
44 products

  • Nunhems Armour F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Armour F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Armour F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds

    Nunhems Armour F1 is a high-yielding, early-maturing hybrid chilli variety from Nunhems. It is ideal for both fresh and dry chilli cultivation. It is a popular choice among farmers due to its early maturity, high yield potential, and excellent fruit quality.  Key Features:  High yield: Armour F1 has a very high yield potential. It can produce up to 75000-80000 kg/ha of dry chillies.  Early maturity: Armour F1 matures in just 80-90 days after transplanting.  Excellent red colour: Armour F1 produces chillies with excellent red colour.  High pungency: Armour F1 has a pungency level of 70000-75000 SHU.  Semi-erect plant structure: Armour F1 has a semi-erect plant structure that is easy to manage.  Intermediate resistance to Leaf Curl Virus: Armour F1 has intermediate resistance to Leaf Curl Virus, which is a major disease of chillies.  Benefits:  High profitability: Armour F1's high yield and early maturity potential can lead to high profits for farmers.  Excellent marketability: Armour F1's excellent red colour and high pungency make it highly marketable.  Easy to manage: Armour F1's semi-erect plant structure makes it easy to manage and harvest.  Wide adaptability: Armour F1 can be grown in a wide range of soil and climatic conditions.    Land Preparation:     Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.    Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).    Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.    Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.    After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holdingwater-holding capacity, and soil structure.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water holding capacity, and soil structure.    Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.     Sowing    Sow Nunhems Armour  Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.    Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm apart.    Cover the seeds lightly with soil.    Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.    Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.     Transplanting:     Transplant Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.    Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.    Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.    Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.    Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.    Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.     Harvesting:    Nunhems Armour  Chilli Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.    Ripe Nunhems Armour Chilli    Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.    Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.    Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.    Storage:    Fresh Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.    Armour F1 Hybrid  Chilli stored in refrigerator    Wash chillies gently before storing them.    Place Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.    Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.    Drying of Nunhems Armour Chilli:    Wash chillies and remove stems.    Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.    Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or trays in a well-ventilated area.    Drying chillies    Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.    Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily.   

    Rs. 810.00

  • Nunhems Tomato Arya - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Tomato Arya - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Tomato Arya - 3000 SEEDS

    Nunhems Arya Tomato Seeds hybrid variety is ideal for summer cultivation in India and offers a variety of benefits with Nunhems Tomato Arya Seeds, you can easily cultivate delicious, high-quality tomatoes in your own backyard or farm.   Benefits:  Increased profitability: Arya's high yield and excellent fruit quality translate to higher profits for farmers.  Reduced risk: ToLCV resistance helps ensure healthy crops and minimize losses.  Wider market reach: Longer shelf life allows for wider distribution and sales opportunities.   Key Features:  High-yielding: Arya produces abundant yields of flat round tomatoes, averaging 80-90 grams each.  Early maturity: Enjoy ripe tomatoes just 65-68 days after transplanting.  Excellent fruit quality: Arya tomatoes are known for their bright red color, firm texture, and exceptional taste.  Heat tolerance: Well-suited for hot summer conditions.  Intermediate ToLCV resistance: Protects your tomato plants from the harmful Tomato Leaf Curl Virus.  Long shelf life: Arya tomatoes boast an impressive shelf life of 4-5 days, making them perfect for fresh markets and home consumption.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.   Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems Arya Tomato Seeds about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Nunhems Arya Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems Arya Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.   Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for the Nunhems Arya Tomato variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems Arya Tomato when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems Arya Tomato in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems Arya Tomato out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems Arya Tomato at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 595.00

  • Nunhems Rushaan Bitter gourd - 250SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Rushaan Bitter gourd - 250SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Rushaan Bitter gourd - 250SEEDS

    Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd Seeds is a high-yielding hybrid bitter gourd variety developed by Nunhems. It offers several advantages for both growers and traders  Key Features & Benefits  High-yielding hybrid: Produces a large amount of bitter gourd compared to open-pollinated varieties.  Disease resistance: Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd is resistant to leaf curl virus and powdery mildew, which can devastate bitter gourd crops.  Fruit size and color: Dark green, spindle-shaped fruit with a length of 12-14 centimeters. This site is appealing to consumers and can be sold in multiple segments (small-spiny and medium-spiny).  Strong spines: The spines stay intact even during transport, protecting the fruit and reducing spoilage. This is a major benefit for traders who need to ship the bitter gourd long distances.  Freshness: Maintains firmness and freshness even after picking, making it appealing to consumers.  Plant vigor: Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourds are strong plant habit, which can contribute to overall crop health and yield.  Maturity period: Reaches maturity in 52-55 days, allowing for multiple harvests throughout the growing season.     Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Most gourds prefer warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted Nunhems Rushaan Bitter Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilting, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Bitter Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 650.00

  • Nunhems Mata Hari Onion - 20000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Mata Hari Onion - 20000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Mata Hari Onion - 20000SEEDS

    Nunhems Mata Hari Onion Seed is a high-yielding, hybrid onion variety that is known for its dark red color, globe-like shape, and uniform size. It is a short-day onion variety, which means that it requires less sunlight to mature. This makes it a good choice for growing in areas with long summers or short day lengths. Mata Hari Onion Seed is also resistant to a number of diseases, including downy mildew, pink root, and purple blotch. This makes it a reliable and easy-to-grow variety that is well-suited for commercial production. Features: High-yielding Dark red color Globe-like shape Uniform size Short-day onion variety Resistant to downy mildew, pink root, and purple blotch Benefits: Produces large, healthy onions Stores well for long periods of time Resistant to diseases, making it easy to grow Suitable for commercial production How to Grow: Sow seeds in the spring when the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Space seeds 1-2 inches apart. Thin seedlings to 3-4 inches apart once they have developed two sets of true leaves. Water regularly, especially during dry weather. Fertilize every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer. Harvest onions when the tops have fallen over and the necks have begun to turn yellow.

    Rs. 1,450.00

  • Nunhems US 730 Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems US 730 Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems US 730 Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds

    Nunhems US 730 Chilli Seeds are a high-yielding, disease-resistant variety of chilli pepper seeds that are perfect for both home and commercial growers. These seeds produce medium-sized, dark green chilli peppers that are ideal for fresh eating, drying, and pickling.   Key Features:  Seed count: 1500 seeds per packet  Sowing season: Kharif, Summer  Sowing method: Transplanting of seedlings  Sowing spacing: RR - 3.5 to 4 ft, PP - 1 to 1.5 ft  Maturity: 70-75 days  Plant height: 60-70 cm  Fruit length: 15-16 cm  Fruit diameter: 1.5-2 cm  Fruit weight: 15-20 g  Fruit colour: Dark green  Scoville heat units: 3000-4000  Benefits:  High yield potential: These seeds can produce up to 1500 chilli peppers per plant.  Disease-resistant: Nunhems US 730 Chilli Seeds are resistant to a number of common diseases, including bacterial wilt and anthracnose.  Excellent fruit quality: The chilli peppers are medium-sized, dark green, and have a smooth, glossy skin.  Versatile: These chilli peppers can be eaten fresh, dried, or pickled.  Long shelf life: Nunhems US 730 Chilli Peppers have a long shelf life, making them ideal for commercial growers.     Land Preparation:     Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.    Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).    Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.    Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.    After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water holding capacity, and soil structure.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water holding capacity, and soil structure.    Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.     Sowing    Sow of Nunhems US 730  Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.    Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm apart.    Cover the seeds lightly with soil.    Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.    Nunhems US 730  Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.     Transplanting:     Transplant Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.    Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.    Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.    Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.    Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.    Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.     Harvesting:    Nunhems US 730  Chilli Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.    Ripe Nunhems US 730  Chilli    Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.    Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.    Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.    Storage:    Fresh Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.    Chilli stored in refrigerator    Wash chillies gently before storing them.    Place Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.    Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.    Drying of Nunhems US 730  Chilli:    Wash chillies and remove stems.    Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.    Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or on trays in a well-ventilated area.    Drying chillies    Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.    Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily.   

