
40 products

  • Anshul Stick Max Wetting Agent Anshul Stick Max Wetting Agent

    Anshul Anshul Stick Max Wetting Agent

    Crop: All the crops where foliar spray is done. Dosage: 1.0 ml per litre of spray solution. Benefits: Better and immediate absorption of Insecticides or fungicides or micronutrients or other fertilizers when sprayed with Anshul Stickmax works as a spreading, penetrating and sticking agent. This will help to avoid drain off. It can also be used with herbicides for maximum coverage and can effectively control the weeds. Stickmax can also be used as cleaning agent, for sprayers and farm machinery at lower cost. It is non-toxic to plants and free from sodium.

    Rs. 77.00 - Rs. 1,402.00

  • Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Iron (Ferrous Sulphate 19%) - 1 KG

    Product Description  - Anshul Iron is a  soil alteration product to lower the ph of high alkaline soil so that plants can absorb soil’s nutrients which is essential for crop growth and food production. It is the key component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation. Technical Content : Ferrous Sulphate (Iron) 19% Benefits: Anshul Iron is important in photosynthesis and also involved in carbohydrate breakdown in mitochondria. Without iron, plants would not be able to produce chlorophyll, which gives plants oxygen and its healthy green color. Without iron, the plant can go into a state of chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll, plant is less green), where the leaves will have a sickly yellow color Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Iron in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves.

    Rs. 110.00

  • Anshul Liquid Magic (Liquid Micronutrient Fertilizer) Anshul Liquid Magic (Liquid Micronutrient Fertilizer)

    Anshul Anshul Liquid Magic (Liquid Micronutrient Fertilizer)

    Product Description - Anshul Liquid Magic contains secondary nutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, and micronutrients like Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Boron, and Molybdenum in balanced and easily available form. High yielding short duration variety crop will encounter more nutrients deficiency which might occur for reasons beyond the control of farmers, resulting in decreased yield in high-yielding crops. The application of Anshul Liquid Magic will initiate flowering, improves the setting up of flowers, corrects the deficiencies by eliminating the hidden hunger and develops resistance against diseases, which leads to increased yield. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Dosage: For field crops: Dissolve 2.5 ml Anshul Liquid Magic in one liter of water and spray on leaves. For field and vegetable crops First spray 20-25 days after sowing/transplanting. Second spray: 15 - 20 days after the first spray. Third spray:  before plant maturation or fruit development stage. For horticultural crops: Spray 20 - 30 days before flowering and second spray after fruit set. (i.e. when the fruit attains bean size).

    Rs. 82.00 - Rs. 1,572.00

  • Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid

    Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide Liquid

    Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.

    Rs. 244.00 - Rs. 427.00

  • Anshul Navras (Amino Acid) Anshul Navras (Amino Acid)

    Anshul Anshul Navras (Amino Acid)

    Product Description - Anshul Navras enhances the uptake of major, secondary and micronutrients by acting as a natural chelating agent, thus, improves flower and fruit setting and enhances drought resistance in plants. It promotes enzymatic activities, protein synthesis & also increases the photosynthetic activity in plants Technical Content - Anshul Navras Contains a mixture of 18 natural amino acids, extracted from plant source. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Benefits Enhances the uptake of major, secondary and micro nutrients by acting as natural chelating agent Promotes enzymatic activity in the plant system Increases the photosynthesis and enhances the protein synthesis Improves flower & fruit setting Controls flower & fruit dropping Improves size, colour and keeping quality of the produce · Enhances the drought resistance in plants · Improves the yield both by quality and quantity Dosage: Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Navras in one litre of water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves. We recommend two to three sprays starting from flower initiation at an interval of 15 to 20 days. Anshul Navras can be given through drip irrigation at the rate of one liter per acre

    Rs. 91.00 - Rs. 2,175.00

  • Anshul Full Power (Multi Nutrient Fertilizer) Anshul Full Power (Multi Nutrient Fertilizer)

    Anshul Anshul Full Power (Multi Nutrient Fertilizer)

     Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Anshul Full power contains essential plant nutrients (Major, Secondary and Micronutrients). Most of the nutrients are in chelated form. Dosage: Dissolve 2-2.5 ml of Anshul Full Power in one liter of water and spray on both surfaces of the leaves. First, spray 30 - 35 days after germination. Second, spray 15 days after the first spray.

