Iron Deficiency

50 products

  • Multiplex Ginger Special (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) Multiplex Ginger Special (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 8 KG

    Multiplex Multiplex Ginger Special (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 8 KG

    Technical Content: Multi Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Soil Application. Product Description: Multiplex Ginger Special is a multi–micronutrient mixture in powder form containing essential nutrients like  Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees. It provides better fruiting and yield of ginger crop Dosage: Soil application - Use Multiplex Ginger Special 5 kg per acre at 30 and 90 days after sowing.

    Rs. 822.15

  • Multiplex Molybdenum (Micro Nutrient Fertilizer) Crops Multiplex Molybdenum (Micro Nutrient Fertilizer)

    Multiplex Multiplex Molybdenum (Micro Nutrient Fertilizer)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Molybdenum Can be used for Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Molybdenum Contains , Molybdenum 52% in form of Ammonium Molybdate. Molybdenum increases Nitrogen fixation, enhances absorption of other nutrients from the soil for Plants .Seed treatment with molybdenum is beneficial for all types of leguminous plants / vegetables. Early applications of Molybdenum to cucumber, water melon etc., increases yield. Dosage:  Foliar Spray: Dissolve Multiplex Molybdenum 0.5 g in one liter of water and spray on leaves liberally 30 days after germination / transplantation. Seed Treatment: Apply Multiplex Molybdenum 10 g per kg of seed. Use Multiplex Maxiwet/ Multiplex Nagastha - 180 as sticking/ spreading agent for better absorption

    Rs. 243.60 - Rs. 1,170.15

  • Multiplex Flower Booster (Liquid) Multiplex Flower Booster (Liquid)

    Multiplex Multiplex Flower Booster (Liquid)

    Product Description: Multiplex Flower Booster is multi nutrient liquid fertilizer which contains essential nutrients like Mg, Ca, B, Zn etc. required for better flowering. Flower Booster increases the size and number of flowers. It maintains the original color, aroma and keeping quality of cut flowers after harvest, which includes other flowers in general. Dosage: Use Multiplex Flower Booster 4 gm or 4 ml per liter of water.

    Rs. 65.25 - Rs. 1,927.05

  • multiplex kranti micronutrient fertilizer Multiplex Kranti - Complete Plant Food

    Multiplex Multiplex Kranti Micronutrient Fertilizer - (Complete Plant Food)

    Product Description Multiplex Kranti is a complete plant food that contains all essential Major nutrients like  N,P,K, Secondary Nutrient Ca, Mg, S and multi-micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced quantity. Benefits Multiplex Kranti increases the initial vigor of plants and induces resistance to disease & pests. It helps plants to resist environmental stress in a better way, improves significantly the growth, yield and quality of the produce. Remarkable visual impact can be seen within 6.7 days after the spray. Multiplex kranti is compatible with most of the pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers that are commonly used. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray / or Drip Irrigation Target Crop - All Crops Dosage: Multiplex Kranti can be used for both Foliar and Drip Irrigation               For Foliar spray -  use Multiplex Kranti , 2 ml per liter of water NOTE - For better result it is advisable to use suitable wetting and dispersing agent like Multiplex Maxiwet 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution of Multiplex Kranti

    Rs. 153.12 - Rs. 4,450.05

  • Multiplex Chlorocal (Calcium Chloride) All crops Multiplex Chlorocal (Calcium Chloride)

    Multiplex Multiplex Chlorocal (Calcium Chloride)

    Product Description: Multiplex CHLOROCAL contains Calcium Chloride which controls bitter pit disease in apple, reduces spongy tissues in mango and fruit cracking in lemon. In general increases the keeping quality of fruits.Chlorocal is available in powder form & is  completely soluble in water. Dosage: Use Multiplex Chlorocal 4-5 g per liter of water for foliar spray 

    Rs. 104.40 - Rs. 204.45

  • Multiplex Iron (Micro Nutrient ) All crops Multiplex Iron (Micro Nutrient) - 1 KG

    Multiplex Multiplex Iron Micro Nutrient - 1 KG

    Transportation:  Shipping charges are to be paid by the customer Technical content: Ferrous Iron 19% Multiplex Iron is a micronutrient fertilizer containing Ferrous Sulphate 19% in powder form. Iron is important in photosynthesis and is also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Application of Multiplex Ferrous Sulphate gives normal growth and high quality yields. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Multiplex Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves. Soil Application: Apply 10 kg of Multiplex Ferrous Sulphate per acre for all crops.