    Rs. 530.00

  • Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Belle Cucumber seeds are a high-yielding, hybrid cucumber variety that is perfect for commercial and home gardens. It is a French word that means "beautiful lady," and it lives up to its name with its slender, straight fruits that are up to 12 inches long. The fruits have a smooth, glossy skin and a crisp, refreshing  Key Features:   High Yield: Belle Cucumber produces a prolific amount of dark green, cylindrical cucumbers, reaching lengths of 18-22 cm.  Early Maturity: Ready to harvest in just 40-42 days after planting, making it a great choice for short growing seasons.  Disease Resistance: Resistant to several common cucumber diseases, including downy mildew, powdery mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus.  Excellent Shelf Life: Maintains its fresh appearance and firmness for extended periods after harvest, ideal for market growers.  Attractive Appearance: Deep green skin with a smooth finish, making it visually appealing for consumers.  Moderate Vigor: Compact vines suitable for both field and greenhouse production.    Benefits:   Increased Profitability: High yields and disease resistance lead to greater profits for farmers.  Reduced Risk: Disease resistance provides peace of mind and reduces the need for chemical pest control.  Early Harvest: Quick turnaround time allows for multiple plantings or other crops within the same season.  Improved Marketability: Attractive appearance and extended shelf life make Belle cucumbers more desirable to consumers.  Versatility: Suitable for various culinary uses, including salads, sandwiches, pickling, and fresh eating.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Belle cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Belle cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems Belle cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Nunhems Belle seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Belle seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Belle cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Belle cucumbers typically require more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Belle cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Belle cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

    Rs. 530.00

  • Nunhems Kranti Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Kranti Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Kranti Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS

    Nunhems Kranti is a hybrid chilli variety developed by BASF and marketed by Nunhems India. It is a high-yielding variety with good heat tolerance and resistance to diseases such as anthracnose and bacterial wilt. Kranti has a long shelf life and is suitable for both fresh and processed markets.  Key features:  High yield: Kranti can produce up to 5000-6000 kg of chillies per hectare.  Good heat tolerance: Kranti can withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius.  Disease resistance: Kranti is resistant to anthracnose and bacterial wilt.  Long shelf life: Kranti has a long shelf life of up to 2 weeks.  Suitable for fresh and processed markets: Kranti is suitable for both fresh and processed markets.    Benefits:  High yield  Good resistance to pests and diseases  Dual-purpose (green fresh, red dry)  Moderately hot  Suitable for a wide range of climates  Easy to grow     Land Preparation:    Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.   Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).   Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.   Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.   After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.    Sowing   Sow Nunhems Kranti Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.   Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart.   Cover the seeds lightly with the soil.   Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.   Nunhems Kranti Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.    Transplanting:    Transplant Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.   Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.   Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.   Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows 60-75 cm apart.   Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.   Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.    Harvesting:   Nunhems Meenal Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.   Ripe Nunhems Kranti Chilli   Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.   Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.   Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.   Storage:   Fresh Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.   Nunhems Kranti Chilli stored in refrigerator   Wash chillies gently before storing them.   Place Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.   Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.   Drying of Nunhems Kranti Chilli:   Wash chillies and remove stems.   Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.   Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or trays in a well-ventilated area.   Drying chillies   Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.   Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily. 

    Rs. 385.00

  • Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon Seeds- 2000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon Seeds- 2000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon Seeds- 2000SEEDS

    Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon Seeds are a great choice for anyone looking to grow delicious, sweet watermelons. These hybrid seeds produce Jubilee-elongated oval fruits that mature in 70-75 days (about 2 and a half months). The flesh is deep red, granular in texture, and has a high sweetness level (12% TSS). Pakeeza watermelons are also high-yielding, with a uniform fruit size of 8-10 kg.  Pakeeza watermelons are well-suited for a variety of climates and growing conditions. They are tolerant to diseases such as Fusarium wilt and Anthracnose. Pakeeza watermelons are also resistant to cracking and splitting, making them ideal for transportation and storage.  Key Features:  High yield: Pakeeza watermelons are a high-yielding variety, producing fruits that weigh 8-10 kg each.  Sweetness: The flesh of Pakeeza watermelons is deep red, granular in texture, and has a high sweetness level (12% TSS).  Disease resistance: Pakeeza watermelons are resistant to several diseases, including Fusarium wilt and anthracnose.  Early maturity: Pakeeza watermelons mature in 70-75 days, making them a good choice for short growing seasons.  Uniform fruit size: Pakeeza watermelons produce a uniform fruit size, making them ideal for commercial growers.  Benefits of Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon Seeds:  Early maturity (70-75 days)  High yield  Uniform fruit size (8-10 kg)  Deep red, granular flesh texture  Sweet and juicy (TSS of 12%)  Tolerant to diseases and pests  Resistant to cracking and splitting  Land Preparation:   Time your land preparation activities based on your planting schedule and local climate.   Add organic matter like compost or manure to improve soil fertility and structure. This helps retain moisture, provide nutrients for your plants, and promote beneficial microbial activity.   Create a smooth and even surface to facilitate proper water distribution and avoid puddling or erosion.   Consider using cover crops to improve soil health and suppress weeds.   Rotate your crops to prevent nutrient depletion and disease outbreaks.   Consult with local experts or extension services for specific recommendations based on your region and soil type.   Sowing  Sow Pakeeza watermelon seeds directly in the ground in the spring, after the last frost.  Space the seeds 24 inches apart in rows that are 6 feet apart.  Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.  Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer.  Harvest the watermelons when ripe and have a hollow sound when tapped.  Transplanting:   Fill pots with a well-draining potting mix.    Sow 2-3 seeds per pot, 1 inch deep.   Water the pots thoroughly and place them in a warm, sunny location.   Once the Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon seedlings have several true leaves, harden them off for a week before transplanting them outdoors.   Plant the Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon seedlings 2-3 feet apart in the prepared bed.    Harvesting:   Tools: All you need is a sharp knife or clippers.   Cut: Carefully cut the watermelon stem, leaving about 2 inches of it attached to the fruit. This helps prevent the watermelon from rotting.   Handling: Avoid dropping or rough handling, as it can damage the delicate flesh.   Time of day: Early mornings are ideal for harvesting Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon when the temperatures are cooler, and the fruits are still firm.   Storage:   Store Nunhems Pakeeza Watermelon at room temperature (around 70°F) for up to a week.   Do not refrigerate uncut watermelons, as it affects their flavor and texture.   Cut watermelons can be refrigerated for up to 3-5 days in an airtight container.   Tips:  For best results, plant Pakeeza watermelon seeds in well-drained soil that receive full sun.  Pakeeza watermelons are a heavy-feeding crop, so be sure to fertilize them regularly.  Water the plants deeply and regularly, especially during hot weather.  Mulch around the plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. 

    Rs. 1,950.00

  • Nunhems Ojas F1 Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Ojas F1 Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Ojas F1 Hybrid Chilli - 1500SEEDS

    Nunhems Ojas is an F1 hybrid chilli variety that is known for its strong plant architecture, attractive fruits, and good disease tolerance. It is a medium-punctuated chilli that is ideal for fresh consumption, processing, and drying.    Key Features:  Strong plant architecture with good branching  Attractive, smooth, medium pungent fruits  Green to dark green  Firm fruits with good keeping quality  Good disease tolerance to major diseases such as chilli wilt, chilli mosaic virus, and bacterial leaf spot  Benefits:  High yields of quality fruits  Good market value  Easy to grow and maintain  Resistant to major diseases    Land Preparation:    Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.   Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).   Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.   Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.   After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Apply a basal dose of fertilisers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.    Sowing   Sow  Nunhems Ojas Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.   Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart.   Cover the seeds lightly with soil.   Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.   Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.    Transplanting:    Transplant Nunhems Ojas Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.   Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.   Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.   Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.   Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.   Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.    Harvesting:   Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.   Ripe V Nunhems Ojas Chilli   Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.   Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.   Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.   Storage:   Fresh Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.   Nunhems Ojas Chilli stored in refrigerator   Wash chillies gently before storing them.   Place Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.   Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.   Drying of Nunhems Ojas Chilli:   Wash chillies and remove stems.   Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.   Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or trays in a well-ventilated area.   Drying chillies   Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.   Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily. 

    Rs. 325.00

  • Nunhems Indira Plus - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Indira Plus - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Indira Plus - 1500SEEDS

    Nunhems Indira Plus is a high-yielding, medium-pungency, fresh green chilli hybrid variety developed by BASF. It is suitable for cultivation in both open field and protected cultivation conditions. Key features: High yield potential: Nunhems Indira Plus can give yields of up to 4000 kg/ha in open field conditions. Medium pungency: The chillis have a medium level of pungency, making them suitable for both fresh and processed consumption. Good keeping quality: The chillis have good keeping quality and can be stored for a longer period of time without losing their quality. Resistant to diseases: Nunhems Indira Plus is resistant to a number of diseases, including bacterial wilt, leaf curl, and anthracnose. How to grow Nunhems Indira Plus: Sow the seeds in a well-drained soil in a sunny location. Water the plants regularly, especially during the flowering and fruiting stage. Apply fertilizer every 15-20 days. Protect the plants from pests and diseases. Harvesting: The chillis can be harvested when they are fully mature and have a bright green color. The fruits can be stored in a cool, dry place for a few days.