    Rs. 221.00 - Rs. 886.00

  • Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut) Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut)

    Anshul Anshul Areca Star (Liquid Fertilizer for Arecanut)

    Anshul Areca Star is the microbial consortium containing nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), Phosphate Solubilising Bacterias and Potash Mobilizing Bacteria along with Zinc solubilising Bacterial and plant growth promoting bacterial strains. Mode of Application: Soil application and Drip irrigation • Helps in better fruit setting • Keeps plant healthy and green •Increases number of bunches • Prevents premature dropping of nuts • Prevents cracking of nuts • Helps in avoiding soil borne diseases. Dosage : For drip irrigation: Use 2 litres of Anshul Areca Star for one acre of land. For soil drenching: Dissolve one litre of Anshul Areca Star in 200 litres of water and drench each plant with one litre of prepared solution.

    Rs. 965.00 - Rs. 4,586.00

  • Anshul Ansucyper (Cypermethrin 10 % EC) Insecticide Crops Anshul Ansucyper (Cypermethrin 10 % EC) Insecticide

    Anshul Anshul Ansucyper (Cypermethrin 10 % EC) Insecticide

    Technical Content : Cypermetrin 10% EC Contact & Stomach action Anshul Ansucyper is a contact insecticide which contains Cypermethrin 10 % EC. Ansucyper is a synthetic pyrethroid group. Non-systemic, Contact and Stomach action. Ansucyper controls the chewing pests of all crops. Ansucyper does not leave residue in the crops and due to this quality it can be applied a week before the harvest of the crop. Dosage : Use Anshul Ansucyper-1.5-2 ml/liter

    Rs. 271.00 - Rs. 524.00

  • Sale -17% Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Coconut (Fertilizer for Coconut Tree) -1 KG

    Technical Content: Anshul Coconut Contains unique blend of secondary nutrients and micronutrients in balanced quantity required for best growth of coconut plant. Mode of Application: Soil application Product Description: Application of Anshul Coconut is a best fertilizer for coconut plants which helps in normal pollination, controls button shedding, increases the oil content in copra and develops disease resistance in palm, resulting in higher yield. Dosage: For bearing plants, apply Anshul Coconut 200-250g per palm in two split doses per year. First dose during the month of May/June and the second dose is during September/October. For non-bearing plants, 50- 100g per palm in two split doses per year. Note - The root system of coconut is entirely different from other plants. The root hairs are absent and in their place, root notches are present. These root notches will absorb the nutrients. It is advisable to apply fertilizer in split doses instead of a single application. When nutrients are applied, care should be taken to see that the soil contains sufficient moisture.

    Rs. 204.00Rs. 170.00

  • Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Biofinish Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Biofinish is a broad spectrum bio-pesticide containing active ingredients derived from different plants. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Effective against a large number of sucking and caterpillar pests such as Planthoppers, Aphids, Psyllids, Whiteflies, Scale insects, Thrips, Gall midges, Fruit flies, Leaf eating insects, Stem borers, Pod/ Fruit borers in plantation, Fruits, Vegetables and cereals crops. Special feature it is also effective against fungal diseases. Dosage: 3-5ml.ltr

    Rs. 112.00 - Rs. 3,274.00

  • Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Maxinemor (Azadirachtin 1500 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul  Maxinemor is a Neem seed Kernel based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.15% EC. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxinemor controls the majority of sucking pests and chewing Insects pests. Maxinemor acts as antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: 1-2 ml/litre

    Rs. 231.00 - Rs. 851.00

  • Anshul Army (EPN Nematicide) - 1 KG Anshul Army (EPN Nematicide) - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Army (EPN Nematode) - 1 KG

    Product description: Anshul Army contains entomopathogenic nematodes which come in contact with the insect, enter into the body through openings along with associated bacteria which cause septicemia (Blood poisoning), so that nematodes feed, thereby killing the insect. Technical Content: Heterorhabditis Indica Mode of Application: Soil Application Dosage: Apply Anshul Army 1-2 kg per acre for all field crops and 5-15 gm per tree for plantation crops.

