Liquid Biofertilizers

8 products

  • Multiplex Jivras Multiplex Jivras (Humic Acid)

    Multiplex Multiplex Jivras (Humic Acid) Bio Simulant

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Jivras can be used for both - Soil Application & Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Jivras contains humic acid (12 %) and fulvic acid which is of plant origin. Jivras improves the Hormonal activity of the seed & plant and the metabolism of soil microorganisms, thus enhancing the soil nutrient uptake and soil physical properties. It reduces soil erosion and increases the water holding capacity of the soil, thus enhancing the drought resistance of crops. It reduces the requirement of inorganic fertilizers in the root zone and releases the nutrients to plants when needed. It also increases seed germination and viability, when the seeds are treated. When Multiplex Jivras is used in combination with Zinc, It increases the size of fruits. Dosage : Soil Application: Apply Multiplex Jivras 1.5 litre per acre through irrigation. Urea Treatment:Apply 500-1000ml to 100 kg urea.The urea will turn brown in color. After 2 hrs of treatment urea can be applied to the soil. Foliar Application: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 3.0 ml in a liter of water and spray on both sides of the leaves. For seed Treatment: Dissolve Multiplex Jivras 100 ml in one litre of water. Treat the seeds in this solution for one hour before sowing.  

    Rs. 91.35 - Rs. 8,552.10

  • Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Nalpak can be used in Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Nalpak Liquid is a blend of various beneficial bacteria like nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), phosphate solubilizers and potash mobilizers. It helps in fixing of nitrogen, solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and potassium respectively and increases crop yield. It helps in better utilization of applied major plant nutrients. Dosage: Use Multiplex Nalpak @ 500 ml liquid or 5 kg of powder to be mixed with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast.

    Rs. 78.30 - Rs. 1,670.40

  • Multiplex Pranam-Ca Secondary Nutrient Crops Multiplex Pranam-Ca (Liquid Calcium Fertilizer) - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex Pranam-Ca (Liquid Calcium Fertilizer)

    Product Description Multiplelx Pranam-Ca is a Concentrated Liquid Calcium Fertilizer containing 11 % Water Soluble Organic Calcium Liquid Pranam-Ca Contains Water Soluble Organic Calcium. It is a multi-nutrient fertilizer, which has calcium (15.00%) along with other nutrients like Nitrogen and Boron in the easily available form to plants. This product is biologically derived from a biological source containing calcium and thus reduces the carbon footprint in the environment. This can be used for foliar spray as well as in drip irrigation. Recommended Dosage Mix 3 ml of Multiplex Pranam-Ca in one liter of water and spray on plants. We recommend using this product on Tomato, Chilly, Apples, Sugarcane, Cotton, Grapes, Citrus, and all vegetables.Note1. For better results spray during flowering & fruit development stages.2. Use the prepared spray solution immediately after preparation. Factors like rain and high temperature can reduce the efficiency of the product.CAUTION: Do not mix with Sulphur and Phosphorus containing fertilizers. BENEFITS OF MULTIPLEX PRANAM-Ca Plays an essential role in both plant nutrition and soil health     Reduces flower and fruit droppings. Increases chlorophyll content in leaves. Helps to build strong cell walls and gives firm structure to plants. Reduces bitter pit in apples, cork spot in pears, blossoms end rot in tomato and melons, firmness, and cracking in cherries.  

    Rs. 75.69 - Rs. 600.30

  • Multiplex Organic Magik (Liquid) Crops Multiplex Organic Magik  (Liquid)

    Multiplex Multiplex Organic Magik (Liquid)

    Phosphate solubilizing fungal Bio-Fertilizer along with PGPR bacterial consortium Mode of Application: Soil application and drip irrigation Product Description: Natural way of suppressing soil-borne pathogens, Enhances natural decomposition process in soil, Helps in solubilizing/mobilizing the fixed nutrients form soil rhizosphere, thereby increasing uptake of nutrients by plants,Produces plant growth promoting hormones there by improve plant health,Improves crop yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres / acre,  Aqueous suspension - Drip irrigation at the rate of 1 to 2 litres per acre by diluting in 400 liters of water. For long duration crops, application can be repeated at 60 days interval.  Foliar Application - Apply at the rate of 2 to 5 ml per Lt of water, 2 to 3 sprays at 15 days intervals.