    Rs. 450.00 - Rs. 800.00

  • Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer

    Multiplex Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer

    COMPOSITION: Contains Sulphur 20% Product Description: Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer keeps the plant healthy and vigorous and thus increases the yield and quality of produce. It induces frost resistance in winter crops and also disease and pest tolerance. Dosage: Mix 2.5 ml Of Multiplex Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer in a litre of water and spray on plants either in the morning or in the evening. NOTE: In sulphur deficient plants, younger leaves turn yellowish-green or chlorotic. Shoot growth is restricted and the diameter of the stem is reduced.

    Rs. 133.98 - Rs. 7,360.20

  • Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Product Description  - Anshul Iron is a  soil alteration product to lower the ph of high alkaline soil so that plants can absorb soil’s nutrients which is essential for crop growth and food production. It is the key component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation. Technical Content : Ferrous Sulphate (Iron) 19% Benefits: Anshul Iron is important in photosynthesis and also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Without iron, plants would not be able to produce chlorophyll, which gives plants oxygen and its healthy green color. Without iron, the plant can go into a state of chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll, plant is less green), where the leaves will have a sickly yellow color Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves.

    Rs. 110.00

  • Multiplex Coconut Special Multi Micronutrient Liquid - Agriplex Multiplex Coconut Special Multi Micronutrient Liquid - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex Coconut Special Multi Micronutrient Liquid

    Composition: Liquid fertilizer containing all essential micronutrients. Crop: Coconut DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: Foliar Spray: Mix 2.5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and spray on the fronds of the coconut trees thoroughly. Soil Drenching: Mix 3 to 5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and pour the prepared solution at the rate of 5 to 8 litres for non-yielding coconut trees and 10 litres for yielding trees. For one acre mix 2 litres of Coconut Special Fertigation: liquid in 200 litres of water and fertigate. Root Feeding: For better growth and development of coconut trees mix 25 ml of Coconut Special liquid in 30 ml of water and take this solution in a polythene bag (7x10 cms). Select a healthy root of coconut tree and cut the tip of root and insert this root in to the polythene bag so that root comes in contact with the solution of the bag and tie the mouth of the polythene bag around the root with thread so that solution will not comeout from the bag. Benefits: Controls button shedding (Premature nuts), Induces resistance against mites damage. Helps in faster assimilation of nutrients and thus increases metabolic rate of the plants. Corrects nutrient deficiency, disorders, crown choke and pencil point disorders thereby increases the yield. Compatible with most of the commonly used pesticides

    Rs. 323.64 - Rs. 1,616.46

  • Multiplex Coconut Multi Micronutrient Powder - 1 KG - Agriplex Multiplex Coconut Special

    Multiplex Multiplex Coconut Multi Micronutrient Powder - 1 KG

    1 review

    This is a multi–micronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees This is a powder formulation and ideally suited for coconut palms It improves inflorescence setting, enhances nut size, decreases nut dropping and increases yield Dosage:Apply @ 200 -250 g for bearing palm and @ 100-150 g for non-bearing palm in two split doses.

    Rs. 145.00

  • Multiplex Chamak (Calcium Fertilizer) All crops Multiplex Chamak (Calcium Fertilizer)

    Multiplex Multiplex Chamak (Calcium Fertilizer)

    Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Chamak is available in powder form and contains mixture of Calcium & Boron nutrients. It induces better structural & physiological stability to crops and helps for better flowering and fruit setting. It is suitable for all crops and improves the shelf life of end products. Multiplex Chamak Also controls Bitter Pit in Tomato and Apple Dosage : Use Multiplex Chamak 3 gm/ltr for Foliar Spray