    Rs. 717.00

  • Anshul Shine+ Secondary Nutrient & Multi Micronutrients Anshul Shine+ Secondary Nutrient & Multi Micronutrients

    Anshul Anshul Shine+ Secondary Nutrient & Multi Micronutrients

    Shine + is a liquid fertilizer containing higher concentrations of Calcium and Boron along with other nutrients in easily available form. Contains calcium 11%. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray:Shine was developed exclusively for foliar spray. Benefits: Calcium is an essential nutrient that is required by plants for healthy growth and development. Calcium is a major constituent of the cell walls, helps in pollen tube development, growth, health, and the setting up of flowers and flowers. Almost all field, oilseeds, and plantation crops require more quantities of calcium for completion of their life cycle as well as for improving yield both by quality and quantity. Fruits and vegetables like potato, Tomato, Brinjal, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cucurbits, Pumpkin, Apple, Watermelon, Papaya, Mango, require more quantity of calcium along with other nutrients. Dosage: Drip Irrigation:Mix 2 litres of Shine + in 200 litres of water & Feed through drip system ( 2 applications is required for a cropping season) Foliar spray: Dissolve 2 to 3ml of Anshul Shine + in 1 litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves & fruits.2 to 3 sprays are required depending upon the crop at an interval of 20-30 days between the sprays

    Rs. 167.00 - Rs. 585.00

  • Anshul Tricomax Powder Fungicide - 1KG Anshul Tricomax Powder Fungicide - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Tricomax Powder Fungicide - 1KG

    1 review

      Technical Content:Trichoderma viride Mode of Appicatio: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Trichoderma viride fungi has the properties of controlling many plant diseases. Anshul Tricomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage:Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Tricomax in one litre of water and spray in the evening hours on both the surface of the leaves/Mix 2kg of Anshul tricomax in 100kg of FYM / Anshul Compact and broadcast on one acre.

    Rs. 242.00

  • Anshul Magnesium (Magnesium Sulphate (Mg) 9.5 %) - 1 kg Anshul Magnesium (Magnesium Sulphate (Mg) 9.5 %) - 1 kg

    Anshul Anshul Magnesium (Magnesium Sulphate (Mg) 9.5 %) - 1 kg

    Mode of Application:Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Magnesium contains Magnesium Sulphate (9.5 % Magnesium)Note: Magnesium deficiency occurs in areas with high rainfall or wet regions, especially in light and acid soils.Benefits: Magnesium is the central atom of chlorophyll. Magnesium is necessary to achieve high concentrations of starch in potatoes, sugar beet and fats in oilseeds. Dosage Foliar Spray:Dissolve 3.0 - 5.0 g of Anshul Magnesium in one liter of water. First spray 20 - 25 days aftertransplantation. Repeat another two sprays at an interval of 10 - 15 days and give 2-3 sprays during cropping seasons. In the case of cotton 3 sprays are helpful in controlling red leaf disease.

    Rs. 130.00

  • Anshul Sulphur Secondary Nutrient Liquid Anshul Sulphur Secondary Nutrient Liquid

    Anshul Anshul Sulphur Secondary Nutrient Liquid

    Mode of Application:Foliar spray Compatibility: Anshul Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer is not compatible with all pesticides. Hence take precautions. However, compatibility with DDVP and Monocrotophos formulations is found to be good.Benefits: Anshul Sulphur Liquid Fertilizer keeps the plant healthy and vigorous and thus increases the yield and quality of produce. It induces frost resistance in winter crops and also disease and pests. Dosage:Mix 2.5 ml in a litre of water and spray on plants either in the morning or in the evening. NOTE: In sulphur deficient plants, younger leaves turn yellowish-green or chlorotic. Shoot growth is restricted and the diameter of the stem is reduced.

    Rs. 144.00 - Rs. 402.00

  • Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Anshul Anshul Maxi Neem (Azadiractin 300 PPM) Bio Pesticide

    Mode of action: Contact Action Product description: Anshul Maxi Neem is a Neem oil-based bio-pesticide containing Azadiractin 0.03% EC W/W min. It is a contact, insect growth regulator. Maxi Neem acts as Antifeedant, Repellant, Sterillant, Eco-friendly BioPesticide without any residual effect and does not allow pests to develop resistance. Frequent sprays can be given as prophylactic measures. Dosage: Disslove Anshul Maxi Neem 3-5 ml/litre

    Rs. 90.00 - Rs. 554.00

  • Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Pseudomax (Pseudomonas Fluorescence) Fungicide - 1KG

    Technical Content: Pseudomonas Fluorescence Mode of Application: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Pseudomonas Fluorescence is a bacteria which is detrimental to plant diseases. Anshul Pseudomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage: Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Pseudomax in one litre of water and spray on both surface of the leaves/ Mix 2kg of Anshul Pseudomax in 100 kg of FYM or Anshul Compact and broadcast in one acre.