    Rs. 311.00

  • Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd - 250SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd - 250SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd - 250SEEDS

    Nunhems Anokhi is a high-yielding variety of bottle gourd perfect for home gardeners. Here's a breakdown of its key features:  Key Features & Benefits  Early Maturing: The Anokhi bottle gourd is ready to harvest in just 60-65 days after transplanting, allowing you to enjoy your homegrown vegetables quicker than many other varieties.  High Yield: This prolific bearer produces many gourds throughout the growing season, ensuring you get a plentiful harvest.  Visually Appealing Gourds: The Anokhi produces straight, cylindrical gourds with an attractive green color, making them a great choice for both eating and decorative purposes.  Long Shelf Life: The Anokhi gourd boasts good keeping quality, meaning they will stay fresh longer after harvest, reducing waste and allowing you to enjoy them for an extended period.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.    Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd prefer warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted Nunhems Anokhi Bottle Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Bottle Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 160.00

  • Nunhems Indu Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Indu Chilli - 1500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Indu Chilli - 1500SEEDS

    Nunhems Indu Chilli is a high-yielding, hybrid hot pepper variety that is suitable for cultivation in all states of India. It is a semi-spreading plant with an umbrella-like canopy, and it produces compact and attractive fruits. The fruits are shiny green in colour when immature, and they turn red when ripe. They are firm and glossy, and they have a good pungency.  Key Features:  High-yielding variety  Suitable for all states of India  Semi-spreading plant with umbrella-like canopy  Compact and attractive fruits  Shiny green fruits when immature, turn red when ripe  Firm and glossy fruits  Good pungency  Benefits:  Can be used for fresh or dry purposes  Suitable for long-distance transportation  Resistant to major diseases and pests     Land Preparation:    Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.   Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).   Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.   Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.   After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.   Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.    Sowing   Sow  Nunhems Indu Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.   Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart.   Cover the seeds lightly with soil.   Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.   Nunhems Indu Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.    Transplanting:    Transplant Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.   Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.   Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.   Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.   Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.   Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.    Harvesting:   Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.   Ripe Nunhems Indu Chilli   Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.   Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.   Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.   Storage:   Fresh Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.   Nunhems Indu Chilli stored in refrigerator   Wash chillies gently before storing them.   Place Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.   Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.   Drying of Nunhems Indu Chilli:   Wash chillies and remove stems.   Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.   Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or trays in a well-ventilated area.   Drying chillies   Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.   Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily. 

    Rs. 350.00

  • Nunhems Us 6001 Ridge Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 6001 Ridge Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Us 6001 Ridge Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds

    Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid Seeds Grow high-yielding ridge gourds with Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid Seeds!  These vegetable seeds are known for producing:  Early harvests: Enjoy your homegrown ridge gourds in just 48-52 days (about 1 month 3 weeks) after planting.  Abundant yield: Get ready for a bountiful harvest thanks to the seeds' strong plant vigor.  Key Features & Benefits:  F1 Hybrid: This variety boasts reliable germination and consistent plant growth.  Dark green, ridged gourds: The mature gourds reach 45-50cm (about 1.64 ft) in length and 4-5cm (about 1.97 in) in diameter, with 8-9 prominent ridges. Their dark green color makes them visually appealing.  Tender and flavorful: These gourds have a delicious taste and a pleasantly tender texture.  Excellent storage: The gourds have a good shelf life, allowing you to enjoy them for longer.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid Seeds prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid Seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted Nunhems US 6001 F1 Hybrid seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 480.00

  • Nunhems Devnur Deluxe Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Devnur Deluxe Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Devnur Deluxe Chilli Seeds - Pack of 1500 Seeds

    Nunhems Devnur Deluxe is a high-yielding F1 hybrid chilli variety that is ideal for both fresh consumption and processing. It is a popular choice among farmers due to its early maturity, high yield potential, and excellent fruit quality.  Key Features:  Early maturity: The plants mature in just 65-75 days from transplanting, making them ideal for short-season crops.  High yield potential: The plants can produce up to 20-25 tons of fruits per acre.  Excellent fruit quality: The fruits are long and slender (12-14 cm long and 1.2-1.3 cm thick), with a deep red colour and a high capsaicin content (180 ASTA). They have a semi-wrinkled skin and a medium pungency.  Good disease resistance: The plants are resistant to several diseases, including bacterial wilt and anthracnose.  Good rejuvenation capacity: The plants can recover well after initial harvesting, allowing for multiple harvests throughout the season.  Benefits:  High-income potential: Due to its high yield potential and excellent fruit quality, Devnur Deluxe can be a profitable crop for farmers.  Low maintenance: The plants are relatively easy to grow and require minimal care.  Widely adaptable: Devnur Deluxe can be grown in a variety of climates and soil conditions.    Land Preparation:     Number of ploughings: 2-3 ploughings are generally recommended to achieve a fine tilth.    Depth of ploughing: The first ploughing should be deep (18-20 cm) to break the hardpan and improve drainage. Subsequent ploughings can be shallower (10-12 cm).    Timing: Ploughing is best done during the summer months (April-May) to allow the soil to dry and aerate.    Moisture content: Ideally, the soil should have moderate moisture content during ploughing. Avoid ploughing when the soil is too wet or dry.    After ploughing, remove all weeds, stones, and other debris from the field. This will prevent competition for resources and facilitate smooth land levelling.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.    Incorporate well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) or compost at 15-20 tons per acre at the time of final ploughing. This improves soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and soil structure.    Apply a basal dose of fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. A general recommendation is 40 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per acre.     Sowing    Sow Nunhems Devnur Deluxe  Chilli seeds in a well-drained seedbed with fertile soil.    Sow seeds thinly, about 2-3 cm apart.    Cover the seeds lightly with the soil.    Water the seedbed regularly and keep it moist.    Nunhems Devnur Deluxe  Chilli Seedlings should emerge in 7-10 days.     Transplanting:     Transplant Nunhems Devnur Deluxe   Chilli seedlings to the field when they are 4-5 weeks old and have 4-5 true leaves.    Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.    Prepare the field by tilling, levelling, and making planting holes.    Space the plants 45-60 cm apart in rows that are 60-75 cm apart.    Make sure the roots are not bent when planting.    Water the plants thoroughly after transplanting.     Harvesting:    Nunhems Devnur Deluxe  Chilli Chillies are ready for harvest when they reach full colour and size.    Ripe Nunhems Devnur Deluxe  Chilli    Use sharp scissors or pruners to harvest the chillies.    Cut the stem about 1 cm above the fruit.    Harvest chillies regularly, as this will encourage further fruiting.    Storage:    Fresh  Chilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.     Chilli stored in refrigerator    Wash chillies gently before storing them.    Place  Chillis in a plastic bag and remove as much air as possible.    Alternatively, chillies can be dried or frozen for longer storage.    Drying of Nunhems Devnur Deluxe   Chilli:    Wash chillies and remove stems.    Slice chillies into thin strips or leave them whole.    Spread chillies on a clean drying rack or trays in a well-ventilated area.    Drying chillies    Turn chillies regularly to ensure even drying.    Chillies are dry when they are brittle and break easily. 

    Rs. 480.00

  • Nunhems Amanshri Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Amanshri Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Amanshri Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 500 Seeds

    Specifications: Early maturity Heavy yield with prolific bearing Attractive, shining and dark green fruits Suitable for long distance shipping with good keeping quality Average fruit length - 22 to 24 cms

    Rs. 1,320.00

  • Nunhems Singham Bhendi Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Singham Bhendi Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Singham Bhendi Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds

    Specifications: High yielding Hybrid. Long pentagonal fruits with attractive dark green colour. Great Vigour of plants Better Crop Longevity.

