Frequently Bought with Major Nutrients & PGR
Bayer Bayer Planofix Plant Growth Regulator
Product Description: Bayer Planofix is an aquous solution containing 4.5% (w/w) of Alpha napthyl acetic acid active ingredient. Planofix bayer plant growth regulator (PGR) used for the purpose of inducing flowering, preventing the shedding of flower buds and unripe fruits. Bayer plant growth regulator helps in enlarging fruit size, increasing and improving the quality and yield of fruits. Planofix plant growth regulator reduces natural shedding of fruits & flowers Reduces pre-harvest berry drop in grapes. Increases fruit size in pineapple and grapes. Mode of Action When we spray bayer Planofix growth promoter on plants prevents the formation of abscission layer by suppressing ethylene gas produced and hence thereby prevents the shedding of flowers, buds and fruits. CROPS AND TARGET PESTS Pineapple: (a) Apply just before expected flowering. (b) Drench the whole fruit but avoid the spray drift to young crop. (c) Again, wet the whole fruit 2 weeks before harvest. Tomato: At the time of flowering apply twice. Chillies: 1. First spray during flowering. 2. Second spray 20-30 days after spray (2 applications). Mango: 1. First spray when tender fruits are of pea size. 2. Malformation before fruit bud differentiation- approximate 3 month before flowering. Grapes: 1. First spray at pruning, 2. Second spray when flowering starts. Grapes: (To control berry drop) Spray on matured grapes branches 10-15 days before harvesting. Dosage: Standard solution: 1 ml Planofix in 4.5 L of water = 10 ppm 10 ml Planofix in 4.5 L of water = 100 ppm Benefits Planofix Induces flowering in crops that are normally long-day plants, such as chrysanthemums and poinsettias. Prevents the shedding of flower buds and unripe fruits, leading to increased yield. Enlarges fruit size, improving the quality and marketability of fruits. Improves the shelf life of fruits by delaying ripening. Increases the resistance of plants to stress, such as drought and frost. Application Bayer Planofix growth promoter is applied as a foliar spray. The recommended dosage varies depending on the crop and the desired results. Bayer plant growth regulator is important to read the label carefully before applying Planofix . Safety Planofix is a relatively safe product when used as directed. However, It is important to wear protective clothing when handling Planofix , and to avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Storage Planofix growth promoter should be stored in a cool, dry place. The product has a shelf life of 2 years. For more information, please consult the product label. Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using Plant growth regulator: Planofix should not be used on crops that are already flowering. Planofix can be phytotoxic to some plants, so it is important to test it on a small area before applying it to a large area. Planofix can interact with other pesticides, so it is important to read the labels carefully and follow the instructions. Planofix is a powerful plant growth regulator that can be used to improve the yield and quality of a variety of crops. However, Plant growth regulator is important to use, carefully and follow the label instructions to avoid any adverse effects.