    Rs. 265.35 - Rs. 4,325.64

  • Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid Crops Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Sunrise Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Rhizobium Mode of Application: Seed treatment, Root dip, Soil application and Drip irrgation. Product Description: In crops like Ground nut, Bengal gram, Cow pea, Green gram and Soya bean it leaves behind 20 to 30 kg nitrogen per hectare for succeeding crop , It increases the yield by about 15 to 20 %. /Targeted crops: Leguminous crop like Beans, Soybean, Cluster Beans, Cow Pea, Red Gram, Green Gram, Black Gram, Ground nut and many more legume crops. Dosage: For liquid based: 2 litres/ acre | For Carrier based: 5 kg/ acre, Seeds Treatment: Mix 100 ml or 500 g Multiplex Sunrise in 500 ml rice starch (ganji)/500 ml jaggery syrup and coat the seeds required for one acre. Keep the treated seeds for shade drying for an hour before sowing, Seedling Root Dip: Mix 250 ml Multiplex Sunrise in 50 liter water and dip the roots of seedlings for 10 to 20 min. before sowing. Nursery: Mix 1 kg or 200 ml Multiplex Sunrise with 10 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna and apply for nursery which has seedlings for one acre. Main Field/ Soil Application: Mix 4 to 5 kg or 2 litres of Multiplex Sunrise mix with 100 kg dried farmyard manure/ Multiplex Annapurna then broadcast to 1 acre of land. Drip Irrigation: Mix 2 litres Multiplex Sunrise in 200 liter water and irrigate through drip or for 1 acre.

    Rs. 47.85 - Rs. 1,500.75

  • Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid Crops Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Azab Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Azotobacter sp Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Azab is a Bio-fertilizer Liquid that contains Azotobacter spp. a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in liquid form. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce more beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml of Multiplex Azab with 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplanting / sowing.

    Rs. 69.60 - Rs. 2,188.05

  • Multiplex Zinc-B (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria)-Liquid - Agriplex Multiplex Zinc-B Bio Fertilizer

    Multiplex Multiplex Zinc-B (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria)-Liquid

    1 review

    Product Description Multiplex Zinc-B contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria.These bacteria improve the plant growth and development by colonizing the rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into simpler ones, thus making zinc available to the plants. Zinc solubilizing microorganisms solubilize zinc through various mechanisms, one of which is acidification Active Ingredients: Multiplex Zinc-B contains Pseudomonas straiata (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 5x107 CFU /gm for Carrier Based) Mode Of Action: Multiplex Zinc-B contains Zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZSB) that are capable of solubilizing insoluble zinc containing compounds/ minerals in soil and makes it available for the plants. This bacterial based product that solubilises Zinc has shown promising result in various crops in improving yield and plant vigour. Crop: Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugarcane, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal plants, Aromatic plants, Orchards and Ornamentals. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: • For liquid based: 1 litre/ acre • For Carrier based (Granular – Powder): 4 kg / acre • Root Dipping: Mix 250 ml of Multiplex ZINC-B in 50 litres of water and dip the roots of seedlings for 20 to 30 minutes before transplanting. • Drip Irrigation: Use Multiplex ZINC-B at 1 litre per acre either individually or by mixing with other ingredients during drip irrigation of both field and protected cultivation. • Soil Application: Multiplex ZINC-B should be used as soil application. Mix 4 Kg or 1 litre of Multiplex ZINC-B with 30 kg of Multiplex Annapurna / Farmyard Manure and apply over one acre of land. Benefits: Multiplex ZINC-B effectively solubilizes insoluble zinc containing compounds/ minerals of the soil and makes it available for the plants and makes it assimilable in plants. Improves both plant and soil health and aids in soil remediation. Eliminates Zinc deficiency in plants. Improves yield both by quality and quantity. Use Multiplex ZINC-B along with other NPK fixing/ solubilizing bacteria so that there will be an added effect on growth and yield. Precautions: Do not mix with fungicides, bactericides and chemicals.