    Rs. 1,020.00

  • Nunhems Astha Watermelon - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Astha Watermelon - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Astha Watermelon - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Astha Watermelon is a hybrid watermelon variety renowned for its high yields, exceptional sweetness, and visually appealing appearance. This variety is a top choice for both home gardeners and commercial growers seeking a delicious and profitable crop.   Key Features:  Elliptical (oval-shaped) fruits weighing 8-10 kg each.  Dark green to black rind at maturity, adding a touch of elegance to the fruit.   Attractive deep red flesh that is sure to tantalize your taste buds.  Maturity in 70-80 days after transplanting, allowing you to enjoy fresh watermelon earlier in the season.   Sturdy, healthy, and dense plants that produce an abundant harvest.   Tolerant to inorganic (abiotic) stress, making it a reliable choice for diverse growing conditions.  Disease resistance: The variety exhibits resistance to various diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments.   Long shelf life: The fruits can be stored for a longer period, allowing for flexibility in marketing and consumption.   High market value: The attractive appearance and excellent quality of Nunhems Astha make it a popular choice among consumers, commanding a premium price.  Benefits:  High yield: Nunhems Astha Watermelon produces large, uniform fruits that weigh up to 10-12 kg each.  Mini seeds: The seeds are small and easy to remove, making this variety a good choice for people who don't like to eat seeds.  Sweet and juicy flesh: The flesh is deep red and very sweet, with a crisp texture.  Excellent shipping and storability: Nunhems Astha Watermelon can be shipped long distances without losing its quality. It can also be stored for several weeks without spoiling.  Land Preparation:    Time your land preparation activities based on your planting schedule and local climate.    Add organic matter like compost or manure to improve soil fertility and structure. This helps retain moisture, provide nutrients for your plants, and promote beneficial microbial activity.    Create a smooth and even surface to facilitate proper water distribution and avoid puddling or erosion.    Consider using cover crops to improve soil health and suppress weeds.    Rotate your crops to prevent nutrient depletion and disease outbreaks.    Consult with local experts or extension services for specific recommendations based on your region and soil type.    Sowing   Sow Nunhems Astha Watermelon seeds directly in the ground in the spring, after the last frost.   Space the seeds 24 inches apart in rows that are 6 feet apart.   Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.   Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer.   Harvest the watermelons when ripe and have a hollow sound when tapped.   Transplanting:    Fill pots with a well-draining potting mix.     Sow 2-3 seeds per pot, 1 inch deep.    Water the pots thoroughly and place them in a warm, sunny location.    Once the Nunhems Astha Watermelon seedlings have several true leaves, harden them off for a week before transplanting them outdoors.    Plant the Nunhems Astha Watermelon seedlings 2-3 feet apart in the prepared bed.     Harvesting:    Tools: All you need is a sharp knife or clippers.    Cut: Carefully cut the watermelon stem, leaving about 2 inches of it attached to the fruit. This helps prevent the watermelon from rotting.    Handling: Avoid dropping or rough handling, as it can damage the delicate flesh.    Time of day: Early mornings are ideal for harvesting Nunhems Astha Watermelon when the temperatures are cooler, and the fruits are still firm.    Storage:    Store Nunhems Astha Watermelon at room temperature (around 70°F) for up to a week.    Do not refrigerate uncut watermelons, as it affects their flavor and texture.    Cut watermelons can be refrigerated for up to 3-5 days in an airtight container.    Tips:   For the best results, plant Nunhems Astha Watermelon in well-drained soil that receives full sun.   Known You Samarth Watermelon seeds are a heavy-feeding crop, so be sure to fertilize them regularly.   Water the plants deeply and regularly, especially during hot weather.   Mulch around the plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. 

    Rs. 1,080.00

  • Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Don is a high-yielding, hybrid cucumber variety that is resistant to downy mildew (DM). It is a good choice for both commercial and home growers.  Benefits:   For Commercial Growers:  Profitable: Nunhems Don cucumber seeds have high yields, early maturity, and disease resistance translates to increased income.  Market-Ready: Attractive appearance and excellent flavor ensure high demand.  Reduced Waste: Disease resistance and strong fruits minimize losses.  Flexible: Adaptability to various conditions allows for wider market reach.  For Home Gardeners:  Easy to Grow: Fast maturity and adaptability make it perfect for beginner and experienced gardeners.  Abundant Harvest: Enjoy fresh cucumbers regularly throughout the season.  Versatile: Delicious in various dishes and perfect for snacking.  Disease Resistance: Minimizes the need for chemical treatments.  Additional Advantages:  Parthenocarpic: Doesn't require pollination for fruit set, simplifying cultivation.  Trellis-Friendly: Grows well on support, improving fruit quality and ease of harvest.  Extended Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for longer, reducing post-harvest losses.  Key Features:   High-yielding: Produces abundant fruits (up to 400 per plant) thanks to strong plant vigor and multiple fruit sets per node.  Fast Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), ideal for maximizing your growing season.  Disease Resistant: Possesses intermediate resistance to downy mildew, a common cucumber threat.  Cylindrical Shape: Nunhems Don cucumber seeds Produce attractive, uniform fruits with a deep green color, perfect for market appeal.  Excellent Flavor: Crisp and refreshing with a balanced sweetness, ideal for salads, wraps, or snacking.  Adaptable: Thrives in diverse climates and soil conditions, from open fields to polyhouses.  Vigorous Plant:  cucumber seeds Offer good ground cover and potential for vertical gardening.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Don cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Don cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems Don cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep—place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Don seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Don cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Don cucumbers typically require more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Don cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Don cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

    Rs. 660.00

  • Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelon - Agriplex Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelon - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelon

    Nunhems Lyallpur 257 is a high-yielding, F1 hybrid muskmelon variety that is known for its sweet, orange flesh and attractive appearance. It is a semi-netted variety that matures in 60 days (about 2 months) from sowing. The fruits are round and uniform in shape, with smooth, light green skin and a distinctive netting pattern. The flesh is deep orange and has a high sugar content, with a sweetness of 12-16% TSS.  Key Features:  Maturity: Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelons mature 55-60 days (about 2 months) from sowing, making it an early-maturing variety.  Fruit Shape: Oval-round with uniform netting, visually appealing.  Rind Color: Attractive creamy grey adds aesthetic value.  Flesh Color: Deep orange, rich and appetizing.  Flesh Quality: Aromatic, sweet, and flavorful, known for its excellent taste.  Brix Level: 12-15%, indicating good sugar content and sweetness.  Average Weight of Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelons is 1-1.5 kgs, ideal for individual consumption.  Plant Vigor: Moderate, adaptable to various growing conditions.  Yield: High yielding, maximizing production potential.  Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelons is a Disease Resistance: Some resistance to common diseases, reducing risk of crop loss.  Benefits:  Early harvest: Brings melons to market sooner, potentially fetching higher prices.  Attractive appearance: The fruit's shape, color, and netting make it visually appealing to consumers.  Superior taste: Sweet, aromatic flesh provides a delightful eating experience.  Marketability: High demand for its taste and appearance, leading to better sales potential.  Profitability: High yields and marketability translate to potentially higher profits for growers.  Adaptability: Moderate plant vigor allows for cultivation in diverse growing conditions.  Disease resistance: Reduces risk of crop loss and associated costs.      Land Preparation:      Selecting the right field: Choose a well-drained, sandy loam soil with a pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelons don't tolerate heavy clay soils or waterlogging. Opt for a field that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Consider crop rotation to prevent pests and disease buildup. Avoid planting muskmelons after crops like tomatoes, peppers, or eggplants.  Tilling and plowing: Start by deeply plowing the field for 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before planting to loosen the soil and improve drainage. This allows for better root development and nutrient uptake. Break up any large colds and level the field to create a smooth planting surface.  Adding organic matter: Incorporate plenty of organic matter into the soil, such as aged manure, compost, or green manure crops. This improves soil fertility, water retention, and drainage.  Testing soil pH and nutrients: Get your soil tested to determine its pH and nutrient levels. This helps you tailor your amendments and fertilizer application accordingly. Based on the test results, adjust the soil pH using lime or sulfur if necessary.  Applying fertilizer: Apply a balanced fertilizer according to your soil test results and chosen muskmelon variety. Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelons typically require phosphorus and potassium at planting, followed by nitrogen applications during the growing season. Incorporate the fertilizer into the top few inches of soil.  Weed control: Before planting, control any weeds present in the field using mechanical cultivation, hand weeding, or herbicides.     Sowing     Choosing the right time to plant: The best time to plant Nunhems Lyallpur 257 muskmelon seeds outdoors is in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are starting your seeds indoors, you can do so about 4-6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.  Planting the seeds: Plant the seeds about 1 inch deep and 2-3 feet apart. If you are starting your seeds indoors, you can plant them in pots or seedling trays. Be sure to use a sterile potting mix and water the seeds well.     Transplanting:      Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the seedling.  Gently remove the seedling from its pot, taking care not to damage the roots.  Place the seedling in the hole and fill in the soil around it, firming it gently.  Water the seedling well.  Aftercare:  Water the seedlings regularly, especially during hot weather.  Fertilize the plants according to the needs of your soil.  Protect the plants from pests and diseases.  Nunhems Lyallpur 257 Muskmelon plants are vining plants, so you will need to provide them with some support. You can use a trellis, stakes, or cages.  Harvesting:     The most crucial factor in harvesting Nunhems Lyallpur 257 muskmelons is timing. Picking them too early results in unripe, bland fruit, while waiting too long leads to overripe melons that are soft and prone to spoilage. The ideal time to harvest depends on several factors, including:  Variety: Nunhems Lyallpur 257 muskmelon varieties mature at different rates. Consult the seed packet or a gardening guide for specific maturity information for your variety.  Slip test: This is the most reliable indicator of ripeness for many Nunhems Lyallpur 257 muskmelon varieties. Gently twist the stem where it attaches to the melon. If it separates easily from the vine with minimal pressure, the melon is ripe.  Visual cues: Look for a change in skin color. As the melon ripens, the green color fades, often developing a yellowish cast, especially near the blossom end. The netting on the rind may also appear more pronounced.  Touch: Ripe melons should feel slightly soft at the blossom end, not hard or mushy.  Aroma: A sweet, Nunhems Lyallpur 257 musky fragrance is another sign of ripeness.  Post-Harvest Handling:  Storing: Don't wash the melons until you're ready to eat them. Store them in a cool, well-ventilated location out of direct sunlight. Ripe melons can be stored at room temperature for a few days or refrigerated for up to a week.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 482.00 - Rs. 970.00