    Rs. 82.65 - Rs. 431.52

  • Multiplex General Liquid (Micronutrient Liquid Fertilizer) Multiplex General Liquid (Micronutrient Liquid Fertilizer)

    Multiplex Multiplex General Liquid (Micronutrient Liquid Fertilizer)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex General Liquid Can be used for Foliar and Drip irrigation Product Description: Multiplex General liquid formulation consists of all essential micronutrients like Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Molybdenum and Boron in the balanced form to suit various crop requirements. Use of Multiplex General Liquid makes crops to develop resistance to pests & diseases, improves overall health, growth & development of crops. Improves quality and quantity of yield. Dosage : Foliar Spray - use Multiplex General Liquid 2-2.5 ml per liter of water

    Rs. 69.60 - Rs. 7,460.25

  • Multiplex Flower Booster (Powder) All garden plants Multiplex Flower Booster (Powder)

    Multiplex Multiplex Flower Booster (Powder)

    Technical Content: Multiplex Flower Booster contains Major, secondary and nutrient, second and trace elements in easily available form. Product Description: Multiplex Flower Booster is multi micronutrient powder fertilizer which contains essential nutrients like Mg, Ca, B, Zn etc. required for better flowering. Flower Booster increases the size and number of flowers. It maintains the original color, aroma and keeping quality of cut flowers after harvest, which includes other flowers in general. Dosage: Use Multiplex Flower Booster 4 gm or 4 ml per liter of water.

    Rs. 52.20 - Rs. 165.30

  • Multiplex Sampurna (Multi Micronutrients) Crop Multiplex Sampurna (Multi Micronutrients)

    Multiplex Multiplex Sampurna (Multi Micronutrients)

    Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Sampurna contains all essential plant nutrients like major nutrients – N, P, K; secondary nutrients–Ca, Mg, S, and micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum. It contains a high quantity of magnesium & potassium and it is ideally suitable for Banana crops.  Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 ml of Multiplex Sampurna in one liter of water and spray on both surfaces of leaves.4–to 5 sprays are recommended for the banana crop. First, spray 45–50 days after transplantation. Second spray: 40 – 45 days after the first spray. The third spray: should be given as cone treatment (250 ml of solution per plant: 2.5 ml of Multiplex Sampurna /liter of water) 40 – 45 days after the second spray. Fourth spray: after 20 – 25 days of bunch initiation and Fifth spray after removing flower head.

    Rs. 212.28 - Rs. 3,198.99

  • Multiplex Pusti Ca (Calcium EDTA 10%) Crops Multiplex Pusti Ca (Calcium EDTA 10%)

    Multiplex Multiplex Pusti Ca (Calcium EDTA 10%)

    Product Description: Multiplex Pusti Ca Contains 10% Chelated Calcium in EDTA form. Calcium is responsible for the structural and physiological stability of plant tissue and hence makes plant leaves green and healthy. In general Calcium EDTA reduces blossom end rot in the case of Tomato, reduces bitter pit in apples, etc. It increases the quality and yield in all crops.  Mode of Application: Multipelx Pusti Ca can be used in Foliar spray Mode Of Action - Many soils are deficient in Calcium. Thus crops Grown on these soils suffer heavily resulting in low yields. Foilar sprays of Chelated Calcium Pusti Ca helps the farmers to over come this problem easily. Benefits 1. Calcium works for root development during early growth stage of plant 2. Calcium is essential for apical growth of plant. 3. Calcium is needed for transportation of other minerals within plant. 4. Calcium is a part of cell wall and hence related to cell division, cell elongation process Dosage: Use Multiplex Pusti Ca 0.5 g per liter of water for Spray Recommended Crops - All Vegetables, Plantation Crops etc Available Packing - 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm Recommended Time: Recommended to use at the low-temperature time of days like morning or evening and on a non-windy day.

    Rs. 204.45 - Rs. 1,318.92

  • Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia) - Agriplex

    Multiplex Multiplex Nalpak (Liquid Consortia)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Nalpak can be used in Soil Application Product Description: Multiplex Nalpak Liquid is a blend of various beneficial bacteria like nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), phosphate solubilizers and potash mobilizers. It helps in fixing of nitrogen, solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and potassium respectively and increases crop yield. It helps in better utilization of applied major plant nutrients. Dosage: Use Multiplex Nalpak @ 500 ml liquid or 5 kg of powder to be mixed with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast.

