UPL Lancer Gold is designed to help vegetable famers control multiple insect pest cost effectively. It is a combination of two systemic insecticide from different class
- Lancer gold offers a hassle-free premix solution for the management of multiple pests including thrips
- The active ingredients in Lancer gold Insecticide (acephate and imidacloprid) are water-soluble and readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give systemic control of feeding insects.
- Insect pests are generally controlled more effectively through ingestion than by contact.
- This insecticide is used to kill both chewing and sucking insects
CROPS : Tomato, Potato, Cotton, Brinjal, Cucurbits, Plantation crops, Fruit crops, and Field Crops.
INSECTS : Fruit borers, Caterpillars, Weevils, Aphids, Thrips, White Flies, Mealybugs.
DOSAGE : 2g/litre of water