  • Nunhems Sampurna Tomato Hybrid - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Sampurna Tomato Hybrid - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Sampurna Tomato Hybrid - 3000 SEEDS

    Nunhems Sampurna tomato seeds are a high-yielding, round, hybrid tomato variety that is resistant to the ToLCV virus. It is a semi-determinate variety that grows to a height of about 5 feet. The fruits are firm and have a deep red color when ripe. They are about 80-100 grams in weight.  Sampurna is a good choice for growing in both rainy and summer seasons. It is tolerant to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. The seeds have a germination rate of over 80%.    Benefits:  High yield  Good quality fruits  Heat tolerant  Disease resistant  Easy to grow    Key Features:  High yield: Nunhems Sampurna Tomato can produce up to 30-40 tons of tomatoes per acre.  Resistance to ToLCV virus: This virus can cause severe damage to tomato crops. Sampurna is resistant to this virus, so you can be confident that your crop will be protected.  Semi-determinate growth habit: This means that the plant will stop growing after a certain point, which makes it easier to harvest.  Firm, deep red fruits: The fruits are firm and have a deep red color when ripe, making them ideal for fresh eating or processing.  Good tolerance to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions: Sampurna can be grown in a variety of soil types and climates.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems Sampurna tomato Seeds about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems Sampurna Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.     Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for the Nunhems Sampurna Tomato variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.    Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems Sampurna Tomato when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems Sampurna Tomato in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems Sampurna Tomato out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems Sampurna Tomato at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomatoes are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 525.00

  • Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelon Seeds - Pack of 1000 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelon Seeds - Pack of 1000 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelon Seeds - Pack of 1000 Seeds

    Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelon Seeds offer a combination of desirable features and benefits that make them a good choice for farmers seeking high yields, early harvests, and marketable fruits.    Key Features:  Early Maturing: Ready for harvest in just 55-60 days, 5-7 days earlier than the popular Madhuraja variety.  High Yield: Excellent bearing capacity, producing multiple melons per plant.  Fruit Quality:  Attractive Appearance: Round shape with stripes, visually appealing.  Good Size: Fruits weigh 1.0 to 1.25 kgs each.  Sweet Flavor: Flesh has a good orange color and aroma, with a sweetness level of 12-15% TSS.  Mild Netting: Adds to the visual appeal and protects the fruit.  Plant Characteristics:  Sturdy and Healthy: Dense plants that can withstand typical growing conditions.  Disease Resistance: Inherently resistant to some common diseases.  Benefits:  Early harvests allow for multiple cropping cycles within a season, potentially increasing profits.  High yields translate to more melons to sell or enjoy.  Attractive fruits fetch premium prices in the market.  Sweet and flavorful flesh provides a delightful eating experience for consumers.  Strong plants are easier to manage and require less intervention.  Disease resistance reduces the need for fungicides, saving money and promoting sustainable farming.      Land Preparation:      Selecting the right field: Choose a well-drained, sandy loam soil with a pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelons don't tolerate heavy clay soils or waterlogging. Opt for a field that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. Consider crop rotation to prevent pests and disease buildup. Avoid planting muskmelons after crops like tomatoes, peppers, or eggplants.  Tilling and plowing: Start by deeply plowing the field for 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before planting to loosen the soil and improve drainage. This allows for better root development and nutrient uptake. Break up any large colds and level the field to create a smooth planting surface.  Adding organic matter: Incorporate plenty of organic matter into the soil, such as aged manure, compost, or green manure crops. This improves soil fertility, water retention, and drainage.  Testing soil pH and nutrients: Get your soil tested to determine its pH and nutrient levels. This helps you tailor your amendments and fertilizer application accordingly. Based on the test results, adjust the soil pH using lime or sulfur if necessary.  Applying fertilizer: Apply a balanced fertilizer according to your soil test results and chosen muskmelon variety. Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelons typically require phosphorus and potassium at planting, followed by nitrogen applications during the growing season. Incorporate the fertilizer into the top few inches of soil.  Weed control: Before planting, control any weeds present in the field using mechanical cultivation, hand weeding, or herbicides.     Sowing     Choosing the right time to plant: The best time to plant Nunhems Madhuraja muskmelon seeds outdoors is in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are starting your seeds indoors, you can do so about 4-6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.  Planting the seeds: Plant the seeds about 1 inch deep and 2-3 feet apart. If you are starting your seeds indoors, you can plant them in pots or seedling trays. Be sure to use a sterile potting mix and water the seeds well.     Transplanting:      Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the seedling.  Gently remove the seedling from its pot, taking care not to damage the roots.  Place the seedling in the hole and fill in the soil around it, firming it gently.  Water the seedling well.  Aftercare:  Water the seedlings regularly, especially during hot weather.  Fertilize the plants according to the needs of your soil.  Protect the plants from pests and diseases.  Nunhems Madhuraja Muskmelon plants are vining plants, so you will need to provide them with some support. You can use a trellis, stakes, or cages.  Harvesting:     The most crucial factor in harvesting Nunhems Madhuraja muskmelons is timing. Picking them too early results in unripe, bland fruit, while waiting too long leads to overripe melons that are soft and prone to spoilage. The ideal time to harvest depends on several factors, including:  Variety: Nunhems Madhuraja muskmelon varieties mature at different rates. Consult the seed packet or a gardening guide for specific maturity information for your variety.  Slip test: This is the most reliable indicator of ripeness for many Nunhems Madhuraja muskmelon varieties. Gently twist the stem where it attaches to the melon. If it separates easily from the vine with minimal pressure, the melon is ripe.  Visual cues: Look for a change in skin color. As the melon ripens, the green color fades, often developing a yellowish cast, especially near the blossom end. The netting on the rind may also appear more pronounced.  Touch: Ripe melons should feel slightly soft at the blossom end, not hard or mushy.  Aroma: A sweet, Nunhems Madhuraja musky fragrance is another sign of ripeness.  Post-Harvest Handling:  Storing: Don't wash the melons until you're ready to eat them. Store them in a cool, well-ventilated location out of direct sunlight. Ripe melons can be stored at room temperature for a few days or refrigerated for up to a week.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 695.00

  • Nunhems Maxx F1 Hybrid Watermelon Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Maxx F1 Hybrid Watermelon Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Maxx F1 Hybrid Watermelon Seeds

    Nunhems Maxx watermelon is a high-yielding, mini-seeded watermelon variety that is perfect for commercial growers and backyard gardeners. It is known for its sweet and juicy flesh, deep red color, and excellent shipping and storage qualities.    Key Features:  Nunhems Maxx watermelon is a heat-tolerant variety and can be grown in a variety of climates.  It prefers full sun and well-drained soil.  Water regularly, especially during the flowering and fruiting stages.  Fertilize ever  Benefits:  High yield: Nunhems Maxx produces large, uniform fruits that weigh up to 10-12 kg each.  Mini seeds: The seeds are small and easy to remove, making this variety a good choice for people who don't like to eat seeds.  Sweet and juicy flesh: The flesh is deep red and very sweet, with a crisp texture.  Excellent shipping and storability: Nunhems Maxx can be shipped long distances without losing its quality. It can also be stored for several weeks without spoiling.  Disease resistance: Nunhems Maxx is resistant to several diseases, including powdery mildew and fusarium wilt.      Land Preparation:    Time your land preparation activities based on your planting schedule and local climate.    Add organic matter like compost or manure to improve soil fertility and structure. This helps retain moisture, provide nutrients for your plants, and promote beneficial microbial activity.    Create a smooth and even surface to facilitate proper water distribution and avoid puddling or erosion.    Consider using cover crops to improve soil health and suppress weeds.    Rotate your crops to prevent nutrient depletion and disease outbreaks.    Consult with local experts or extension services for specific recommendations based on your region and soil type.    Sowing   Sow Nunhems Maxx watermelon seeds directly in the ground in the spring, after the last frost.   Space the seeds 24 inches apart in rows that are 6 feet apart.   Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.   Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer.   Harvest the watermelons when ripe and have a hollow sound when tapped.   Transplanting:    Fill pots with a well-draining potting mix.     Sow 2-3 seeds per pot, 1 inch deep.    Water the pots thoroughly and place them in a warm, sunny location.    Once the Nunhems Maxx watermelon seedlings have several true leaves, harden them off for a week before transplanting them outdoors.    Plant the Nunhems Maxx watermelon seedlings 2-3 feet apart in the prepared bed.     Harvesting:    Tools: All you need is a sharp knife or clippers.    Cut: Carefully cut the watermelon stem, leaving about 2 inches of it attached to the fruit. This helps prevent the watermelon from rotting.    Handling: Avoid dropping or rough handling, as it can damage the delicate flesh.    Time of day: Early mornings are ideal for harvesting Nunhems Maxx watermelon when the temperatures are cooler, and the fruits are still firm.    Storage:    Store watermelon at room temperature (around 70°F) for up to a week.    Do not refrigerate uncut watermelons, as it affects their flavor and texture.    Cut watermelons can be refrigerated for up to 3-5 days in an airtight container.    Tips:   For the best results, plant watermelon in well-drained soil that receives full sun.   Known You Samarth Watermelon seeds are a heavy-feeding crop, so be sure to fertilize them regularly.   Water the plants deeply and regularly, especially during hot weather.   Mulch around the plants to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. 