    Rs. 78.30 - Rs. 1,670.40

  • Multiplex Multimax (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer ) All crops Multiplex Multimax (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer )

    Multiplex Multiplex Multimax (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer )

    Mode of Application : Multiplex Multimax can be used for both Foliar spray and Fertigation Product Description : Multiplex Multimax is a multi micronutrient fertilizer which contains mixture of chelated and partially chelated nutrients. Multimax helps in correcting the deficiency of nutrients at critical stage of growth and helps in seed and fruit set, thus increases yield. Multiplex Multimax is completely water soluble Micronutrient Mixture and can be used for Plant Nutrition Dosage : Use Multimax for Foliar Spray - 3.0 g per litre of water.               Use Multimax for  Fertigation: 2 - 3 kg per acre.

    Rs. 82.65 - Rs. 2,536.05

  • Multiplex Prokissan (Chelated Multi Micronutrient) Multiplex Prokissan (Chelated Multi Micronutrient)

    Multiplex Multiplex Prokissan (Chelated Multi Micronutrient)

    Product Description   Multiplex Prokissan is a chelated multi micronutrient fertilizer that contains essential micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper in chelated form and Boron & Molybdenum in non-chelated form. It can be applied to all crops.  Active Ingredients:   The active ingredients in Multiplex Prokissan are:  Zinc chelate (ZnEDTA) - 10%  Iron chelate (Fe-EDDHA) - 10%  Manganese chelate (Mn-EDTA) - 5%  Copper chelate (Cu-EDTA) - 2%  Boron - 0.5%  Molybdenum - 0.01%    Mode of Action:    Multiplex Prokissan chelated micronutrients can be applied as a foliar spray or a soil drench. Foliar sprays are more effective for correcting micronutrient deficiencies that are visible on the leaves, such as zinc deficiency. Soil drenches are more effective for correcting micronutrient deficiencies that are not visible on the leaves, such as boron deficiency.  Benefits   Corrects micronutrient deficiencies: chelated micronutrients provide essential micronutrients to the plant in a chelated form, which makes them more available to the plant. This helps to correct micronutrient deficiencies, which can lead to poor plant growth, yield loss, and susceptibility to pests and diseases.  Enhances the usage and availability of N, P, and K: Multiplex Prokissan can also help to enhance the usage and availability of N, P, and K, which are the major nutrients required for plant growth. This can lead to increased yield and improved tolerance to pests and diseases.  Increases yield: Multiplex Prokissan has been shown to increase yield in a variety of crops. For example, one study found that chelated micronutrients increased the yield of rice by 10%.  Helps plant in increasing tolerance against pests and diseases: Multiplex Prokissan can also help to improve the plant's tolerance to pests and diseases. This is because the chelated micronutrients in Multiplex Prokissan help to strengthen the plant's cell walls and improve its overall health.  Safe and easy to use: Multiplex Prokissan is a safe and easy-to-use product. It can be applied as a foliar spray or a soil drench.  Dosage recommendations for different crops:  Rice: 1 gram per liter of water for foliar spray and 150 grams per acre for soil drench.  Corn: 1 gram per liter of water for foliar spray and 150 grams per acre for soil drench.  Soybeans: 1 gram per liter of water for foliar spray and 150 grams per acre for soil drench.  Tomatoes: 1 gram per liter of water for foliar spray and 150 grams per acre for soil drench.  Potatoes: 1 gram per liter of water for foliar spray and 150 grams per acre for soil drench.   

