Multiplex Multiclear Bio Pesticide


Technical Content:

It is a herbal extract enriched with salts of phosphorous and potassium.

DOSAGE & Methods Of Application:

4 - 5 ml/litre of water and spray on the inflorescence and affected areas. Koleroga, Bud Rot and Leaf rust disease in Arecanut.

Special Features:

Used mainly in arecanut, however it can be used in other crops to control downy mildew and powdery mildew.

ಉತ್ಪನ್ನ ರೂಪ

Rs. 415.00Rs. 355.00

  • Prices are Inclusive of Taxes. Shipping charges will applicable as per the Order Size.


Technical Content:

It is a herbal extract enriched with salts of phosphorous and potassium.

DOSAGE & Methods Of Application:

4 - 5 ml/litre of water and spray on the inflorescence and affected areas. Koleroga, Bud Rot and Leaf rust disease in Arecanut.

Special Features:

Used mainly in arecanut, however it can be used in other crops to control downy mildew and powdery mildew.


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