    Rs. 988.00 - Rs. 1,980.00

  • Nunhems Us 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds

    Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds High-yielding bitter gourd variety for home gardeners and growers. They are a popular choice for cultivators seeking a prolific and reliable bitter gourd variety. These F1 hybrid seeds produce plants known for their:  Key Features:  Strong, vigorous vines: The US 475 seeds germinate into sturdy plants with robust growth habits, ideal for climbing trellis structures.  Uniform, dark green fruits: This variety produces attractive bitter gourds with a deep, consistent green color, making them visually appealing.  Prolific yield: You can expect a high number of bitter gourds from each plant throughout the growing season.  Extended harvest: Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd boasts good crop longevity, allowing for extended harvesting over a longer period.  Fast maturity: The first fruits can be ready to pick as early as 50-60 days after sowing.  Ideal fruit size: On average, the bitter gourds mature to a length of 24-28 centimeters, a desirable size for many culinary uses.   Benefits:  Increased productivity: The US 475 seeds offer the potential for a significantly higher yield compared to other bitter gourd varieties.  Consistent quality: The uniform appearance of the fruits makes them ideal for commercial growers or those seeking a visually pleasing harvest.  Extended harvest window: Enjoy fresh bitter gourds over a longer period thanks to the extended harvest window.  Faster turnaround: With a shorter maturity time, you can enjoy homegrown bitter gourds sooner than with other varieties.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd Seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.    Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted Nunhems US 475 Bitter Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 560.00

  • Nunhems Us 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds

    Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds are High-yielding bitter gourd with excellent shipping tolerance. They are a great option for growers looking for a productive and reliable bitter gourd variety. These F1 hybrid seeds produce plants with strong vigor, ensuring a bountiful harvest.  Key Features:  High Yield: US 1315 boasts a very high yield, maximizing your harvest potential.  Long Crop Longevity: The plants produce fruits over a long period, allowing you to enjoy fresh bitter gourd for an extended season.  Excellent Shipping Tolerance: The dark green fruits have strong spines, protecting them from damage during transportation, ideal for long-distance shipping.  Attractive Appearance: The gourds have a striking dark green color, making them visually appealing to consumers.  Fast Maturing: The fruits mature in just 50-55 days after transplanting.  Benefits:  Increased Profits: High yields and extended harvest season translate to greater profits for growers.  Reduced Waste: The fruits' durability during transport minimizes spoilage and waste.  Market Demand: The attractive appearance and excellent shipping tolerance make US 1315 a preferred choice among traders and consumers.  Consumer Satisfaction: The consistent shape and dark green color enhance the visual appeal of the bitter gourd.    Land Preparation:      Choose a Sunny Location: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Gourds won't tolerate soggy conditions, so avoid planting them in areas that tend to flood or have poor drainage.  Prepare the Soil: The ideal soil for gourds is fertile, well-drained, and loamy or sandy. A soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is preferred.  Amend the Soil (optional): If your soil is not fertile or well-drained, you can amend it before planting. Here's how: Add organic matter: Apply decomposed manure or compost to the planting area at a rate of 10-12 tons per hectare. You can also add aged manure to the planting holes.  Improve drainage: If your soil is heavy clay, you can improve drainage by adding sand or other organic matter. Raised beds are another option for improving drainage in poorly drained soils.  Tilling and Weeding: Begin preparing the land 3-4 weeks before planting. Till the soil to a fine tilth, which is a loose, crumbly condition that is easy for plant roots to penetrate. Remove any weeds or debris from the planting area.   Sowing     Sowing Time:  Sowing Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds prefers warm weather. Aim for planting in the spring or summer months after the danger of frost has passed.  Some regions may have a second planting window during the rainy season.  Seed Selection:  Choose high-quality Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd Seeds from a reputable source. Consider factors like variety, maturity time, and disease resistance.  Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting:  Some gourds, like bottle gourds and luffa, thrive with direct sowing in prepared planting holes.  Other varieties, like sponge gourds, may benefit from starting Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd seedlings indoors in pots before transplanting outdoors.  Planting Depth:  Follow the recommended planting depth for your specific gourd variety. It's usually around 1-2 inches deep.  Seed Spacing:  Each planting hole should hold the recommended number of Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd seeds for your chosen gourd variety. Thin seedlings later if necessary to maintain proper spacing for mature plants.  Watering:  Water the planting area thoroughly after sowing Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd seedlings to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and promote germination.   Transplanting:      Timing is Crucial: Transplant Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd seedlings when they have developed 4-5 true leaves, typically around 2-3 weeks after sowing.  Harden Them Up: Before transplanting, harden off your seedlings for a week or two. Gradually expose them to increased sunlight, wind, and cooler temperatures to mimic outdoor conditions. This reduces transplant shock.  Prepare the Planting Area: Ensure the chosen location has well-drained, fertile soil amended with compost or manure if needed. Space the planting holes according to your specific Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd variety.  Dig Carefully: When removing seedlings from their pots or trays, gently loosen the soil and lift the entire root ball to minimize root damage.  Plant at the Right Depth: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the seedling's root ball. Plant the seedling so the lowest true leaves are slightly above the soil surface.  Water Well: Water the newly transplanted Nunhems US 1315 Bitter Gourd seedlings thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots and eliminate air pockets.  Continuing Care: Provide regular watering during the initial establishment period, especially during hot or dry weather. Monitor for signs of transplant shock, such as wilti0ng, and provide shade if necessary.  Harvesting Gourds     Look for Signs: Generally, gourds are ready for harvest when the stem begins to brown and dry out. The skin may also change color, becoming dull or developing a yellowish tinge for some varieties.  Tenderness Test (for culinary gourds): For gourds consumed fresh, gently press the skin with your thumb. If it yields slightly, it's ready for picking. A hard, unyielding skin indicates it needs more time.  Sharp is Best: Use sharp pruners or shears to cut the gourd from the vine. Leave a short stem attached (about 1-2 inches) to help prevent rot during storage.  Timing is Key: For continuous harvest, pick gourds regularly at the recommended stage. This encourages the plant to produce more fruits. Leaving gourds on the vine for too long can hinder further production.  Avoid Frost: Don't wait for frost to harvest your gourds. Frost can damage the fruits and shorten their storage life.  Drying Gourds: If you're harvesting gourds for crafting purposes, allow them to dry completely on the vine before picking. This can take several weeks. Signs of dryness include a completely brown and papery stem and a lightweight feel to the gourd.  Ripening: If your melons are slightly underripe, you can try to ripen them at room temperature for a day or two. However, don't expect them to ripen significantly if they're picked too early. 

    Rs. 670.00

  • Nunhems Romance F1 Carrot - 100000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Romance F1 Carrot - 100000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Romance F1 Carrot - 100000SEEDS

    Nunhems Romance F1 Carrot is a popular variety of carrot that is known for its uniformity, bright orange color, and good blunting. It is a Nantes type carrot, which means that it has a tapered shape and is relatively easy to grow. Romance F1 is also an F1 hybrid, which means that it is the result of a cross between two purebred parents. This gives it the best qualities of both parents, resulting in a carrot that is both high-yielding and disease-resistant. Features: Uniform, bright orange color Good blunting Nantes type carrot F1 hybrid High-yielding Disease-resistant Benefits: Ideal for fresh market Suitable for bunching, snacking, storage, industry, and organic production Resistant to carrot root fly Easy to grow Delicious flavor Applications: Fresh market Bunching Snacking Storage Industry Organic production Growing conditions: Romance F1 Carrot is a relatively easy to grow carrot that can be grown in a variety of soil types. However, it prefers well-drained, loamy soil. It is also a cool-season crop and should be planted in the spring or fall.

