Nunhems Mata Hari Onion Seed is a high-yielding, hybrid onion variety that is known for its dark red color, globe-like shape, and uniform size. It is a short-day onion variety, which means that it requires less sunlight to mature. This makes it a good choice for growing in areas with long summers or short day lengths.
Mata Hari Onion Seed is also resistant to a number of diseases, including downy mildew, pink root, and purple blotch. This makes it a reliable and easy-to-grow variety that is well-suited for commercial production.
Dark red color
Globe-like shape
Uniform size
Short-day onion variety
Resistant to downy mildew, pink root, and purple blotch
Produces large, healthy onions
Stores well for long periods of time
Resistant to diseases, making it easy to grow
Suitable for commercial production
How to Grow:
Sow seeds in the spring when the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Space seeds 1-2 inches apart.
Thin seedlings to 3-4 inches apart once they have developed two sets of true leaves.
Water regularly, especially during dry weather.
Fertilize every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer.
Harvest onions when the tops have fallen over and the necks have begun to turn yellow.
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