    Rs. 191.40 - Rs. 6,712.05

  • Yara Bud Builder Fertilizers - 500 GM - Agriplex Yara Bud Builder Fertilizers - 500 GM - Agriplex

    Yara Yara Bud Builder Fertilizers - 500 GM

    YaraVita Bud Builder is a wettable powder fertilizer that is specifically formulated to improve the flowering and fruit set of fruit crops. It contains significant amounts of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and trace amounts of boron. These nutrients are essential for the development of healthy flowers and fruits. YaraVita Bud Builder can be applied to fruit crops as a post-harvest application to boost levels of Zn, Mg, and P in the following season, or as a pre-flowering application to enhance flowering and fruit set. It is safe to use on all fruit crops and is compatible with most agrochemicals. Here are some of the benefits of using YaraVita Bud Builder: Improves flowering and fruit set Boosts levels of Zn, Mg, and P in the following season Safe to use on all fruit crops Compatible with most agrochemicals Easy to use and apply YaraVita Bud Builder is a valuable tool for fruit growers who want to improve the quality and quantity of their crops. It is a safe and effective way to boost flowering and fruit set, and it is compatible with most agrochemicals. Dosage Apples: 4-5 g/liter water (maximum 10 kg/ha) at immediately after harvest before leaf senescence: water rate 2000-2500 L/ha. Coffee: 2.5 to 3.0 kg/hectare at pre-flowering and repeat at after harvest. Water rate 1000-1250 liter/hectare. Grapes (table): 2.0 kg/hectare (maximum 5 kg/ha) immediately after harvest of the crop: Water rate 500 Liter/ha. It is always best to consult with a qualified agronomist to determine the correct dosage for your specific crop. Here are some additional details about YaraVita Bud Builder: Formulated with magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and boron Ideal for application to fruit crops Can be used as a post-harvest or pre-flowering application Safe to use on all fruit crops Compatible with most agrochemicals Easy to use and apply

    Rs. 833.25

  • Multiplex Allbor - Boron 20% Crops Multiplex Allbor - Boron 20%

    Multiplex Multiplex Allbor - Boron 20%

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Allbor can be used in Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Allbor contains Boron (20%) in partially chelated form and is easily available to plants. It is in powder form and is 100% water-soluble. Allbor contains boron in form of Di-Sodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate form. Multiplex Allbor helps in  improving flower & fruit setting and and also increases the size of the fruit. Allbor is highly recommended for crops that require more Boron e.g. Tomato, Chilli, Capsicum, and other fruit crops. Dosage: Use Multiplex Allbor 1gm/ltr of water for Foliar Spray

    Rs. 60.90 - Rs. 669.90

  • Multiplex Chamak Plus + (Liquid Calcium) Deficiency Symptoms Multiplex Chamak Plus + (Liquid Calcium)

    Multiplex Multiplex Chamak Plus + (Liquid Calcium)

    Technical Content : Contains Liquid Calcium and Multi Micronutrients Benefits: Multiplex Chamak+ contains Calcium and Micronutrients in liquid from which are in easily available and absorbable for plants. It helps in better pollination, prevents spongy tissue disease in mango, bitter pit in apple and blossom end rot in solanaceous crops, improves pegging and pod formation in ground nut, enhances flowering & fruit setting. Improves yield both by quality and quantity. DOSAGE & Methods Of Application: Drip Irrigation: Mix 1 litre of Multiplex Chamak + in 200 litres of water & feed through drip. We recommend two to three applications during flowering and fruit development stage. Foliar Spray: Dissolve 3 ml of Multiplex Chamak + in one litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of the leaves and on fruits. We recommend 2 to 5 sprays depending upon the crop at an interval of 15 to 20 days between the sprays beginning with flower initiation. For better results mix Multiplex Maxiwet at one ml or Multiplex Nagastha-180 at 0.3 ml per litre of prepared spray solution.

    Rs. 184.44 - Rs. 590.73

  • Multiplex Boron (Boron 10.50%) All crops Multiplex Boron (Boron 10.50%)

    Multiplex Multiplex Boron (Boron 10.50%)

    Product Description: Multiplex Boron is micronutrient fertilizer containing boron 10.50%. Boron is an indispensable plant nutrient which is needed for all crops. It controls flower and fruit shedding, increases sweetness, size and yield of the crop. Multiplex Boron is used for Soil Application. Dosage:Foliar Spray: 2.5 g per liter of water. Soil application: 2.5 kg per acre.