    Rs. 4,200.00

  • Nunhems Sartaj Okra Hybrid - 3500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Sartaj Okra Hybrid - 3500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Sartaj Okra Hybrid - 3500SEEDS

    Nunhems Sartaj is a high-yielding, F1 hybrid okra variety that is resistant to pests and diseases. It is suitable for cultivation in a wide range of climatic conditions, including the Indian climate. The okra pods are long and slender, with a good taste and texture. They are also high in nutrients, including vitamins A and C. Features: High yield: Nunhems Sartaj okra can produce up to 3000 pods per plant, under optimal conditions. Pest and disease resistance: This variety is resistant to a number of pests and diseases, including okra leaf spot, okra fruit rot, and okra wilt. Wide adaptability: Nunhems Sartaj can be grown in a wide range of climatic conditions, including the Indian climate. Long and slender pods: The okra pods are long and slender, with a good taste and texture. High nutrient content: Okra is a good source of vitamins A and C. How to grow Nunhems Sartaj okra: Sow the seeds in well-drained soil, about 1 inch deep. Space the plants 18-24 inches apart. Water the plants regularly, especially during hot weather. Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer. Harvest the okra pods when they are young and tender. Benefits of growing Nunhems Sartaj okra: Nunhems Sartaj is a high-yielding variety that can produce a lot of okra pods. This variety is resistant to pests and diseases, which can save you time and money on pest control. Nunhems Sartaj can be grown in a wide range of climatic conditions, so you can grow it even if you live in a hot or humid climate. Okra is a good source of vitamins A and C, which are essential nutrients for good health.

    Rs. 298.00

  • Nunhems Shakti Hybrid Okra - Agriplex Nunhems Shakti Hybrid Okra - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Shakti Hybrid Okra

    Nunhems Shakti is a high-yielding, hybrid okra variety that is resistant to pests and diseases. It is suitable for cultivation in both Kharif and Rabi seasons. The plants are tall and vigorous, with dark green, cylindrical fruits that are 12-14 cm long. The fruits are tender and have a good taste. Key features of Nunhems Shakti okra seeds: High yield potential: Can yield up to 6-8 tons per acre Resistant to pests and diseases: Resistant to okra leaf curl virus, okra fruit borer, and okra shoot borer Suitable for both Kharif and Rabi seasons: Can be grown in a wide range of climatic conditions Early maturity: First harvest can be taken in 45-50 days after transplanting Tender and tasty fruits: Fruits are tender and have a good taste How to sow Nunhems Shakti okra seeds: Sow the seeds in well-prepared soil at a depth of 2 cm. The ideal spacing for okra is 30 cm x 15 cm. Water the seeds regularly, especially during the germination period. Apply a balanced fertilizer at the time of transplanting and every 15 days thereafter. Harvesting: The okra fruits can be harvested when they are tender and about 12-14 cm long. Harvest the fruits regularly to encourage more flowering and fruiting.

    Rs. 790.00 - Rs. 1,470.00

  • Nunhems Shikhar Okra - 3500SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Shikhar Okra - 3500SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Shikhar Okra - 3500SEEDS

    Nunhems Shikhar Okra is a high-yielding, hybrid okra variety that is resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus (YMV). It has attractive, dark green, cylindrical fruits that are 14-16 centimeters long. The plants are vigorous and have good branching, resulting in a high number of fruits. Shikhar Okra is suitable for cultivation throughout the year. It is a good choice for both commercial and home growers. Key features: High-yielding Resistant to YMV Attractive, dark green fruits Cylindrical fruits, 14-16 centimeters long Vigorous plants with good branching Suitable for cultivation throughout the year Benefits: High yields: Shikhar Okra produces high yields of high-quality fruits. Disease resistance: It is resistant to YMV, a major disease of okra. Good looks: The fruits are attractive and have a good taste. Easy to grow: It is easy to grow and care for. Suitable for all seasons: It can be cultivated throughout the year. How to grow: Sow the seeds in well-drained soil at a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Space the plants 30-45 centimeters apart. Water the plants regularly, especially during the flowering and fruiting stages. Apply fertilizer every 15-20 days. Harvest the fruits when they are young and tender.

    Rs. 322.00

  • Nunhems Tomato Aahan - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Tomato Aahan - 3000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Tomato Aahan - 3000 SEEDS

    Nunhems Tomato Aahan is a high-yielding, hybrid tomato variety that is well-suited for cultivation in India. It is a semi-determinate plant that produces large, flat-round tomatoes that are deep red. The fruits are firm and have a good shelf life. Aahan is a heat-tolerant variety that can be grown in a variety of climates. It is also resistant to several tomato diseases, making it a reliable choice for growers.   Benefits:  High yield  Good quality fruits  Heat tolerant  Disease resistant  Easy to grow  Key Features:  High yield  Large, flat-round fruits  Deep red color  Firm flesh  Good shelf life  Heat tolerant  Disease resistant      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems Tomato Aahan Seeds about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Nunhems Tomato Aahan seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems Tomato Aahan seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.   Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for this variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems Tomato Aahan when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems Tomato Aahan in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems Tomato Aahan out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems Tomato Aahan at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomatoes are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 561.00

  • Nunhems Samrat Bhindi (Okra) Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Samrat Bhindi (Okra) Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Samrat Bhindi (Okra) Seeds - Pack of 3500 Seeds

    Tall vigorous plant High Resistance of YVMV Fruit weight is very good High yield Attractive dark green thick pentagonal shaped fruits Fruit length is 14 to1 6 cms Good for all season cultivation Suitable for all okra growing areas

    Rs. 870.00

  • Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato - 3000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato - 3000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato - 3000SEEDS

    Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato Seeds are a high-yielding variety that is perfect for home gardens and commercial growers alike. These seeds produce large, square-round tomatoes that are deep red and weigh 90-100 grams each. The fruits have excellent firmness and shelf life, making them ideal for fresh eating, canning, and juicing.   Benefits:  High yields: These plants produce an abundance of large, flavorful tomatoes throughout the season.  Disease resistant: US 1143 is resistant to some common tomato diseases, including leaf curl virus.  Good fruit quality: The tomatoes are firm, flavorful, and have a long shelf life.  Adaptable: This variety is suitable for growing in a wide range of climates and soil conditions.  Semi-determinate growth habit: This means that the plants will grow to a certain height and then stop, making them ideal for staking or trellising.   Key Features:  Plant Type: Semi-determinate - This means the plants will grow to a certain height and then stop, making them ideal for staking or trellising.  Fruit Size: 90-100 grams - Each tomato will weigh between 90 and 100 grams, providing a good yield of medium-sized fruits.  Fruit Color: Deep red - The tomatoes have a vibrant and appealing deep red color, making them perfect for salads and fresh eating.  Days to Maturity: 70-75 days - These tomatoes mature relatively quickly, allowing you to enjoy fresh homegrown produce within a few months of planting.  Disease Resistance: Leaf curl virus - US 1143 is resistant to leaf curl virus, a common disease that can devastate tomato crops.      Land Preparation:     Tomatoes need well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral pH (6.5-7.5).  Test your soil and adjust pH with lime or sulfur if needed.  Add organic matter like compost for better fertility and drainage.  Deep till (10-12 inches) to loosen the soil for root growth, use a rototiller or spade.  Create furrows 1-2 inches deep, spaced 2-4 feet apart for row planting.  Water the area thoroughly a few days before planting.  Lightly rake the soil surface for a smooth planting bed.  Add balanced fertilizer as per package instructions.  Use black plastic mulch to warm the soil and suppress weeds.  For raised beds, ensure they are at least 12 inches deep with a well-draining soil mix.     Sowing    Fill your seedling trays or pots with excellent quality seedling compost.  Aim for spacing of Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato Seeds about 2-3 cm (about 1.18 in) apart & lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. This should be about 0.5 cm (about 0.2 in) thick.   Cover the Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato seedlings with transparent plastic wrap or a humidity dome to maintain moisture.  When the Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato seedlings have emerged and developed their first true leaves, it is time to thin them out. This means removing weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. Use scissors to snip off the weaker seedlings at the base.  Continue to care for your tomato seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. This will be around 6-8 weeks (about 2 months) after sowing, depending on the variety and your climate.   Transplanting:     Dig planting holes: Dig holes slightly deeper and wider than the containers your seedlings are currently in. Space the holes according to the recommended spacing for Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato variety, usually 18-24 inches apart.  Removing seedlings: Gently remove the seedlings from their containers. Use a spoon or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots if necessary.  Planting: Carefully place each seedling in a prepared hole, burying it slightly deeper than it was in its container. This encourages strong root development.  Watering: Water each seedling deeply immediately after planting. Continue to water regularly, especially during dry periods.  Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your plants. This helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Varieties:  Determinate tomatoes: These compact plants typically grow 3-5 feet tall and can be spaced closer together than indeterminate varieties. Aim for 2-3 feet apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.  Indeterminate tomatoes: These vining plants can grow 6-12 feet tall and require more space to sprawl. Space them 3-4 feet apart within rows and 4-5 feet between rows.  Cherry tomatoes: These small-fruited plants can be planted closer together than larger-fruited tomatoes. Aim for 18-24 inches apart within rows and 3-4 feet between rows.   Harvesting:    Ripeness: Harvest Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato when they are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch. Avoid picking green tomatoes, as they will not ripen properly.  Timing: Harvest Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato in the cool morning hours to avoid sun damage.  Methods: Use sharp pruning shears or a knife to remove the tomatoes from the vine. Leave a small stem attached to help prevent rot.  Frequency: Pick tomatoes regularly to encourage further fruit production.  Storage:    Light: Keep Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato out of direct sunlight, avoid storing them in the refrigerator.  Store Nunhems US 1143 Hybrid Tomato at room temperature (60-70°F) for the best flavor.  Duration: Ripe tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 3-5 days. If you have a surplus, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Green tomatoes: If you have a late frost and your Tomato are still green, you can harvest them and ripen them indoors. Place them in a paper bag at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Check them regularly and remove any that are soft or rotten. Green tomatoes will typically ripen within 1-2 weeks. 