    Rs. 284.49

  • Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid  All crops Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Multiplex Multiplex Aadhar Bio Fertilizer - Liquid

    Technical Content: Azospirilium brasilensis Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Aadhar is a Bio-fertilizer that contains Azospirillum spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the soil and is useful in the cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetable crops. It induces plants to produce beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins, and several vitamins. It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens. Dosage: Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Aadhar with 100 kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in the main field just before transplant/sowing.

    Rs. 69.60 - Rs. 1,500.75

The microorganisms in liquid biofertilizers are typically bacteria, fungi, or algae that can fix nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus, or produce plant growth hormones. 

Liquid biofertilizers are applied to plants in a liquid form, which makes them easy to use and can be applied to the soil, leaves, or roots of plants. They are also more efficient than traditional fertilizers, as the microorganisms in liquid biofertilizers can be directly absorbed by the plants. 

Liquid consortia are a type of liquid biofertilizer that contains a mixture of different beneficial microorganisms. This can be beneficial for plants, as the different microorganisms can work together to provide a wider range of benefits. 

The benefits of using liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia include: 

  • Improved plant growth and yield 
  • Increased nutrient uptake by plants 
  • Enhanced plant resistance to diseases and pests 
  • Improved soil health 
  • Reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers 

Liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to improve plant growth and health. They are a good choice for farmers and gardeners who are looking to reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers. 

Here are some of the microorganisms that are commonly found in liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia: 

  • Rhizobium: This bacteria fixes nitrogen in the roots of legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils. 
  • Azospirillum: This bacteria fixes nitrogen in the rhizosphere, the area around the roots of plants. 
  • Phosphobacteria: This bacteria solubilizes phosphorus, making it more available to plants. 
  • Azotobacter: This bacteria fixes nitrogen in the soil. 
  • Bacillus subtilis: This bacteria produces plant growth hormones and helps to protect plants from diseases. 
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens: This bacteria produces antibiotics and helps to protect plants from diseases. 

Liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia can be applied to plants in a variety of ways, including: 

  • Foliar spray: This is the most common method of application. The liquid biofertilizer is sprayed onto the leaves of the plants. 
  • Soil drench: The liquid biofertilizer is mixed with water and applied to the soil around the plants. 
  • Seed treatment: The liquid biofertilizer is mixed with water and the seeds are soaked in the solution before planting. 

The frequency of application will vary depending on the type of liquid biofertilizer and the crop being grown. However, most liquid biofertilizers should be applied at least once a month during the growing season. 

Liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia are a safe and effective way to improve plant growth and health. They are a good choice for farmers and gardeners who are looking to reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers. 

The dosage for liquid biofertilizers and liquid consortia will vary depending on the type of product, the crop being grown, and the stage of growth. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. 

Here are some general guidelines for dosages: 

  • For foliar spray, the recommended dosage is typically 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water. 
  • For soil drench, the recommended dosage is typically 1-2 quarts per 100 square feet of soil. 
  • For seed treatment, the recommended dosage is typically 1-2 teaspoons per pound of seed. 

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines. The actual dosage may need to be adjusted depending on the specific circumstances. For example, if the plants are stressed or if the soil is nutrient-poor, the dosage may need to be increased. 

It is also important to start with a low dosage and increase it gradually until you see the desired results. Over-fertilizing can damage plants. 

If you are unsure about the dosage for a particular liquid biofertilizer or liquid consortium, it is always best to consult with a gardening expert. 


Both liquid fertilizers are a safe and effective way to improve plant growth and health. They are a good choice for farmers and gardeners who are looking to reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers. 

When using both liquid fertilizers, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. The dosage will vary depending on the type of product, the crop being grown, and the stage of growth. It is also important to start with a low dosage and increase it gradually until you see the desired results. Over-fertilizing can damage plants. 

By following these tips, you can safely and effectively use both liquid fertilizers to improve the growth and health of your plants. 

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using both liquid fertilizers : 

  • both liquid fertilizers are not a substitute for good soil health. It is important to maintain healthy soil by adding organic matter and rotating crops. 
  • Biofertilizers and liquid consortia may not be effective in all cases. If the soil is severely depleted of nutrients, chemical fertilizers may be necessary. 
  • Both liquid fertilizers can be used in conjunction with other organic fertilizers, such as compost and manure. 


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