Disease Management in Guava : Symptoms and Effective Control Methods

  • , by Agriplex India
  • 11 min reading time


Guava Also Known as Psidium Guajava is a popular tropical fruit known for its sweet and nutritious flesh. It is not only enjoyed fresh but is also used in various culinary preparations such as jams, jellies, and juices. 

In India Guava farming is done across India. Major states producing guava are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab Maharashtra, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Karnataka. Uttar Pradesh is the most important state for guava production. India Also Exports good-quality guava to Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asian Countries. 

However, guava cultivation is not without its challenges, and one of the most significant challenges faced by guava growers is disease management. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into common diseases affecting guava, their symptoms, and effective control methods to ensure a healthy and productive guava orchard. 

Disease Management in Guava

Common Guava Diseases 

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides): 


  • Anthracnose primarily affects the fruit, causing small, dark, sunken lesions with pinkish spore masses. 
  • Infected leaves may exhibit brown or black spots with irregular margins. 
  • Severe infection can lead to fruit drops and yield loss. 
Control Methods: 
  • Cultural Practices: Prune infected branches and remove fallen fruit to reduce the disease's source. Maintain proper spacing between trees to improve air circulation. 
  • Fungicides: Apply appropriate fungicides before the flowering season to prevent infection. Regular spraying during fruit development is also effective. For better control Spray  

Suggested products to Control Anthracnose are:  

Guava Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum): 


  • Wilting of leaves, starting from the lower branches and progressing upwards. 
  • Yellowing and necrosis of leaves. 
  • Browning of vascular tissue in the stem. 
  • Stunted growth and reduced fruit production. 
Control Methods: 
  • Resistant Varieties: Choose guava varieties resistant to Fusarium wilt. 
  • Soil Sterilization: Solarize or steam-sterilize the soil before planting to kill pathogens. 
  • Fungicides: Fungicidal drenches may help control the disease in severely affected trees. 
  • Proper Irrigation: Ensure adequate but not excessive soil moisture, as overly wet conditions can exacerbate wilt. 

Suggested products to Control Guava Wilt are:  

Powdery Mildew (Oidium psidii): 


  • White, powdery spots on leaves, young shoots, and fruit. 
  • Affected leaves may curl, wither, and drop prematurely. 
  • Reduced fruit quality and yield. 
Control Methods: 
  • Pruning: Prune affected branches to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. 
  • Sulfur-Based Fungicides: Apply sulfur-based fungicides as a preventive measure. 
  • Neem Oil: Neem oil can also be effective in managing powdery mildew. 

Suggested products to Control Powdery Mildew are: 

Bacterial Wilt (Erwinia psidii): 


  • Wilting of leaves and entire branches. 
  • Yellowing and drooping of leaves. 
  • Sticky, oozy exudates from infected areas. 
  • Dark, necrotic streaks in the stem. 
Control Methods: 
  • Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected plants promptly. 
  • Avoid Overhead Irrigation: Use drip irrigation to prevent splashing of bacteria. 
  • Copper-Based Sprays: Apply copper-based bactericides as a preventive measure. 
  • Resistant Varieties: Consider planting guava varieties known for their resistance to bacterial wilt. 

Suggested products to Control Bacterial Wilt are: 

  •  Multiplex Bactinash-200 - Use Multiplex Bactinash 0.3 -0.5 g/liter of water for spray or drenching
  • Tata Blitox Fungicid - Dissolve 2-3 g per liter of water. For soil application, the recommended dosage is 1-2 kg per hectare.

Rust (Puccinia psidii): 


  • Small, raised pustules on the leaves, which turn orange or reddish-brown. 
  • Premature leaf drop. 
  • Reduced fruit quality. 
Control Methods: 
  • Fungicides: Apply copper-based fungicides during the rainy season to prevent rust. 
  • Pruning: Remove and destroy severely infected leaves and branches. 
  • Proper Spacing: Ensure adequate spacing between trees for better air circulation. 

Suggested products to Control Guava Rust are: 

Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.): 


  • Stunted growth and reduced vigor. 
  • Yellowing and wilting of leaves. 
  • Swollen, galled roots with small, knotty growths. 
Control Methods: 
  • Soil Solarization: Solarize the soil before planting guava to reduce nematode populations. 
  • Resistant Varieties: Choose guava varieties that are less susceptible to root-knot nematodes. 
  • Nematode-Resistant Cover Crops: Incorporate nematode-resistant cover crops into your orchard management plan.  

Suggested products to Control Root-Knot Nematodes are: 

General Disease Management Tips for Guava: 

  • Proper Sanitation: Regularly clean the orchard by removing fallen leaves and fruit to reduce disease reservoirs. 
  • Pruning: Prune the guava trees to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration, which can help prevent and manage diseases. 
  • Healthy Soil: Maintain well-draining, fertile soil with proper pH levels to promote healthy guava growth. 
  • Fertilization: Apply balanced fertilizers to provide essential nutrients and enhance the plant's immune system. 
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Implement IPM practices to manage both diseases and pests, reducing the need for chemical controls.  


Guava disease management is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive guava orchard. By being proactive in identifying symptoms and employing effective control methods, growers can minimize the impact of diseases and ensure a bountiful harvest of this delicious tropical fruit. Remember that a combination of cultural practices, chemical treatments, and proper orchard management is often the key to success in guava disease management. Stay vigilant, and your guava orchard will thrive, providing you with the satisfaction of growing this wonderful fruit while meeting market demands for quality guavas. 



  • Very good information I found it very useful i have noted it into my agricultural diary



  • I read your paper carefully and copy out every thing in my farm dairy I found it very useful, I may try to make my own medicine as far as possible to avoid chemical…. Thank you for all the informations


    Joseph pachuau

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