Frequently Bought with Bio Products
Anshul Anshul Stick Max Wetting Agent
Crop: All the crops where foliar spray is done. Dosage: 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution. Benefits: Better and immediate absorption of Insecticides or fungicides or micronutrients or other fertilizers when sprayed with Anshul Stickmax works as a spreading, penetrating and sticking agent. This will help to avoid drain off. It can also be used with herbicides for maximum coverage and can effectively control the weeds. Stickmax can also be used as cleaning agent, for sprayers and farm machinery at lower cost. It is non-toxic to plants and free from sodium.
Rs. 77.00 - Rs. 1,402.00
Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid
Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.
Rs. 244.00 - Rs. 427.00
Anshul Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut)
Anshul Areca Star is the microbial consortium containing nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), Phosphate Solubilising Bacterias and Potash Mobilizing Bacteria along with Zinc solubilising Bacterial and plant growth promoting bacterial strains. Mode of Application: Soil application and Drip irrigation • Helps in better fruit setting • Keeps plant healthy and green •Increases number of bunches • Prevents premature dropping of nuts • Prevents cracking of nuts • Helps in avoiding soil borne diseases. Dosage : For drip irrigation: Use 2 litres of Anshul Areca Star for one acre of land. For soil drenching: Dissolve one litre of Anshul Areca Star in 200 litres of water and drench each plant with one litre of prepared solution.
Rs. 965.00 - Rs. 4,586.00
Anshul Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide
Anshul Biofinish is a broad spectrum bio-pesticide containing active ingredients derived from different plants. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Effective against a large number of sucking and caterpillar pests such as Planthoppers, Aphids, Psyllids, Whiteflies, Scale insects, Thrips, Gall midges, Fruit flies, Leaf eating insects, Stem borers, Pod/ Fruit borers in plantation, Fruits, Vegetables and cereals crops. Special feature it is also effective against fungal diseases. Dosage: 3-5ml.ltr
Rs. 112.00 - Rs. 3,274.00
Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG
Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.
Rs. 160.00
Anshul Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide
Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxinemor is a Neem seed Kernel based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.15% EC. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxinemor controls the majority of sucking pests and chewing Insects pests. Maxinemor acts as antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: 1-2 ml/litre
Rs. 231.00 - Rs. 851.00
Anshul Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide
Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxi Neem is a Neem oil-based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.03% EC W/W min. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxi Neem acts as Antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: Disslove Anshul Maxi Neem 3-5 ml/litre
Rs. 90.00 - Rs. 554.00
Anshul Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)
Anshul Phalmax is a Bio-activator containing Seaweed Extract, Amino Acid Mixture, Vermi Wash Liquid, Humic Acid, and Fulvic Acid along with traces of Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Foliar spray • It helps plants to grow healthy by absorbing all plant nutrients from the soil at different growth stages. • Helps in better fruit setting, development and maturity of fruits. • It induces disease resistance in plants.• It improves yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Anshul Phalmax in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of leaves. Use Anshul Stickmax 1 ml per liter of the spray mixture to increase the spray efficacy.
Rs. 200.00 - Rs. 750.00
Anshul Anshul Phosper (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) - 1 KG
Technical Content: Bacillus megaterium Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Anshul Phosper contains bacteria, Bacillus megaterium.This microorganism possess the ability to solubilize inorganic phosphate and make it available to plants by releasing organic acids. It also suppresses the growth of plant disease-causing fungus. Anshul Phosper produces plant growth-promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins. Anshul Phosper can increase the utilization of phosphorous which in turn increases the yield. Dosage: Anshul Phosper 250 ml - 500 ml or 2 kg should be mixed in 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Anshul Compact and broadcast in an acre of land.
Rs. 115.00
Anshul Anshul Robust PGI - 1KG
Technical Content: It contains a complex mixture containing all major nutrients derived from organic sources. It is enriched with humic acid, fulvic acid and amino acids. All these ingredients are blended to form granulated shiny black beads. Mode of Application: Soil application Product Description: Better absorption of nutrients from the soil and resulting in good plant growth and increased yield. It slowly releases the nutrients, reducing the wastage due to evaporation and volatilization. Improves binding capacity of soil particles which prevents leaching loss of nutrients in the soil. Improves enzymatic activities in plants, thereby increasing stress resistance. Improves appearance and keeping quality of fruits and vegetables. Dosage: Apply 2 kg of Anshul Robust per acre at the time of land preparation or before transplanting.
Rs. 466.00