Multiplex Samras in one litre of water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves. We recommend two to three sprays starting from flower initiation at an interval of 15 to 20 days. Samras can be given through drip irrigation at the rate of one litre per acre. Note: To get better results, it is recommended to apply it along with MULTIPLEX PROKISSAN by dissolving one gram in one litre of prepared solution. Multiplex Samras can also be used along with Multiplex Pramukh (Water soluble NPK fertilizers) at 5 gm per litre of prepared solution. This will enhance the availability of foliar applied nutrients. Packing: Samras is available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre & 5 Litre packing. Precaution: Avoid mixing of Sulphur and Copper based products along with Multiplex Samras
Rs. 140.00 - Rs. 579.00
Multiplex Multiplex Jivras (Humic Acid) Bio Simulant
Mode of Application: Multiplex Jivras can be used for both - Soil Application & Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Jivras contains humic acid (12 %) and fulvic acid which is of plant origin. Jivras improves the Hormonal activity of the seed & plant and the metabolism of soil microorganisms, thus enhancing the soil nutrient uptake and soil physical properties. It reduces soil erosion and increases the water holding capacity of the soil, thus enhancing the drought resistance of crops. It reduces the requirement of inorganic fertilizers in the root zone and releases the nutrients to plants when needed. It also increases seed germination and viability, when the seeds are treated. When Multiplex Jivras is used in combination with Zinc, It increases the size of fruits. Dosage : Soil Application: Apply Multiplex Jivras 1.5 litre per acre through irrigation. Urea Treatment:Apply 500-1000ml to 100 kg urea.The urea will turn brown in color. After 2 hrs of treatment urea can be applied to the soil. Foliar Application: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 3.0 ml in a liter of water and spray on both sides of the leaves. For seed Treatment: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 100 ml in one litre of water. Treat the seeds in this solution for one hour before sowing.
Rs. 71.00 - Rs. 10,027.00
Multiplex Multiplex General Liquid (Micronutrient Liquid Fertilizer)
Mode of Application: Multiplex General Liquid Can be used for Foliar and Drip irrigation Product Description: Multiplex General liquid formulation consists of all essential micronutrients like Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Molybdenum and Boron in the balanced form to suit various crop requirements. Use of Multiplex General Liquid makes crops to develop resistance to pests & diseases, improves overall health, growth & development of crops. Improves quality and quantity of yield. Dosage : Foliar Spray - use Multiplex General Liquid 2-2.5 ml per liter of water
Rs. 57.00 - Rs. 340.00
Multiplex Multiplex Nagamruta (Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% S.L)
Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Multiplex Nagamruta is a plant growth hormone which contains Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% S.L. Nagamruta is an aqueous solution that induces flowering & prevents fall of unripe fruits and shedding of buds. Nagamruta helps in enlarging fruit size, increasing and improving the quality and yield of fruits. Dosage: Dissolve 0.25 to 0.30 ml in one litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaf. Field crops: First spray 25 -30 days after transplantation, Second spray at the time of flowering, Third spray 10 days after second spray. Fruit crops: First spray at the time of flower bud initiation, Second spray when the fruits are of bean size, Third spray 25 -30 days after second spray. Plantation crops: First spray between March & April before onset of monsoon, when buds open, Second spray 25-30 days after first spray, Third spray 25-30 days after second spray. Coffee, First spray before flower initiation, Second spray 30 days after first spray, Third spray 25-30 days after second spray.
Rs. 39.00 - Rs. 1,695.00
Multiplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia)
Mode of Application: Multiplex Nalpak can be used in Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Nalpak Liquid is a blend of various beneficial bacteria like nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), phosphate solubilizers and potash mobilizers. It helps in fixing of nitrogen, solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and potassium respectively and increases crop yield. It helps in better utilization of applied major plant nutrients. Dosage: Use Multiplex Nalpak @ 500 ml liquid or 5 kg of powder to be mixed with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast.
Rs. 46.00 - Rs. 2,640.00
Multiplex Multiplex Flower Booster (Powder)
Technical Content: Multiplex Flower Booster contains Major, secondary and nutrient, second and trace elements in easily available form. Product Description: Multiplex Flower Booster is multi micronutrient powder fertilizer which contains essential nutrients like Mg, Ca, B, Zn etc. required for better flowering. Flower Booster increases the size and number of flowers. It maintains the original color, aroma and keeping quality of cut flowers after harvest, which includes other flowers in general. Dosage: Use Multiplex Flower Booster 4 gm or 4 ml per liter of water.
Rs. 31.00 - Rs. 188.00
Multiplex Multiplex Sampurna (Multi Micronutrients)
Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Sampurna contains all essential plant nutrients like major nutrients – N, P, K; secondary nutrients–Ca, Mg, S, and micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum. It contains a high quantity of magnesium & potassium and it is ideally suitable for Banana crops. Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 ml of Multiplex Sampurna in one liter of water and spray on both surfaces of leaves.4–to 5 sprays are recommended for the banana crop. First, spray 45–50 days after transplantation. Second spray: 40 – 45 days after the first spray. The third spray: should be given as cone treatment (250 ml of solution per plant: 2.5 ml of Multiplex Sampurna /liter of water) 40 – 45 days after the second spray. Fourth spray: after 20 – 25 days of bunch initiation and Fifth spray after removing flower head.