    Rs. 174.00 - Rs. 317.55

  • Multiplex Zinc Param (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate) Crops Multiplex Zinc Param (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate)

    Multiplex Multiplex Zinc Param (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate)

    Technical Content: Zinc 33%. Product Description/Benefits: Multiplex Zinc Param contains Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate i.e Zinc - 33% and Sulphur 15%.. Zinc Param controls physiological disorder like little leaf of apple, mottle leaf or Frenching of citrus, sickle leaf of cocoa, rosetting of apple and rubber, white bud in maize, rosetting in cotton, iron rust/bronzing/ khaira diseases in rice. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve Multiplex Param 2.5 g per liter of water, Soil Application: 4 kgs per acre.

    Rs. 104.40 - Rs. 182.70

  • Multiplex Swarna Zn (Zinc EDTA 12%) Crops Multiplex Swarna Zn (Zinc EDTA 12%)

    Multiplex Multiplex Swarna Zinc (Zinc EDTA 12%)

    Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description: Multiplex Swarna Zinc contains Zinc in chelated form (Zn EDTA 12%). Zinc is essential for several enzyme systems, the production of auxins & protein synthesis. It improves disease resistance, promotes seed production, and hastens maturity. It is suitable for all crops. Swarna Zn Helps in the formation of chlorophyll and some carbohydrates. Helps in the conversion of starches to sugars and its presence in plant tissue helps the plant to withstand cold temperatures. Helps in the formation of auxins which help with growth regulation and stem elongation Dosage: Soil application - Use Multiplex Swarna Zinc 10kg/acre,               Foliar spray - Use Multiplex Swarna Chelated Zinc 0.5gm/liter 

    Rs. 108.75 - Rs. 1,653.00

  • Multiplex Pepper Special (Multi Micronutrients) Crop Multiplex Pepper Special (Multi Micronutrients)

    Multiplex Multiplex Pepper Special (Multi Micronutrients)

    Product Description : Multiplex Pepper Special is a multi micronutrient fertilizer specially designed for pepper crop. Pepper Special contains Nitrogen, Potash, Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum, Copper, Manganese, Iron along with plant growth promoters like Nitrobenzene and Gibberellic Acid in easily dissolvable and absorbable form in balanced proportion. Multiplex Pepper Special is Ideal and best fertilizer for Pepper plants for better and quality yield Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Benefits of Multiplex Pepper Special Fertilizer:• Pepper Special is a Crop specific and a research based unique micronutrient formulation• It's Foliar spray results in higher yield in black pepper • It Increases yield significantly and Drastically • it also helps in Increasing in disease resistance in plants• It helps in addressing the nutrient deficiency in pepper Crop• It also improves the in quality crop with good yield Dosage: Use Multiplex Pepper Special 2.5 gm in 1 liter of water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves, so that, leaves get completely wet. We recommend 2 to 3 sprays. *1st Spray during the onset of monsoon*2nd Spray should be given at the fag end of the monsoon*3rd Spray 30 days after second Spray, i.e during the month of October or November. Frequency of Application: Foliar spray can be undertaken 2-3 times a year Time of application: Multiplex Pepper Special can be used during• Before flowering• Crop setting stage in mid-monsoon• Crop maturity stage post monsoon 

    Rs. 254.91 - Rs. 468.93

  • Sale -17% Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Technical Content: Anshul Coconut Contains unique blend of secondary nutrients and micronutrients in balanced quantity required for best growth of coconut plant. Mode of Application: Soil application Product Description: Application of Anshul Coconut is a best fertilizer for coconut plants which helps in normal pollination, controls button shedding, increases the oil content in copra and develops disease resistance in palm, resulting in higher yield. Dosage: For bearing plants, apply Anshul Coconut 200-250g per palm in two split doses per year. First dose during the month of May/June and the second dose is during September/October. For non-bearing plants, 50- 100g per palm in two split doses per year. Note - The root system of coconut is entirely different from other plants. The root hairs are absent and in their place, root notches are present. These root notches will absorb the nutrients. It is advisable to apply fertilizer in split doses instead of a single application. When nutrients are applied, care should be taken to see that the soil contains sufficient moisture.