    Rs. 880.00

  • Nunhems Us 6214 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex Nunhems Us 6214 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Us 6214 Bitter Gourd Seeds - Pack of 250 Seeds

    Specifications: Excellent vine vigor with good crop longevity Dark green, attractive, glossy, medium long size fruits Fruits are suitable for long distance shipping Average fruit length is 16 to 20 cm

    Rs. 520.00 - Rs. 970.00

  • Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 is an F1 hybrid sweet pepper variety that is known for its early maturity, high yield, and good quality fruits. It is a semi-erect plant that produces blocky, green fruits that turn dark green when ripe. The fruits are shiny and firm, making them good for transporting. They have a thick flesh and a mild, sweet flavor. Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 is a good choice for both commercial and home growers. It is resistant to a number of diseases, including powdery mildew and fusarium wilt. It is also tolerant of heat and drought, making it a good choice for growing in warm climates. Here are some of the key features of Nunhems Capsicum US 1147: Early maturity: Fruits are ready to harvest 55-60 days after transplanting. High yield: Plants produce a heavy crop of fruits. Good quality fruits: Fruits are blocky, green, and shiny. They have a thick flesh and a mild, sweet flavor. Disease resistance: Resistant to powdery mildew and fusarium wilt. Heat and drought tolerance: Tolerant of heat and drought. If you are looking for an early-maturing, high-yielding, and high-quality sweet pepper variety, then Nunhems Capsicum US 1147 is a good choice. It is a versatile variety that can be grown in a variety of climates and is resistant to a number of diseases. Here are some additional tips for growing Nunhems Capsicum US 1147: Plant the seeds in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Water the plants regularly, especially during hot weather. Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer. Protect the plants from pests and diseases.

    Rs. 1,006.00

  • Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers is a hybrid cucumber variety that is known for its high yield, long shelf life, and excellent quality. They have a mild flavor and are perfect for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.  Key Features:   Compact size: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are ideal for urban gardens and small spaces. They typically grow to a length of 14-16 cm (5.5-6.3 inches), making them perfect for salads, sandwiches, and snacking.  High yield: These plants are prolific producers, known for delivering multiple pickings throughout the season.  They can withstand 3-4 more picking cycles than some competitors.  Disease resistance: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers have moderate resistance to common diseases like Corynespora cassiicola, Cladosporium cucumerinum, and Cucumber Mosaic Virus. This makes them a reliable choice for growers in both tropical and temperate climates.  Attractive appearance: Seegreen cucumbers have a deep green color and a smooth, cylindrical shape. This makes them visually appealing and perfect for markets and restaurants.  Crispness retention: These cucumbers stay crisp and fresh for longer than many other varieties, making them ideal for home cooks and grocery stores.   Benefits:   Save space: Seegreen's compact size makes them ideal for container gardening and vertical gardening systems.  Enjoy fresh cucumbers all season long: The high yield and multiple picking cycles ensure a steady supply of fresh cucumbers throughout the growing season.  Reduce pesticide use: Disease resistance helps to reduce the need for chemical pesticides.  Boost your profits: The attractive appearance and long shelf life make Seegreen cucumbers a popular choice for markets and restaurants, potentially increasing profits for growers.  Enjoy delicious flavor: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are known for their crisp texture and refreshing flavor, making them a perfect addition to any salad or dish.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Nunhems Seegreen seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep—place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Seegreen seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

    Rs. 7,440.00

  • Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems US 800 Cucumber is a hybrid cucumber variety that is known for its high yield, long shelf life, and excellent quality. It is a light green cucumber with smooth skin and tender flesh. The fruits are about 14-16 centimeters (about 6.3 in) long and 3.5-4 centimeters (about 1.57 in) wide. They have a mild flavor and are perfect for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.  Benefits:   Disease Resistance and Adaptability:  Robust and Resilient: Thrives in diverse climates and soil conditions, perfect for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike.  Disease Fighter: Nunhems US 800 cucumber seeds offer intermediate resistance to powdery and downy mildew for a healthier crop.  Open Field & Polyhouse Champion: Performs well in both indoor and outdoor settings, offering growing flexibility.  Flavor and Culinary Versatility:  Mildly Sweet Delight: Crisp and refreshing taste that elevates salads, sandwiches, and crudités.  Culinary All-Star: Ideal for fresh eating, pickling, and even juicing.  Seedless Convenience: Enjoy cucumbers with minimal waste and easier preparation.  Key Features:   High Yield and Market Perfection:  Prolific Producer: Expect harvests of 14-16 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide cucumbers, with 2-3 fruits per node on the main stem.  Fast Maturing: Ready to pick in just 55-60 days, maximizing your growing season.  Flawless Appearance: Light green, smooth skin and tender flesh make US 800 a supermarket star.  Long Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for extended periods, reducing waste and increasing profit.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems US 800 cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems US 800 cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems US 800 cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems US 800 seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems US 800 cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems US 800 cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems US 800 cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems US 800 cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

    Rs. 630.00

  • Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS

    Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds is a parthenocarpic beit alpha hybrid seeds perfect for both open fields and greenhouses. This high-yielding variety will have you slicing up garden-fresh goodness all season long!   Benefits:  High yielding: Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds produce up to 300 fruits per plant, thanks to parthenocarpic (no pollination needed) and multi-fruiting qualities.  Fast maturing: Ready to harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), maximizing your growing season.  Reduced waste: Seedless cucumbers mean less waste and higher profits.  Extended shelf life: Maintains freshness for longer, minimizing losses and maximizing market value.  Nunhems Kian is suitable for both open fields and polyhouses, offering flexibility for various setups.  Its vigorous plant offers excellent coverage and potential for vertical gardening.  Key Features:  Parthenocarpic: Sets fruit without pollination, producing abundant harvests of 2-3 cucumbers per node.  Early Maturing: Reaches harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), maximizing your growing season and profits.  Extended Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for longer, minimizing losses and maximizing market value.  Thrives in Diverse Conditions: Performs well in both open fields and polyhouses, making it suitable for various climates and soil types.    Land Preparation:     Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.  Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.  Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.  Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.  Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.  Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds.  Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.  Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Kian cucumbers.   Sowing    When sowing the Nunhems Kian cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:  Direct Sowing:  Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.  Timing: Sow Nunhems Kian seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.  Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.  Starting Seeds Indoors:  Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.  Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.  Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.   Transplanting:     Preparing the Soil:  Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.  Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.  Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Kian cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).  Transplanting Technique:  Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.  Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.  Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.  Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.  Aftercare:  Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.  Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.  Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.  Harvesting:    Pickling Nunhems Kian cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy and the blossom end should be closed.  Slicing Nunhems Kian cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.  Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.  Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.  Avoid harvesting cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.  Storage:    Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Kian cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.  Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.  Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

    Rs. 5,401.00

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