Iron Deficiency

9 products

  • Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Product Description  - Anshul Iron is a  soil alteration product to lower the ph of high alkaline soil so that plants can absorb soil’s nutrients which is essential for crop growth and food production. It is the key component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation. Technical Content : Ferrous Sulphate (Iron) 19% Benefits: Anshul Iron is important in photosynthesis and also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Without iron, plants would not be able to produce chlorophyll, which gives plants oxygen and its healthy green color. Without iron, the plant can go into a state of chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll, plant is less green), where the leaves will have a sickly yellow color Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves.

    Rs. 110.00

  • Sale -17% Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Technical Content: Anshul Coconut Contains unique blend of secondary nutrients and micronutrients in balanced quantity required for best growth of coconut plant. Mode of Application: Soil application Product Description: Application of Anshul Coconut is a best fertilizer for coconut plants which helps in normal pollination, controls button shedding, increases the oil content in copra and develops disease resistance in palm, resulting in higher yield. Dosage: For bearing plants, apply Anshul Coconut 200-250g per palm in two split doses per year. First dose during the month of May/June and the second dose is during September/October. For non-bearing plants, 50- 100g per palm in two split doses per year. Note - The root system of coconut is entirely different from other plants. The root hairs are absent and in their place, root notches are present. These root notches will absorb the nutrients. It is advisable to apply fertilizer in split doses instead of a single application. When nutrients are applied, care should be taken to see that the soil contains sufficient moisture.

    Rs. 204.00Rs. 170.00

  • Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Technical Content: Contains Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Vegetable Special helps in healthy plant growth, which will help the plant to be more tolerant to diseases. It also helps in better fruit setting, resulting in better quality produce & higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. At least 3 sprays at an interval of 20 days during the cropping season. For Leafy vegetables: 25 days after transplantation, For Non-leafy vegetables: When the plant is at 5-6 leaf stage. Beans-pre-flowering stage (About 15 days after germination), Onion and Garlic: 20 - 25 days after germination.

    Rs. 296.00

  • Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG

    Technical Content: Major, Secondary and Micronutrients Anshul Zinc Max Contains Zinc sulphate 21.0 %. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Benefits: Zinc promotes growth hormones & starch formation. It promotes seed maturation & production. It is required by several enzyme systems & auxins & in protein synthesis. It also improves disease resistance in plants. Dosage : Soil Application: Apply minimum  5.0 kg per acre at the time of sowing or transplanting. For horticulture crops, apply 50 - 75 g per tree/ palm, once in six months.Foliar Application: Dissolve 3.0 g in one liter of water and spray on both surface of the leaves.

    Rs. 230.00

  • Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient Crops Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient

    Anshul Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient

    Zinc chelated with EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid). Contains Zinc 12% in the form of Zn-EDTA Mode of Application: Foliar spray and Soil application Product Description: Zinc promotes the growth of hormones & helps in starch formation. It helps to promote seed maturation & production. It is also required by several enzyme systems, Auxins & for Protein synthesis. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 0.5 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of leaves. Avoid spraying during the hot sun, since Zinc EDTA is sensitive to sunlight exposure. Soil Application: Apply 10 kg per acre during sowing or transplantation.

    Rs. 150.00 - Rs. 1,193.00

  • Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder

    Anshul Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder

    Mode of Application: Foliar spray Anshul Shine helps in better pollination, improves flower & fruit setting, resulting in quality produce and higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 3.0 g in one litre of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf and on fruits.

    Rs. 86.00 - Rs. 423.00

  • Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM

    Anshul Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM

    Product Description: ANSHUL POTATO is special fertilizer which contains all secondary nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, and micronutrients like Zinc, Boron, Manganese, Iron, and Molybdenum in optimum quantity. Anshul Potato ensures healthy growth and uniform development of tubers, resulting in a better quality of produce and higher yield.Dosage:Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Potato in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf.First, spray 35 days after germination.Second spray: 20-25 days after the first spray.

    Rs. 157.00

  • Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM

    Anshul Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM

    Technical Content: Anshul Parivarthan It contains a balanced mixture of chelated micronutrients such as Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Copper to meet the demands of all crops. It can be used to overcome the multiple micronutrient deficiencies in crops. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description /Benefits: Parivarthan Contains all the nutrients in chelated form and hence they are easily absorbed by plants. Corrects the existing micronutrient deficiency in plants and takes care of the requirement of nutrients in different growth stages of plants . Increases flowering and fruit setting and also helps in preventing premature dropping of flowers and set fruits .Helps in increasing the crop yield. Dosage: Foliar Spray: dissolve 1 gm per liter of water or 100 gms in 100 liters of water and spray on both the surfaces of the leaves. Avoid spray during hot sun. First Spray at 20-25 Days after germination or transplantation and thereafter repeat the spray once in 15 days. Three sprays are recommended.

    Rs. 325.00

  • Anshul Maxbor (Boron 20%) Fertilizer Anshul Maxbor (Boron 20%) Fertilizer

    Anshul Anshul Maxbor (Boron 20%) Fertilizer

    Technical Content: Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate and Contains 20 % boron in water soluble form. It helps to control flower shedding. It's application increases sweetness, size, colour and yield of the crop. Foliar Spray: Dissolve 1.0 g in one litre of water. First spray: Just before flowering and Second spray: 10 -12 days after first spray. Two sprays during the cropping season are enough to meet the boron requirement of the crop. Note: Application of boron products should be applied cautiously because the gap between deficiency and sufficiency is very narrow as far as boron requirement of the plant is concerned. If a small quantity of boron is applied extra, the crop production may be reduced instead of increase as boron in excess will become toxic to the plants.

    Rs. 98.00 - Rs. 551.00

 The symptoms of iron deficiency appear on the youngest, newest leaves. The area between the leaf veins becomes pale yellow or white (this is called interveinal chlorosis). Usually, no noticeable physical deformity occurs, but in severe cases, the youngest leaves may be entirely white and stunted.


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