    Rs. 204.00Rs. 170.00

  • Muliplex Garden Mixture (Multi Micronutrients) Multiplex Garden Mixture (Multi Micronutrient ) - 500 GM

    Multiplex Multiplex Garden Mixture (Multi Micronutrient ) - 500 GM

    Multiplex Garden Mixture is multi micronutrient fertilizer which  Contains major, secondary and micro-nutrients required for Better Plant Growth and acts as best garden Fertilizer and source of complete plant food. Benefits of using Multiplex Garden Mixture : • Garden Mixture Provides Essential nutrients for plant growth and development. • Provides balance nutrition to plants, • Multiplex Garden Mixture Improves plant growth on yield, • Resistance against pest &diseases. • Enhances aesthetics of the plants following with an increase in flowering and fruiting.

    Rs. 108.75

  • Multiplex Magnum Mn (Manganese EDTA 12%)  All crops Multiplex Magnum Mn (Manganese EDTA 12%)

    Multiplex Multiplex Magnum Mn (Manganese EDTA 12%)

    Mode of Application: Multiplex Magnum Mn can be used in Foliar spray Product Description: Multiplex Magnum Mn contains is chelated micronutrient fertilizer which contains Manganese in chelated form as 12% EDTA. Manganese helps in photosynthesis, carbohydrate & N metabolism & assimilation. Activates (Catalyst's role) decarboxylase, dehydrogenase & oxidase systems in Kreb's cycle. It helps in translocating other nutrient ions as they enter the plant cell & direct them to their respective positions, where they carry out their functions in the plant. It is essential for splitting the water molecule during photosynthesis. Magnum makes plant resistant to virus multiplication in the plant system. Dosage: Use Multiplex Magnum Mn 0.5 g per liter of water

    Rs. 191.40 - Rs. 1,238.01

  • Multiplex Nitrocal (Calcium Nitrate) - 1 KG Multiplex Nitrocal (Calcium Nitrate) - 1 KG

    Multiplex Multiplex Nitrocal (Calcium Nitrate) - 1 KG

    Technical Content: Calcium(18.8%) and Nitrogen (15.5%) Mode of Application: Foliar and soil application Product Description: Multiplex Nitrocal contains Calcium Nitrate in powder form which is 100% water soluble. Calcium Nitrate application controls bitter pit disease in apple, spongy tissue in mango, fruit cracking in lemon and other fruit crops. It also helps to increase the shelf life of fruits. Dosage: Foliar spray: Use Multiplex Nitrocal 4.0 - 5.0 g per litre of water              Soil application: Apply 25 kg per acre, in 5 split doses.

    Rs. 252.30

  • Microla RCF Fertilizer - 1 LT - Agriplex Microla RCF Fertilizer - 1 LT - Agriplex

    RCF Microla RCF Fertilizer - 1 LT

    Microla RCF Fertilizer is a liquid micronutrient fertilizer that is used to improve the quality and yield of crops. It is a blend of six essential micronutrients: zinc, iron, copper, boron, manganese, and molybdenum. These micronutrients are essential for plant growth and development, and they are often depleted in the soil due to continuous cropping. Microla RCF Fertilizer is applied as a foliar spray, and it is absorbed quickly by the leaves. It helps to improve the chlorophyll content of the leaves, which leads to increased photosynthesis and plant growth. It also helps to improve the resistance of plants to pests and diseases. Microla RCF Fertilizer is suitable for a variety of crops, including wheat, rice, maize, cotton, vegetables, and fruits. It is also safe for use on organic crops. Benefits of using Microla RCF Fertilizer: Improves the quality and yield of crops Increases the resistance of plants to pests and diseases Improves the chlorophyll content of the leaves, leading to increased photosynthesis and plant growth Safe for use on organic crops Dosage and application: Microla RCF Fertilizer is applied as a foliar spray. The recommended dosage is 1-2 ml per liter of water. The spray should be applied to the leaves of the plants, making sure to cover both the upper and lower surfaces. The fertilizer can be applied at any stage of crop growth, but it is most effective when applied during the vegetative and flowering stages. Wheat: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied twice during the growing season, once at the 30-35 DAS (days after sowing) and again at the 60-65 DAS. Rice: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied once during the growing season, at the 45-50 DAS. Maize: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied twice during the growing season, once at the 25-30 DAS and again at the 50-55 DAS. Cotton: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied twice during the growing season, once at the 30-35 DAS and again at the 60-65 DAS. Vegetables: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied once or twice during the growing season, depending on the crop. Fruits: 1-2 ml per liter of water, applied once or twice during the growing season, depending on the crop.

