Best Insecticides for Black Thrips in Chilli

1 product

  • BASF Exponus Insecticide BASF Exponus Insecticide Crops

    BASF BASF Exponus Insecticide

    Product Description BASF Exponus is a powerful and versatile insecticide designed to control a wide range of insect pests in various crops. It features a novel mode of action that effectively targets even the most resistant insect populations. Exponus offers rapid action, long-lasting protection, and excellent crop safety. Technical Content Active Ingredient: Broflanilide 300g/L SC Mode of Action Exponus interferes with the insect's nervous system by preventing the transmission of inhibitory signals. This over-excitation leads to rapid incapacitation and death of the pest. Benefits Powerful: Effectively controls a broad spectrum of insects, including resistant populations. Quick: Rapid onset of action for immediate pest control. Versatile: Suitable for use on a variety of crops and against different insect stages. Long-lasting: Provides extended protection against pest resurgence. Crop Safety: Demonstrates excellent compatibility with crops. Targeted Crops & Pests/Diseases Exponus is effective against a wide range of chewing and sucking insects, including: Crops: Oilseeds, pulses, and vegetables Pests: Caterpillars, thrips, and leaf miners Dosage & Application The specific dosage and application method will vary depending on the crop, pest, and local conditions. Always refer to the product label for detailed instructions. Method of Application Exponus is typically applied through foliar spraying. Ensure thorough coverage of the target crop. Compatibility Exponus is generally compatible with common agricultural pesticides. However, always conduct a compatibility test before mixing with other products. Manufacturing & Marketing Company

    Rs. 585.00 - Rs. 1,724.00

To control Chilli Black Thrips, implement regular monitoring and use appropriate insecticides or biological controls, ensuring thorough coverage of affected plants for effective suppression and prevention of further damage.


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