    Rs. 160.00

  • Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Vegetable Special Micro Nutrients - 1KG

    Technical Content: Contains Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum. Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Vegetable Special helps in healthy plant growth, which will help the plant to be more tolerant to diseases. It also helps in better fruit setting, resulting in better quality produce & higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. At least 3 sprays at an interval of 20 days during the cropping season. For Leafy vegetables: 25 days after transplantation, For Non-leafy vegetables: When the plant is at 5-6 leaf stage. Beans-pre-flowering stage (About 15 days after germination), Onion and Garlic: 20 - 25 days after germination.

    Rs. 296.00

  • Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer) Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)

    Anshul Anshul Phalmax (Liquid Fertilizer)

    Anshul Phalmax is a Bio-activator containing Seaweed Extract, Amino Acid Mixture, Vermi Wash Liquid, Humic Acid, and Fulvic Acid along with traces of Micronutrients. Mode of Application: Foliar spray • It helps plants to grow healthy by absorbing all plant nutrients from the soil at different growth stages. • Helps in better fruit setting, development and maturity of fruits. • It induces disease resistance in plants.• It improves yield both by quality and quantity. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2 to 3 ml of Anshul Phalmax in one liter of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of leaves. Use Anshul Stickmax 1 ml per liter of the spray mixture to increase the spray efficacy.

    Rs. 200.00 - Rs. 750.00

  • Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) Insecticide Crops Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) Insecticide

    Anshul Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) Insecticide

    Mode of action: Contact & Systemic Action Product Description:Anshul Chlocip (Chlorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%EC) is a broad-spectrum contact and systemic insecticide which controls both sucking and chewing pests. Dosage: Use Anshul Chlocip 2 ml/litre of water for Spray

    Rs. 303.00 - Rs. 1,138.00

  • Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Zinc Max Micro Nutrient - 1 KG

    Technical Content: Major, Secondary and Micronutrients Anshul Zinc Max Contains Zinc sulphate 21.0 %. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Benefits: Zinc promotes growth hormones & starch formation. It promotes seed maturation & production. It is required by several enzyme systems & auxins & in protein synthesis. It also improves disease resistance in plants. Dosage : Soil Application: Apply minimum  5.0 kg per acre at the time of sowing or transplanting. For horticulture crops, apply 50 - 75 g per tree/ palm, once in six months.Foliar Application: Dissolve 3.0 g in one liter of water and spray on both surface of the leaves.

    Rs. 230.00

  • Anshul Humifest (Humic Acid 12% W/W) Anshul Humifest (Humic Acid 12% W/W)

    Anshul Anshul Humifest (Humic Acid 12% W/W)

    Mode of Application:Soil application, Seed treatment and Foliar spray Anshul Humifest contains Humic Acid 12% W/W. Humifest can be mixed with insecticides/ fungicides. It reduces soil erosion and increases water holding capacity of soil, thus enhances the drought resistance of crops. It reduces the requirement of inorganic fertilizers in root zone and releases the nutrients to plants when needed. It also increases seed germination and viability, when the seeds are coated. Humifest in combination with Zinc increases the size of fruits. Dosage:Soil Application: Apply 1.5 litre per acre through irrigation. Urea Treatment: Mix 500-1000ml on 100 kg urea. The urea will turn brown in colour. After 2 hrs of treatment urea can be applied to the soil. Foliar Application: Dissolve 3.0 ml in a liter of water and spray on both the surface of the leaves. For seed Treatment: Mix 100 ml in one litre of water. Treat the seeds in this solution for one hour before sowing.

    Rs. 96.00 - Rs. 2,414.00

  • Sale -6% Anshul Calcimax (Calcium Nitrate) - 1KG Anshul Calcimax (Calcium Nitrate) - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Calcimax (Calcium Nitrate) - 1KG

    Technical Content: Anshul Calcimax Contains Calcium 18.8 % and Nitrogen 15.5 % Mode of Application: Foliar spray and Soil application Product Description: Application of Calcimax helps in controlling bitter pit disease in apples, spongy tissue in mango, fruit cracking in lemon and other fruit crops. It also helps to increase the shelf life of fruits. Dosage: Foliar spray: Dissolve 4.0 - 5.0 g of Anshul Calcimax in one liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. Spray at least 2-3 sprays during the cropping season. Soil application: Apply 25 kg of Anshul Calcimax per acre, in 5 split doses.