Rs. 123.00 - Rs. 1,199.00
Sumitomo Sumitumo Taboli Growth Regulators - 30 ML
Sumitomo Taboli is a plant growth regulator that helps to enhance the quality and quantity of flowers and fruits in crops. It is a synthetic auxin, which is a type of plant hormone that promotes cell division and elongation. Taboli works by stimulating the production of plant enzymes and hormones, which leads to increased growth and development of the plant. The Active Ingredient in Sumitomo Taboli is paclobutrazol. Benefits of using Sumitomo Taboli: Increased flowering and fruiting Improved fruit quality and yield Reduced fruit drop Enhanced branching and tree shape Increased resistance to pests and diseases Improved drought tolerance Dosage It can be applied to crops by foliar spray, soil drench, or trunk injection. The dosage and application method will vary depending on the crop and the desired results. The dosage of Sumitomo Taboli will vary depending on the crop and the desired results. The following are some general guidelines: Foliar spray: 1-2 ml per liter of water. Soil drench: 150-200 ml per acre. Trunk injection: 8-10 ml per tree. Safety precautions: Sumitomo Taboli is a safe and effective plant growth regulator when used as directed. However, it is important to wear protective clothing when handling the product, and to avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Crops that can be treated with Sumitomo Taboli: Sumitomo Taboli can be used on a variety of crops, including: Apples Citrus fruits Grapes Mangoes Papayas Peaches Pears Plums Strawberries Tomatoes For more information on Sumitomo Taboli, please contact your local agricultural retailer. Here are some additional details about the benefits of using Sumitomo Taboli: Increased flowering and fruiting: Taboli can help to increase the number of flowers and fruits produced by a crop. This is because it stimulates the production of plant hormones that promote flowering and fruiting. Improved fruit quality and yield: Taboli can help to improve the quality and yield of fruits. This is because it helps to increase the size, weight, and sugar content of fruits. Reduced fruit drop: Taboli can help to reduce fruit drop. This is because it helps to strengthen the fruit stems and make them less likely to break. Enhanced branching and tree shape: Taboli can help to enhance the branching and tree shape of a crop. This is because it helps to promote the production of new shoots and branches. Increased resistance to pests and diseases: Taboli can help to increase the resistance of a crop to pests and diseases. This is because it helps to strengthen the plant's immune system. Improved drought tolerance: Taboli can help to improve the drought tolerance of a crop. This is because it helps the plant to conserve water. Sumitomo Taboli is a safe and effective plant growth regulator that can help to improve the quality and yield of a variety of crops. If you are looking for a way to improve your crop yields, Taboli is a good option to consider.
Rs. 359.70
Multiplex Multiplex Jivayush Biostimulent
Benefits Chelates the cations nutrients and makes available to the plant uptake. Helps to accelerate the seed germination, better emergence and increases vigor of the crops. Promotes root growth, increases root respiration, and better root proliferation. Helps in synthesis of chlorophyll pigments, thereby Increasing photosynthetic activity. Helps to plant to overcome transplanting shock, increases number of tillers, increases panicle formation and Grain filling. Helps in production of Phytohormones, sugar, amino acids, enzymes and helps in translocation in plants. Helps to combat against abiotic stress, pest and diseases. Induces more flowering, increases fruit setting Improves the yield both by quality and quantity. Specification Composition Humic and Fulvic acid derivatives along with Major, Secondary and Micronutrients in chelated form Crop All Crops Dosage & Methods of Application Use Multiplex Jivayush 100 g for one acre. Soil drenching: Drench Multiplex Jivayush at the rate of 0.5 g per liter of water. The total volume of solution to be drenched depends on the crop. Foliar application: Dissolve 0.5 g of Multiplex Jivayush in one liter of water and spray on both sides of the leaf Time of Application: It is recommended for applying critical stages of plant growth like, 10 to 15 days after sowing/ transplanting, pre-flowering and fruit setting with a spray interval of 15 to 20 Days. Precautions Use the solution immediately after diluting with water. Do not mix with any herbicides. Available Package 100 gm,20gm
Rs. 162.00 - Rs. 506.00
GSP Crop Science GSP Crazy Growth Regulators
Rs. 123.50 - Rs. 545.75
Multiplex Multiplex Multigene Nitrobenzene PGR - 1 KG
Benefits Multiplex Multigene work as a plant energizer, flowering stimulant and yield booster. It induces flowering thereby increasing the yield Specification Composition Contains Nitro benzene-17.0% Crop Wheat, Banana, Grapes, Cotton, Paddy, Chill, Tomato, Soybean, Brinjal, Pluses, Oil seeds and other flowering crops Dosage & Methods of Application Mix 1-2 kg in the required quantity of sand and broadcast over one acre of land First application: at the time of sowing. Second application:30 days before flowering Available Package 1 KG
Rs. 285.00Rs. 231.00
GSP Crop Science GSP Crazy Pro Growth Regulators - 1 LT
Rs. 1,057.50