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39 उत्पाद

  • Nunhems Us 33 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 33 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Us 33 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds

    Specifications: Maturity 1st Harvest : 65-70 Days Fruit Color : White Fruit Length : 18-20 cm Fruit Weight : 110-120 gms Strong sturdy vines having vigorous growth Attractive, glossy, uniform, white color fruits Fruits having broad tubercles (less breakable) with good shipping and keeping quality Prolific bearing with high yield

  • Nunhems Rakshak Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Rakshak Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Rakshak Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds

    Nunhems Rakshak is a semi-determinate tomato powerhouse bred to shield you from yield stress and shower you with juicy rewards.  Benefits:  Increased Profits: Rakshak's bumper crop of firm, marketable tomatoes translate to higher profits and satisfied customers.  Reduced Risk: Disease resistance and strong vines minimize losses due to pests and harsh weather, protecting your precious investment.  Efficient Growth: Rakshak's rapid maturity (65-70 days) allows for multiple harvests in a season, maximizing your land's potential.  Transportation-Friendly: Worry not about bruised or damaged fruit! Rakshak's firmness ensures your precious harvest reaches the market in pristine condition.  Reputation Booster: Delivering consistently high-quality, delicious tomatoes builds trust and loyalty among your customers, solidifying your reputation as a reliable supplier.    Key Features:  Unmatched productivity: Brace yourself for a bumper crop! Rakshak boasts high yields with uniform, medium-sized fruits (80-90g) reaching maturity in just 65-70 days after transplanting. Get ready to harvest basketfuls of deliciousness!  Built for strength: Rakshak's vigorous vines stand tall, refusing to bow down to challenging conditions. Their semi-determinate growth habit offers exceptional flexibility, thriving in both open fields and greenhouses.  Disease-defying defender: Say goodbye to tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) anxieties! Rakshak is armed with natural resistance to this common enemy, ensuring your precious plants stay healthy and productive.  Firmness that takes center stage: Forget mushy disappointment! Rakshak's fruits boast remarkable firmness, making them ideal for market sales, long-distance transport, and delightful slicing in your salads.  A flavor that shines: But Rakshak is more than just a pretty face (or, well, fruit). These beauties deliver a balanced sweetness and acidity, making them perfect for fresh eating, sauces, and even juicing.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems Rakshak Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Nunhems Rakshak Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems Rakshak Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Nunhems Rakshak Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems Rakshak Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems Rakshak Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems Rakshak Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems Rakshak Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

  • Nunhems Us 440 Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 440 Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Us 440 Tomato Seeds - Pack of 3000 Seeds

    Nunhems US 440 tomato seeds are the perfect choice for home gardeners and professional growers alike. These versatile seeds produce vigorous plants that thrive in both Kharif and Rabi seasons, offering abundant harvests of juicy, deep red tomatoes.  Benefits:  Prolific Yields: Get ready for a bounty! US 440 plants are determinate, meaning they produce concentrated sets of fruit for a high overall yield.  Early Maturity: Harvest ripe, delicious tomatoes in just 60-65 days after transplanting. Enjoy fresh tomato salads and dishes all season long.  Superb Fruit Quality: Savor the flavor! US 440 tomatoes boast a delightful deep red color, a perfectly balanced sweetness and acidity, and a firm, flat-round shape.  Excellent Disease Resistance: Breathe easy knowing your plants are protected. US 440 features built-in resistance to both Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV) and heat stress, ensuring healthy growth even in challenging conditions.  Long Shelf Life: Harvest with confidence! US 440 tomatoes have a fantastic shelf life, making them ideal for market growers and those who want to enjoy their homegrown bounty for longer.  Adaptable and Vigorous: These adaptable plants thrive in a variety of climates and soil conditions, making them perfect for growers across India.    Key Features:  Prolific Yields: Get ready for a bounty! US 440 plants are determinate, meaning they produce concentrated sets of fruit for a high overall yield. You can expect to harvest around 70-95 quintals per hectare.  Early Maturity: Harvest ripe, delicious tomatoes in just 60-65 days after transplanting. Enjoy fresh tomato salads and dishes all season long.  Superb Fruit Quality: Savor the flavor! US 440 tomatoes boast a delightful deep red color, a perfectly balanced sweetness and acidity, and a firm, flat-round shape, averaging 80-100 grams each.  Excellent Disease Resistance: Breathe easy knowing your plants are protected. US 440 features built-in resistance to both Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV) and heat stress, ensuring healthy growth even in challenging conditions.  Long Shelf Life: Harvest with confidence! US 440 tomatoes have a fantastic shelf life, making them ideal for market growers and those who want to enjoy their homegrown bounty for longer.  Adaptable and Vigorous: These adaptable plants thrive in a variety of climates and soil conditions, making them perfect for growers across India.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems US 440 Tomato Seeds are about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Nunhems US 440 Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems US 440 Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Nunhems US 440 Tomato Seeds variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems US 440 Tomatoes when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems US 440 Tomatoes in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems US 440 Tomatoes out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems US 440 Tomatoes at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks.     

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