    Rs. 309.00Rs. 292.00

  • Anshul Major Max (19:19:19) - 1KG Anshul Major Max (19:19:19) - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Major Max (19:19:19) - 1KG

    Mode of Application: Foliar Spray, Fertigation Product Description: Major max contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium in the ratio of 19:19:19.Benefits: Anshul Major Max is a 100 % water-soluble NPK fertilizer which contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potash in 19:19:19 ratio. Hence it is easily available to the plants. Foliar spray helps in immediate absorption thereby increasing the yield & Quality of produce. It also helps in drought resistance.Dosage: Foliar: Dissolve Major Max 3.0 - 5.0 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf. Fertigation: 2-3 kg per acre.

    Rs. 377.00

  • Anshul Tricomax Fungicide - Liquid Anshul Tricomax Fungicide - Liquid

    Anshul Anshul Tricomax Fungicide Liquid - 500 ML

      Technical Content:Trichoderma viride Mode of Appicatio: Foliar Application, Soil Application Product Description: Trichoderma viride fungi has the properties of controlling many plant diseases. Anshul Tricomax competes with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by killing them or suppressing their growth by producing a group of antibiotics. Dosage:Dissolve 3gm of Anshul Tricomax in one litre of water and spray in the evening hours on both the surface of the leaves/Mix 2kg of Anshul tricomax in 100kg of FYM / Anshul Compact and broadcast on one acre.

    Rs. 244.00

  • Anshul Mono P:K (00:52:34) Fertilizer - 1KG Anshul Mono P:K (00:52:34) Fertilizer - 1KG

    Anshul Anshul Mono P:K (00:52:34) Major Nutrient - 1KG

    Product description: Anshul Mono P:K is a Mono Potassium Phosphate water soluble fertilizer, which contains Phosphorus (52% P2O5) and Potassium (34% K2O).  Increase in the Yield of Crop. Increases fruit Size, shelf life and quality Suitable for pre-bloom as well as post-bloom applications Improves lustre, colour uniformity and taste Dosage: Use Anshul Mono P:K 3-5 gram /liter

    Rs. 527.00

  • Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient Crops Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient

    Anshul Anshul Zinc EDTA Micro Nutrient

    Zinc chelated with EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid). Contains Zinc 12% in the form of Zn-EDTA Mode of Application: Foliar spray and Soil application Product Description: Zinc promotes the growth of hormones & helps in starch formation. It helps to promote seed maturation & production. It is also required by several enzyme systems, Auxins & for Protein synthesis. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 0.5 g in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of leaves. Avoid spraying during the hot sun, since Zinc EDTA is sensitive to sunlight exposure. Soil Application: Apply 10 kg per acre during sowing or transplantation.

    Rs. 150.00 - Rs. 1,193.00

  • Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder

    Anshul Anshul Shine Micro Nutrient Powder

    Mode of Application: Foliar spray Anshul Shine helps in better pollination, improves flower & fruit setting, resulting in quality produce and higher yield. Dosage: Dissolve 3.0 g in one litre of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf and on fruits.

    Rs. 86.00 - Rs. 423.00

  • Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM

    Anshul Anshul Potato Special (Micronutrient Fertilizer for Potato) - 500 GM

    Product Description: ANSHUL POTATO is special fertilizer which contains all secondary nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, and micronutrients like Zinc, Boron, Manganese, Iron, and Molybdenum in optimum quantity. Anshul Potato ensures healthy growth and uniform development of tubers, resulting in a better quality of produce and higher yield.Dosage:Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g of Anshul Potato in one liter of water and spray on both the surface of the leaf.First, spray 35 days after germination.Second spray: 20-25 days after the first spray.