    Rs. 498.45

  • Multiplex Sambrama Tablet (Complete Plant Food) - 5 GM Tablet Crops Multiplex Sambrama Tablet (Complete Plant Food)

    Multiplex Multiplex Sambrama Tablet (Complete Plant Food) - 5 GM Tablet

    Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Multiplex Sambrama increases the initial vigour of plants and induces disease & pest resistance. Helps plants to resist changes in the environment like stress in a better way. Improves the growth, yield and quality of the produce significantly encouraging visual effects can be seen within 6 - 7 days after the spray of Multiplex Sambrama. Dosage: Dissolve one Tablet of 5g tablet in 15 litres of water and spray.

    Rs. 64.38

  • Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Technical Content: Contains Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Vegetable Special helps in healthy plant growth, which will help the plant to be more tolerant to diseases. It also helps in better fruit setting, resulting in better quality produce & higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. At least 3 sprays at an interval of 20 days during the cropping season. For Leafy vegetables: 25 days after transplantation, For Non-leafy vegetables: When the plant is at 5-6 leaf stage. Beans-pre-flowering stage (About 15 days after germination), Onion and Garlic: 20 - 25 days after germination.

    Rs. 296.00

  • Multiplex Tobacco (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 500 GM Crop Multiplex Tobacco (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 500 GM

    Multiplex Multiplex Tobacco (Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer) - 500 GM

    Technical Content: Multiplex Tobacco Contains all secondary nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur and Micronutrients such as Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Boron, Molybdenum in easily available form. Product Description: Application of Multiplex Tobacco helps to develop drought resistance and keeps leaves greener and healthier. It also increases the leaf area, quality and quantity of Tobacco crop. Dosage: Use Multiplex Tobacco 2.5 g per liter of water for foliar Spray.

    Rs. 165.30

  • Aries Mobomin Plant Nutrient

    Aries Aries Mobomin Fungicide- 250 GM

    Benefits Prevents chlorosis of leaf margins, restricted growth Controls cupping, deformation, curling & mottling of leaves. It also avoids destruction of embryonic tissue and helps for better grain or fruit set & more viable pollens. Prevents drastic reduction in size and irregularities in leaf blade formation (whiptail). Synthesizes amino acids within the plant. Helps in nitrogen fixation in legumes. Convert inorganic phosphorus into organic forms in the plant.

    Rs. 326.00

  • Multiplex Manganese (Micro Nutrient) All crops Multiplex Manganese (Micro Nutrient)

    Multiplex Multiplex Manganese (Micro Nutrient)

    Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Multiplex Manganese is a micro nutrient fertilizer. It regulates auxin levels by auxin oxidase system. Manganese is used more particularly in photosynthesis. The disintegration of chloroplast occurs in manganese deficient leaves. Multiplex Manganese develops disease resistance and improves the quality of seeds. Dosage: Use Multiplex Manganese 2.5 g per liter of water for Foliar Spray

    Rs. 130.50 - Rs. 226.20

  • Aries Agromin Max Micro Nutrient Multimicronutrients

    Aries Aries Agromin Max Micro Nutrient - 250 GM (Pack of 2)

    Superfine, highly concentrated, instantly soluble spray dried powder. Contains Magnesium to enhance results of the product

    Rs. 370.00

 The symptoms of iron deficiency appear on the youngest, newest leaves. The area between the leaf veins becomes pale yellow or white (this is called interveinal chlorosis). Usually, no noticeable physical deformity occurs, but in severe cases, the youngest leaves may be entirely white and stunted.


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