Rs. 191.00 - Rs. 3,819.00
Multiplex Multiplex Annapurna Bio Fertilizer
Multiplex Annapurna contains Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium; Phosphate solubilizing bacteria; Potash mobilizing bacteria, Trichoderma sp., and Pseudomonas, etc. Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Annapurna improves soil structure & soil fertility. It helps for better root proliferation; minimizes the use of chemical fertilizers. It controls many soil-borne pests & diseases. Annapurna is a well-decomposed coco peat-based organic manure fortified with neem cake, castor cake, Pongamia cake, vermicompost. Dosage: For field crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 90 -120 kg/acre; For other crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 150 -200 kg/acre; For plantation crops: Use Multiplex Annapurna @ 3 kg per plant per year.
Rs. 150.00Rs. 134.00
Multiplex Multiplex Pusti Ca (Calcium EDTA 10%)
Product Description: Multiplex Pusti Ca Contains 10% Chelated Calcium in EDTA form. Calcium is responsible for the structural and physiological stability of plant tissue and hence makes plant leaves green and healthy. In general Calcium EDTA reduces blossom end rot in the case of Tomato, reduces bitter pit in apples, etc. It increases the quality and yield in all crops. Mode of Application: Multipelx Pusti Ca can be used in Foliar spray Mode Of Action - Many soils are deficient in Calcium. Thus crops Grown on these soils suffer heavily resulting in low yields. Foilar sprays of Chelated Calcium Pusti Ca helps the farmers to over come this problem easily. Benefits 1. Calcium works for root development during early growth stage of plant 2. Calcium is essential for apical growth of plant. 3. Calcium is needed for transportation of other minerals within plant. 4. Calcium is a part of cell wall and hence related to cell division, cell elongation process Dosage: Use Multiplex Pusti Ca 0.5 g per liter of water for Spray Recommended Crops - All Vegetables, Plantation Crops etc Available Packing - 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm Recommended Time: Recommended to use at the low-temperature time of days like morning or evening and on a non-windy day.
Rs. 124.00 - Rs. 1,155.00
Multiplex Multiplex Varsha (Verticillium lecanii) Liquid
Technical Content: Verticillium lecanii Mode of Action: Contact Product description: MULTIPLEX VARSHA is a bio pesticide which contains Verticillium lecanii in Liquid form. Vasrsha eventually grows out through the cuticle & sporulates on the outside of the body. Infected insects appear as white to yellowish cottony particles. The fungal mycelium of Verticillium lecanii produces a cyclodepsipeptide toxin called bassianolida & other insecticidal toxin dipilolinic acid, which kills the insects in 4 to 6 days. Dosage: For Liquid Based: Use Multiplex Varsha 2 liters per acre | For Carrier Based: 3 to 5 kg per acre Foliar Spray - Mix 2 to 3 ml Multiplex Varsha or 5 g of Multiplex VARSHA in 1 liter of water and spray on the top and bottom leaf surface.
Rs. 180.09 - Rs. 493.29
Multiplex Multiplex Pramukh (19:19:19) Fertilizer
Product Description Multiplex Pramukh is a 100% water soluble NPK fertilizer and contains Nitrogen(N), Phosphorous(P), Potassium(K), in the ratio of 19:19:19. Hence, it is easily available to the plants. Its foliar spray helps in immediate absorption thereby increasing the yield and quality of produce. It also helps in drought resistance. Pramukh also helps in improving reproductive and vegetative activities in the plant system. This NPK 19 19 19 fertilizer Give Essential for vegetative growth in early stages and seed and flower formation in later stages Chemical Composition - Pramukh NPK contains Nitrogen as N = 19.0%, Phosphorus as P2O5 = 19.0%, Potassium as K2O = 19.0% Benefits Better Root Health and subsequent development Keeps the environment clean High Yield Shiny and Healthy Fruits More Crop per Drop Helps in chlorophyll Development and Food Production in plants Dose: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 3.0 – 5.0 g per liter of water and spray on leaves. Fertigation: Apply 2-3 kg of Multiplex Pramukh per acre through drip irrigation. Packing Available : 250g, 500g, 1kg, 25kg
Rs. 126.00 - Rs. 299.00
Multiplex Multiplex Multimax (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer )
Mode of Application : Multiplex Multimax can be used for both Foliar spray and Fertigation Product Description : Multiplex Multimax is a multi micronutrient fertilizer which contains mixture of chelated and partially chelated nutrients. Multimax helps in correcting the deficiency of nutrients at critical stage of growth and helps in seed and fruit set, thus increases yield. Multiplex Multimax is completely water soluble Micronutrient Mixture and can be used for Plant Nutrition Dosage : Use Multimax for Foliar Spray - 3.0 g per litre of water. Use Multimax for Fertigation: 2 - 3 kg per acre.
Rs. 78.00 - Rs. 456.00
Multiplex Multiplex Metarhizium (Powder) - 1 KG
Technical Content: Metarhizium anisopliae Mode of Action: Contact Product description: Multiplex Metarhizium produces several secondary metabolites acting as mycotoxins (Insecticidal toxins) .One such Mycotoxin such a destruxin E, which is considered as next generation insecticide against many pests like Aphids, Moths and Larve. Dosage: Soil Application: 5 kg or 2 liters of Multiplex Metarhizium should be mixed thoroughly with 250 kg FYM in shaded area in the field and incubated for 15 days with intermittent sprinkling of water. After 15 days, the fungus enriched Farmyard manure should be used as soil application. Foliar Spray: Mix 2 to 3 ml or 5 gm of Metarhizium in one liter of water and spray the suspension over the pant for 2 to 3 times at 15 days intervals.
Rs. 240.00Rs. 211.00