    Rs. 157.00

  • Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM

    Anshul Anshul Parivarthan (Chelated Micro Nutrient Mix)- 250 GM

    Technical Content: Anshul Parivarthan It contains a balanced mixture of chelated micronutrients such as Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Copper to meet the demands of all crops. It can be used to overcome the multiple micronutrient deficiencies in crops. Mode of Application: Foliar Spray Product Description /Benefits: Parivarthan Contains all the nutrients in chelated form and hence they are easily absorbed by plants. Corrects the existing micronutrient deficiency in plants and takes care of the requirement of nutrients in different growth stages of plants . Increases flowering and fruit setting and also helps in preventing premature dropping of flowers and set fruits .Helps in increasing the crop yield. Dosage: Foliar Spray: dissolve 1 gm per liter of water or 100 gms in 100 liters of water and spray on both the surfaces of the leaves. Avoid spray during hot sun. First Spray at 20-25 Days after germination or transplantation and thereafter repeat the spray once in 15 days. Three sprays are recommended.

    Rs. 325.00

  • Anshul Suraksha Fungicide Liquid Anshul Suraksha Fungicide Liquid

    Anshul Anshul Suraksha Fungicide Liquid

    Technical Content : Hexaconazole 5% EC Systemic Action Suraksha is a 5% SC formulation of Hexaconazole.It is a systemic triazole fungicide. It has broad-spectrum action against ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and fungi imperfecti. It is ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor thereby controlling growth and reproduction of plant fungal pathogens. It is useful for controlling Powdery mildews, rusts and leaf spots in cereals, oil seeds, horticultural and plantation crops and also for the effective control of Rice Sheath Blight. Controls pests : Scab, Blast, Sheath blight, Tikka leaf spot, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Blister blight Dosage : 2 ml/ltr

    Rs. 248.00 - Rs. 478.00

  • Anshul Phosper (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) - 1 KG Anshul Phosper (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Phosper (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) - 1 KG

    Technical Content: Bacillus megaterium Mode of Application: Soil Application Product Description: Anshul Phosper contains bacteria, Bacillus megaterium.This microorganism possess the ability to solubilize inorganic phosphate and make it available to plants by releasing organic acids. It also suppresses the growth of plant disease-causing fungus. Anshul Phosper produces plant growth-promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins. Anshul Phosper can increase the utilization of phosphorous which in turn increases the yield. Dosage: Anshul Phosper 250 ml - 500 ml or 2 kg should be mixed in 100 kg well-decomposed farmyard manure or Anshul Compact and broadcast in an acre of land.

    Rs. 115.00

  • Anshul Ikon (Acetamiprid 20% SP) Insecticide - 100 GM  Insects Anshul Ikon (Acetamiprid 20% SP) Insecticide - 100 GM

    Anshul Anshul Ikon (Acetamiprid 20% SP) Insecticide - 100 GM

    Mode of action: Systemic Action Product Description: Ashul Ikon Acetamiprid 20% SP) is a neonicotinoids group of insecticide with systemic action having the ability to control the insects which gained resistance against other insecticides. Ikon is a highly effective systemic insecticide for the control of aphids, jasssids and whiteflies in cotton crop SPECIAL FEATURES: It persists in crops and hence has the ability to control the hiding insects for a longer time. It is highly effective insecticide as it has ovicidal effect. Dosage: Use Anshul Ikon 0.5 gm/litre

    Rs. 175.00

  • Anshul Dual (13:00:45) Fertilizer - 1 KG Anshul Dual (13:00:45) Fertilizer - 1 KG

    Anshul Anshul Dual (13:00:45) Fertilizer - 1 KG

    Technical Content : Contains 13% nitrogen & 45% Potassium and Mode of Application: Foliar spray Product Description: Anshul Dual is potassium Nitrate fertilizer and When applied as a foliar spray helps the crops to resist diseases, enhances photosynthesis, provides better resistance to drought and frost and thus improves the health of the plant. It also enhances grain weight and thereby increases yield. Dosage: Dissolve 3.0 - 5.0 g per liter of water andspray on both sides of the leaf.

    Rs. 435.00

  • Anshul Dost (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) Fungicide Crops Anshul Dost (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) Fungicide

    Anshul Anshul Dost (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) Fungicide

    Mode of action : Contact & Systemic Action  Product description: Anshul Dost effectively controls fungal diseases by its systemic and contact action. Dost helps in increasing the production of field crops and vegetables. Dost is a suitable fungicide for Integrated Pest Management(IPM). Dost is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Dosage : 2 gm/litre

    Rs. 119.00 - Rs. 430.00

Anshul - Agriplex


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